Millisecond Forums

basing input device on a previous selection from drop down menu

By tecnika - 8/20/2018

Hello, would it be possible to change the input device of the trials of the experiments on the basis of response given in the first trial?
I am trying to make an experiment in a way that can be used for multiple cases.

For example if a participant select mouse or dragdrop, is it possible to change the input device (e.g. using a variable instead of "mouse" or "dropdown")? I have trying using values but it doesn't seem to like it

Thank you for all your help,

By Dave - 8/21/2018

tecnika - Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Hello, would it be possible to change the input device of the trials of the experiments on the basis of response given in the first trial?
I am trying to make an experiment in a way that can be used for multiple cases.

For example if a participant select mouse or dragdrop, is it possible to change the input device (e.g. using a variable instead of "mouse" or "dropdown")? I have trying using values but it doesn't seem to like it

Thank you for all your help,


No, I'm afraid there is no easy or good way to do that. Changing the input device will usually require multiple changes throughout the code which can't be handled through values. What you can do is set up different sets of <block>s and <trial>s in your script -- e.g. one set dealing with mouse as inputdevice, another set configured to use dragdrop, etc. -- and then /branch to the applicable block based on the selection in a dropdown (or instead /skip the <block>s that do NOT apply, i.e. use a different input device than the one selected).

Another option would be to have separate scripts -- one configured for mouse input, one for dragdrop, etc. -- and then allow participants to select which script they want to run per a small selection script (containing the dropdown) and some <batch> paramaters:
By tecnika - 8/21/2018

Dave - Tuesday, August 21, 2018
tecnika - Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Hello, would it be possible to change the input device of the trials of the experiments on the basis of response given in the first trial?
I am trying to make an experiment in a way that can be used for multiple cases.

For example if a participant select mouse or dragdrop, is it possible to change the input device (e.g. using a variable instead of "mouse" or "dropdown")? I have trying using values but it doesn't seem to like it

Thank you for all your help,


No, I'm afraid there is no easy or good way to do that. Changing the input device will usually require multiple changes throughout the code which can't be handled through values. What you can do is set up different sets of <block>s and <trial>s in your script -- e.g. one set dealing with mouse as inputdevice, another set configured to use dragdrop, etc. -- and then /branch to the applicable block based on the selection in a dropdown (or instead /skip the <block>s that do NOT apply, i.e. use a different input device than the one selected).

Another option would be to have separate scripts -- one configured for mouse input, one for dragdrop, etc. -- and then allow participants to select which script they want to run per a small selection script (containing the dropdown) and some <batch> paramaters:

Thank you Dave, this is was I thought.

Best wishes,
