Millisecond Forums

insert picture in a welcoming page

By L.Andreea - 6/21/2016

I am using the script from AgeIAT and I am trying to have a welcoming page with both text and pictures. I created a welcoming page and introduced it as a /preinstructions=(welcome) in the first block.  How can I insert a picture? 

<page welcome>
Welcome ....
<block targetcompatiblepractice>
/ bgstim = (targetAleft, targetBright)
/ trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(targetAleft, targetBright)]
/ preinstructions = (welcome)
/ errormessage = true(error,200)
/ responsemode = correct
By Dave - 6/22/2016

This is not possible using <page> elements. You can create a HTML file that contains the image and welcome instructions and use <htmlpage> instead.
By L.Andreea - 6/29/2016

Thank you! It works now with the <htmlpage>