Millisecond Forums

How to insert audiovisual feedback to Iowa Gambling Task script

By SabRV - 2/17/2019

Hi everyone!

I'm quite new to inquisit and still learning the in's and outs so bear with me please :)
I want to add audio and visual feedack to the Iowa Gambling Task script and found already a post hear about this but still couldnt really solve my problem, so here goes:
What do I have to add to the script so that the happy Smiley appears whenever someone gained money and the sad smiley appears whenever someone lost some money?
Same goes for the audio file: I want to let the Bigwin sound come on whenever someone clicked on the disadvantageous decks (deck 1 and 2) and the win sound whenever someone clicked on decks 3 and 4.
Now, the happy smiley and bigwin sound come on no matter on which deck i click. I bet this has to do with the if command but I have no clue what else to do here. Do i have to insert another command somewhere? It is apparently not enough to just insert the stimuli into the <trial igt> block..
I appreciatie any kind of help!

Thanks in advance!!



last updated: 08-15-2012

updated for Inquisit 4.0 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC
This sample script shows how to implement the Iowa Gambling Task as described in:

Bechara A., Damasio A. R., Damasio H., Anderson S. W. (1994).
Insensitivity to future consequences following damage to human prefrontal cortex. Cognition, 50, 7-15 .
requires Inquisit

/ minimumversion = ""
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

editable parameters: can be edited by experimenter
currenttotal:the amount of money currently owned
startamount (default) = 2000

/ currenttotal = 2000

the remaining parameters are updated automatically during runtime
previoustotal:the previous amount of money owned
cardselected:adds the number of cards selected
gain:stores the trial's gain depending on choice
loss:stores the trial's loss depending on choice
groupnumber:the groupnumber (1-4) the subject was randomly assigned to

/ previoustotal = 0
/ cardsselected = 0
/ gain = 0
/ loss = 0
/ groupnumber = 0
/ getlossdeck1 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1250)
/ getlossdeck2 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
/ getlossdeck3 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50)
/ getlossdeck4 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 250)


raw data
/file = "IowaGamblingTask_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date, time, subject, values.cardsselected, values.groupnumber, response, latency,
values.gain, values.loss, values.currenttotal]
/separatefiles = true
/ file = "C:\Users\Rintveld onderzoek\Documents\Genetisch onderzoek\Data\VOLWASSENEN\VOLWASSENEN IGT"

summary data
<summarydata >
/file = "IowaGamblingTask_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, values.groupnumber, values.currenttotal]


NOTE: instructions can be changed here:

<item instructions>
/ 1 = "Bij deze taak, wordt u herhaaldelijk gevraagd een kaart te selecteren van een van de vier stapels hierboven. U selecteert een kaart door met de muis op een van de stapels te klikken.

Bij elke kaart kunt u geld winnen maar ook geld verliezen. Sommige stapels leveren meer winst op dan andere. Probeer kaarten te kiezen van de stapel die het meeste opleveren zodat uw totale winstbedrag zo hoog mogelijk zal zijn.

U krijgt <% block.igt.trialscount%> kansen om een kaart te selecteren van het stapeltje waarvan u denkt dat u de hoogste winst zal opleveren. Uw totale opbrengst en het aantal geselecteerde kaarten zal getoond worden op het scherm.

U begint met € <%values.currenttotal%>. Klik op ~"Start~" om te beginnen."
/ 2 = "Selecteer een kaart"

<text igtinstructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = 1
/ position = (50%, 60%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ size = (80%, 30%)
/ hjustify = left
/ valign = top

<trial instructions>
/ stimulusframes = [1=igt, deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, deck1label, deck2label, deck3label, deck4label, igtinstructions, start]
/ validresponse = (start)
/ recorddata = false

<block instructions>
/ trials = [1=instructions]

<text start>
/ items = ("Start")
/ position = (50%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = blue

<text continue>
/ items = ("Verder")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = blue

<text gain>
/ items = ("U heeft € <% values.gain%> gewonnen")
/ position = (20%, 51%)
/ valign = top
/ txcolor = green

<text loss>
/ items = ("U heeft € <% values.loss%> verloren")
/ position = (20%, 55%)
/ valign = top
/ txcolor = red

<text previoustotal>
/ items = (" Vorig totaal: € <% values.previoustotal %> ")
/ position = (50%, 18%)
/ erase = false

