Millisecond Forums

Next button: change fontsize

By Bibliophelia - 7/4/2018

Hi there,

I anticipate having a lot of questions in the next few months. Apologies! I am new to coding experiments.

I am having issues adjusting the size of the font for the "Next" button. I have been able to change the button position with nextbuttonposition and the size of the button box with navigationbuttonsize. However, no matter whether I try to use pixels, points, or percentages, and no matter what font I choose, I cannot seem to change the style and size of the font for the "Next" button. I have tried doing this for survey as well as for an individual surveypage, with no luck.

Currently, the end of my code looks like this (everything else works):

<survey fppi>
/ navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Verdana", 20pt, true)
/ navigationbuttonsize = (250px, 50px)
/ showbackbutton=false
/ nextbuttonposition = (70%, 90%)
/ pages = [1=fppi1; 2=fppi2; 3=fppi3; 4=fppi4; 5=fppi5; 6=fppi6]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", 12pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", 12pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = 3%
/ showpagenumbers = false

Any pointers? Thank you so so much for your support! I appreciate it!
By Dave - 7/4/2018

Bibliophelia - Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Hi there,

I anticipate having a lot of questions in the next few months. Apologies! I am new to coding experiments.

I am having issues adjusting the size of the font for the "Next" button. I have been able to change the button position with nextbuttonposition and the size of the button box with navigationbuttonsize. However, no matter whether I try to use pixels, points, or percentages, and no matter what font I choose, I cannot seem to change the style and size of the font for the "Next" button. I have tried doing this for survey as well as for an individual surveypage, with no luck.

Currently, the end of my code looks like this (everything else works):

<survey fppi>
/ navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Verdana", 20pt, true)
/ navigationbuttonsize = (250px, 50px)
/ showbackbutton=false
/ nextbuttonposition = (70%, 90%)
/ pages = [1=fppi1; 2=fppi2; 3=fppi3; 4=fppi4; 5=fppi5; 6=fppi6]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", 12pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", 12pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = 3%
/ showpagenumbers = false

Any pointers? Thank you so so much for your support! I appreciate it!

No problems with that code, and it's working as expected for me:

Since I obviously don't have the rest of your script, the full code that produced the above result is:

<survey fppi>
/ navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Verdana", 20pt, true)
/ navigationbuttonsize = (250px, 50px)
/ showbackbutton=false
/ nextbuttonposition = (70%, 90%)
/ pages = [1=fppi1; 2=fppi2; 3=fppi3; 4=fppi4; 5=fppi5; 6=fppi6]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", 12pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", 12pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = 3%
/ showpagenumbers = false

<surveypage fppi1>
/ caption = "placeholder for fppi1"

<surveypage fppi2>
/ caption = "placeholder for fppi2"

<surveypage fppi3>
/ caption = "placeholder for fppi3"

<surveypage fppi4>
/ caption = "placeholder for fppi4"

<surveypage fppi5>
/ caption = "placeholder for fppi5"

<surveypage fppi6>
/ caption = "placeholder for fppi6"

Run under the latest Inquisit 4 version, but tested and working under the latest Inquisit 5 version as well.