Millisecond Forums

Keyboard version of AAT

By cwk - 3/19/2013

I suspect that this has been addressed before, but I haven't been able to find the answer in other posts. I am trying to adapt the AAT script to keyboard use. I think I have all the elements but appear to be missing something obvious. When I run the script I get the first image but no changes follow keystrokes, i.e., the picture neither increases nor decreases. 

I am including the entire script (minus instructions) in the hope that my error will be clear.


<defaults >

/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

/minimumversion = ""

/inputdevice = keyboard



/ratioA = 0.4

/ratioB = 0.5

/MinHeight = 0.1

/intertrialinterval = 300

/key_pull = 21

/key_push = 48

/pushkey = "Y"

/pullkey = "B"


<values >

/pulls = 0

/pushes = 0

/startheight_A = 0

/startheight_B = 0

/Maxheight = display.height

/selectstimulus = 0

/targetstimulus = 0


<expressions >

/ratio_changePerAssignedpixel = 1000/((values.ratioA - values.MinHeight) * values.Maxheight)


<page AAT_demo_start>


<item targets>










<picture targetstimulus>

/ items = targets

/ select = values.selectstimulus

/ position = (50%, 50%)

/ size = (100%, 100%)

/ erase = false


<shape eraser>

/ shape = rectangle

/ color = white

/ size = (100%, 100%)

/ erase = false


<list category1>

/ items = (1, 2, 3, 4)

/ replace = false


<list category2>

/ items = (5, 6, 7, 8)

/ replace = false


<trial AAT_push>

/ ontrialbegin = [values.selectstimulus = list.category1.nextvalue]

/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = values.startheight_A]

/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus]

/ validresponse = (values.key_push, values.key_pull)

/ iscorrectresponse = [(trial.AAT_push.response == values.key_push)]

/ branch = [if (trial.AAT_push.response == values.key_push) trial.decrease else trial.increase]


<trial AAT_pull>

/ ontrialbegin = [values.selectstimulus = list.category2.nextvalue]

/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = values.startheight_A]

/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus]

/ validresponse = (values.key_push, values.key_pull)

/ iscorrectresponse = [(trial.AAT_pull.response == values.key_pull)]

/ branch = [if (trial.AAT_pull.response == values.key_pull) trial.increase else trial.decrease]


<trial InterTrialInterval>

/ ontrialbegin = [values.pushes = 0; values.pulls = 0]

/ stimulusframes = [1 = eraser]

/ timeout = values.intertrialinterval


<trial decrease>

/ontrialbegin = [values.pushes +=1]

/ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height - ((values.pushes*250)/expressions.ratio_changeperassignedpixel)]

/stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, targetstimulus]

/validresponse = (values.key_push, values.key_pull)

/ontrialend = [trial.decrease.resetstimulusframes()]

/branch = [if (values.pushes >= 4) 


/branch = [if (values.pushes < 4 && (trial.decrease.response == values.key_push)) 


/branch = [if (trial.decrease.response == values.key_pull) 

            {values.pushes -=1; trial.increase}]


<trial increase>

/ontrialbegin = [values.pulls +=1]

/ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height + ((values.pulls*250)/expressions.ratio_changeperassignedpixel)]

/stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus]

/validresponse = (values.key_pull, values.key_push)

/ontrialend = [trial.increase.resetstimulusframes()]

/branch = [if (values.pulls >= 4) 


/branch = [if (values.pulls < 4 && (trial.increase.response == values.key_pull)) 


/branch = [if (trial.increase.response == values.key_push) 

            {values.pulls -=1; trial.decrease}]


<block AAT_demo>

/ preinstructions = (AAT_demo_start)

/ trials = [1-8 = random(AAT_push,AAT_pull)]



/ onexptbegin = [values.startheight_A = values.ratioA*display.height]

/ onexptbegin = [values.startheight_B = values.ratioB*display.height]

/ blocks = [1 = AAT_demo]

/ recorddata = false


By Dave - 3/19/2013

/ validresponse = (values.key_push, values.key_pull)

The /validresponse attribute can't be used like that. You either need to use /isvalidresponse (with proper syntax) instead, or supply the scancodes.

By cwk - 3/19/2013

Thank you very much Dave!