Millisecond Forums

User Account Transition Notice

By seandr - 12/22/2014

Millisecond Security Improvements

In an effort to modernize security and comply with various standards such as HIPPA, Millisecond is transitioning from shared account logins to unique logins for each user of an account.

Going forward, your account will continue to exist and function just as it did before. Data collection will not be interrupted. To access the account, you will login with your own unique credentials using your email address as your userid. From within your account, you can add/invite new users as needed. The new system eliminates the need to share passwords among users.

As of Saturday, Dec 27th, 2014, when you login with your existing account credentials, you will be prompted to set up a your user account. Setting up your user account is simple:
1) Login with your old account credentials
2) Specify the email address for your user account
3) Verify the email address
4) Specify the password for your user account
5) Done. You can now use your account just as before.

More information about the new account system is available on our web site.

We've worked hard to make this transition as smooth as possible. Please email questions or concerns to

The Millisecond Team

Millisecond Software
1508 E Prospect St
Seattle, WA 98112-3304
PHONE/FAX: US 1-800-789-9710, UK +44 20 3300 0131