Millisecond Forums

Label location of radiobutton options

By commuagent - 4/2/2013

In the horizontal radiobutton options, usually the first label of options is located in the right of the first option. Is possible the first label located in the left of the first option, thus more fit with our reading habits? For example, "stronely agree 5 4 3 2 1 strongly disagree" rather than "5 stronely agree 4 3 2 1 strongly disagree". Thanks so much!

By Dave - 4/2/2013

No. You would have to omit labels entirely from the <radiobuttons> /options and use separately positioned <caption> elements to display them at the desired locations.

By commuagent - 4/2/2013

Dear Dave, thanks so much for your quick reply! Do you mean I need omit the labels firstly and then use separate caption located above the number option? This kind of display looks like a real paper-back questionnaire, right? Thanks again!

By Dave - 4/2/2013

Yes, something like that. You can find an example for something similar at e.g.

By commuagent - 4/2/2013

Sounds wonderful. I am trying. Many  thanks, Dave!