Millisecond Forums

Inquisit Web does not showing pictures

By Michal_O - 11/26/2018

I created an experiment a couple of months ago to use on Inquisit Web. I decided to run it again, but after updating the Inquisit Player (from 50110 to 50130) it stopped to show pictures... Here, you can find the experiment:  on pages 3 and 4 there should be images, but it shows numbers instead (2 & 3).

What should I do to have everything work again? 
By Dave - 11/26/2018

Michal_O - Tuesday, November 27, 2018
I created an experiment a couple of months ago to use on Inquisit Web. I decided to run it again, but after updating the Inquisit Player (from 50110 to 50130) it stopped to show pictures... Here, you can find the experiment:  on pages 3 and 4 there should be images, but it shows numbers instead (2 & 3).

What should I do to have everything work again? 

Make sure you have a suitable /imagesize defined for the respective <image> elements, i.e. something like

<image A>
/items =("story1_en.png")
/ position = (2,1)
/ imagesize = (80%, 80%)

<image B>
/items =("story1a_en.png")
/ position = (2,1)
/ imagesize = (80%, 80%)

That should do the trick.