Millisecond Forums

Creating two buttonlabels

By Pooky - 3/30/2016

I have some Problems concerning the finishing of my Experiment. in fact i don't even know if it's possible to create the Experiment the way I intended... I have got an openended element looking like this:

<openended textfeldstatements>

know i would like to Change this a bit so that there are two buttonlables. One saying "delete" and the other "save". This doesn't work until now... In Addition it wuold be great if either the save or the delete button (depending on the condition) could be visible, but participants should only be able to press one of the Buttons.
is the any way to create a page like this?

Thank you a lot!

By Dave - 3/30/2016

> is the any way to create a page like this?

No, it's not possible, I'm afraid.