<text currenttotal>
/ items = (" Huidig totaal: € <% values.currenttotal %> ")
/ position = (50%, 22%)
/ erase = false

<text igt>
/ items = ("Iowa Gambling Test")
/ position = (50%, 10%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/ erase = false

<text selectinstructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = 2
/ position = (50%, 65%)

<picture deck1>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (20%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck1label>
/ items = ("1")
/ position = (20%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck2>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (40%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck2label>
/ items = ("2")
/ position = (40%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck3>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (60%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck3label>
/ items = ("3")
/ position = (60%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck4>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck4label>
/ items = ("4")
/ position = (80%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deckon>
/ items = ("deckon.jpg")
/ erase = false

<picture happysmiley>
/ items = ("happysmiley.png")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<picture sadsmiley>
/ items = ("sadsmiley.png")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<sound Bigwin>
/ items = ("Bigwin.mp3")

<sound Win>
/ items = ("Win.mp3")
<trial igt>
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.deck1.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck2.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck3.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck4.item.1 = "deck.jpg";]
/ stimulusframes = [1=deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, deck1label, deck2label, deck3label, deck4label, selectinstructions]
/ validresponse = (deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4)
/ branch = [if (true) trial.igtfeedback]
/ ontrialend = [values.cardsselected += 1]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck1") {picture.deck1.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Bigwin.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck1.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck1.hposition; values.gain=100; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck1; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck2") {picture.deck2.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Bigwin.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck2.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck2.hposition; values.gain=100; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck2; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck3") {picture.deck3.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.sadsmiley.item.1 = "sadsmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Win.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck3.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck3.hposition; values.gain=50; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck3; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck4") {picture.deck4.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Win.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck4.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck4.hposition; values.gain=50; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck4; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]

<trial igtfeedback>
/ stimulusframes = [1=deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, gain, loss, bigwin, win, previoustotal, currenttotal, continue]
/ validresponse = (continue)
/ recorddata = false

<block igt>
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 1) { picture.deck1.hposition = 20%; picture.deck2.hposition = 40%; picture.deck3.hposition = 60%; picture.deck4.hposition = 80%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 2) { picture.deck1.hposition = 40%; picture.deck2.hposition = 80%; picture.deck3.hposition = 20%; picture.deck4.hposition = 60%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 3) { picture.deck1.hposition = 80%; picture.deck2.hposition = 60%; picture.deck3.hposition = 40%; picture.deck4.hposition = 20%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 4) { picture.deck1.hposition = 60%; picture.deck2.hposition = 20%; picture.deck3.hposition = 80%; picture.deck4.hposition = 40%;}]
/ trials = [1-100 = igt]
<expt main>
/ onexptbegin = [values.groupnumber = random(1, 2, 3, 4)]
/ blocks = [1=instructions; 2=igt]

End of Script

By Dave - 2/18/2019

SabRV - Monday, February 18, 2019
Hi everyone!

I'm quite new to inquisit and still learning the in's and outs so bear with me please :)
I want to add audio and visual feedack to the Iowa Gambling Task script and found already a post hear about this but still couldnt really solve my problem, so here goes:
What do I have to add to the script so that the happy Smiley appears whenever someone gained money and the sad smiley appears whenever someone lost some money?
Same goes for the audio file: I want to let the Bigwin sound come on whenever someone clicked on the disadvantageous decks (deck 1 and 2) and the win sound whenever someone clicked on decks 3 and 4.
Now, the happy smiley and bigwin sound come on no matter on which deck i click. I bet this has to do with the if command but I have no clue what else to do here. Do i have to insert another command somewhere? It is apparently not enough to just insert the stimuli into the <trial igt> block..
I appreciatie any kind of help!

