Millisecond Forums

entering response by pressing 'ENTER' on openended trialsop

By Marina - 11/13/2013


I am trying to program and Add-3 task where participants will see a string of 4 digits, have to add 3 to each digit, and then enter their response. I am using the openended trial for this, but want the participant to press 'ENTER' to enter their response (rather than using a mouse) because there will be many trials and I need it to go rapidly. If possible, I would also like to remove the button altogether. I have not been able to find a way to do that, and when I disable the mouse, even 'CTRL+RETURN' (which should work according to the Inquisit manual) does not work.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you,


By Dave - 11/13/2013

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10=myopenended]

<openended myopenended>
/ inputdevice = keyboard

will accept both ENTER as well as CTRL+ENTER as far as I can tell from testing on my system. So could you please be more specific about your setup / post the relevant portions of code?

There is no way to get rid of the button, though.

By Marina - 1/3/2014

Hi Dave,
What you suggested worked well on my system, but now I just put the script online (, and it's no longer working. Any suggestions?

Here are the relevant portions of the code:

<openended practice_add3> 
/ stimulustimes = [0 = signal; 1000 = eraser; 1100 = digit1; 2000 = eraser; 2100 = digit2; 3000 = eraser; 3100 = digit3; 
                  4000 = eraser; 4100 = digit4; 5000 = eraser, response]
/ mask = positiveinteger
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ charlimit = 4
/ size = (15%, 2.5%)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/iscorrectresponse = [expressions.fulladd3 == openended.practice_add3.response]
/ontrialend = [values.correctanswer = expressions.fulladd3]
/ontrialend = [if (openended.practice_add3.correct == true) values.numcorrectadd3practice = values.numcorrectadd3practice + 1]
/ buttonlabel = "Press ENTER to continue"
/ errormessage = true(error,400)
/correctmessage = true(yescorrect, 400)

<block practiceadd3>
/ preinstructions = (add3_practiceinstructions)
/onblockbegin = [values.numcorrectadd1practice = 0]
/trials = [1-5 = practice_add3; 6=morepracticeadd3]
/ branch = [if (trial.morepracticeadd3.correct == 0) block.practiceadd3] 
By Dave - 1/3/2014

Unfortunately there are a number of known issues w/ keyboard response submission in <openended> elements in the current Inquisit release version (4.0.4 at the time of writing). Only CTRL+ENTER will work reliably at present.