Millisecond Forums

Presenting Pictures Without Replacement Throughout Experiment

By AliciaShen - 1/3/2018

Dear Supreme Beings of Inquisit:

For one of my experiment, I have several survey pages. On each page there are two faces, and participants indicate their preference between each pair of faces using a radiobutton. I want to make it so that pictures that have appeared earlier in the experiment will never appear again later in the experiment.

I have been using the "picture" element, with the "/ resetinterval=0" option. However, I've been trying to switch to using the "image" element (with "pictures", image will disappear if participants click on the next button before making a choice), however, "image" element does not work with "/ resetinterval=0". I wonder if there are other control structures in Inquisit that allows us to do this?

Here are chunks of the code that might be relevant, I'm using Inquisit 5 on mac:

###Define item picture set 1

<item pairs30_40_M_1>
/  1 = "FL_M_D_Kerner.jpg"
/  2 = "MI_M_R_Chatfiled.jpg"
/  3 = "NM_M_R_Pirtle.jpg"
/  4 = "FL_M_R_Hutson.jpg"
/  5 = "OH_M_D_Barton.jpg"
/  6 = "FL_M_D_McGhee.jpeg"
/  7 = "ID_M_R_Chaney.jpg"

<picture pairs30_40_m_r>
/ position = (85, 25)
/ size = (30%,30%)
/ items = pairs30_40_M_1
/ resetinterval=0

###Define item picture set 2

<item pairs40_50_M_2>
/  1 = "PA_M_R_McIlhinney.jpg"
/  2 = "NV_M_R_hammond.jpg"
/  3 = "CA_M_D_Bloom.jpg"
/  4 = "FL_M_D_clemens.jpg"
/  5 = "ID_M_R_Crane.jpg"
/  6 = "IOWA_M_D_Danielson.jpg"

<picture pairs40_50_m_r>
/ position = (85, 25)
/ size = (30%,30%)
/ items = pairs40_50_M_2
/ resetinterval=0

###Define Radiobutton
<radiobuttons paired1>
/ caption=""
/ options=("Vote for the candidate on the left      ","Vote for the candidate on the right")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2")
/ orientation = horizontal
/ position = (10,88)
/ size = (1500,1500)
/ required=true

###Defining Survey Pages

<surveypage m_4050_3040_1>
/ stimulusframes = [1= noreplacenorepeat(pairs30_40_m_l);2= noreplacenorepeat(pairs40_50_m_r) ; 3 = noreplacenorepeat(malenames_right); 4 = noreplacenorepeat(malenames_left); 5 = noreplacenorepeat(address_left); 6 = noreplacenorepeat(address_right); 7= noreplacenorepeat(occupation_right); 8 = noreplacenorepeat(occupation_left); 9 = noreplacenorepeat(statement_left);10 = noreplacenorepeat(statement_right)]
/ caption = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", -16, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=paired1]
/ nextbuttonposition = (90, 90) 
/ finishlabel = "Next"
/ showpagenumbers = false 
/ showquestionnumbers = false 

###Defining Survey

<survey survey>
/ pages = [1-20=noreplacenorepeat(
/ showbackbutton = false
/ responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ nextbuttonposition = (80%,90%)
/ itemspacing = 1%
/ screencolor = white
/ finishlabel = "Next"

Many thanks!