Thanks in advance!!



last updated: 08-15-2012

updated for Inquisit 4.0 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC
This sample script shows how to implement the Iowa Gambling Task as described in:

Bechara A., Damasio A. R., Damasio H., Anderson S. W. (1994).
Insensitivity to future consequences following damage to human prefrontal cortex. Cognition, 50, 7-15 .
requires Inquisit

/ minimumversion = ""
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

editable parameters: can be edited by experimenter
currenttotal:the amount of money currently owned
startamount (default) = 2000

/ currenttotal = 2000

the remaining parameters are updated automatically during runtime
previoustotal:the previous amount of money owned
cardselected:adds the number of cards selected
gain:stores the trial's gain depending on choice
loss:stores the trial's loss depending on choice
groupnumber:the groupnumber (1-4) the subject was randomly assigned to

/ previoustotal = 0
/ cardsselected = 0
/ gain = 0
/ loss = 0
/ groupnumber = 0
/ getlossdeck1 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1250)
/ getlossdeck2 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
/ getlossdeck3 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50)
/ getlossdeck4 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 250)


raw data
/file = "IowaGamblingTask_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date, time, subject, values.cardsselected, values.groupnumber, response, latency,
values.gain, values.loss, values.currenttotal]
/separatefiles = true
/ file = "C:\Users\Rintveld onderzoek\Documents\Genetisch onderzoek\Data\VOLWASSENEN\VOLWASSENEN IGT"

summary data
<summarydata >
/file = "IowaGamblingTask_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, values.groupnumber, values.currenttotal]


NOTE: instructions can be changed here:

<item instructions>
/ 1 = "Bij deze taak, wordt u herhaaldelijk gevraagd een kaart te selecteren van een van de vier stapels hierboven. U selecteert een kaart door met de muis op een van de stapels te klikken.

Bij elke kaart kunt u geld winnen maar ook geld verliezen. Sommige stapels leveren meer winst op dan andere. Probeer kaarten te kiezen van de stapel die het meeste opleveren zodat uw totale winstbedrag zo hoog mogelijk zal zijn.

U krijgt <% block.igt.trialscount%> kansen om een kaart te selecteren van het stapeltje waarvan u denkt dat u de hoogste winst zal opleveren. Uw totale opbrengst en het aantal geselecteerde kaarten zal getoond worden op het scherm.

U begint met € <%values.currenttotal%>. Klik op ~"Start~" om te beginnen."
/ 2 = "Selecteer een kaart"

<text igtinstructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = 1
/ position = (50%, 60%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ size = (80%, 30%)
/ hjustify = left
/ valign = top

<trial instructions>
/ stimulusframes = [1=igt, deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, deck1label, deck2label, deck3label, deck4label, igtinstructions, start]
/ validresponse = (start)
/ recorddata = false

<block instructions>
/ trials = [1=instructions]

<text start>
/ items = ("Start")
/ position = (50%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = blue

<text continue>
/ items = ("Verder")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = blue

<text gain>
/ items = ("U heeft € <% values.gain%> gewonnen")
/ position = (20%, 51%)
/ valign = top
/ txcolor = green

<text loss>
/ items = ("U heeft € <% values.loss%> verloren")
/ position = (20%, 55%)
/ valign = top
/ txcolor = red

<text previoustotal>
/ items = (" Vorig totaal: € <% values.previoustotal %> ")
/ position = (50%, 18%)
/ erase = false

<text currenttotal>
/ items = (" Huidig totaal: € <% values.currenttotal %> ")
/ position = (50%, 22%)
/ erase = false

<text igt>
/ items = ("Iowa Gambling Test")
/ position = (50%, 10%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/ erase = false

<text selectinstructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = 2
/ position = (50%, 65%)

<picture deck1>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (20%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck1label>
/ items = ("1")
/ position = (20%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck2>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (40%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck2label>
/ items = ("2")
/ position = (40%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck3>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (60%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck3label>
/ items = ("3")
/ position = (60%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck4>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck4label>
/ items = ("4")
/ position = (80%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deckon>
/ items = ("deckon.jpg")
/ erase = false

<picture happysmiley>
/ items = ("happysmiley.png")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<picture sadsmiley>
/ items = ("sadsmiley.png")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<sound Bigwin>
/ items = ("Bigwin.mp3")

<sound Win>
/ items = ("Win.mp3")
<trial igt>
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.deck1.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck2.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck3.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck4.item.1 = "deck.jpg";]
/ stimulusframes = [1=deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, deck1label, deck2label, deck3label, deck4label, selectinstructions]
/ validresponse = (deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4)
/ branch = [if (true) trial.igtfeedback]
/ ontrialend = [values.cardsselected += 1]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck1") {picture.deck1.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Bigwin.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck1.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck1.hposition; values.gain=100; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck1; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck2") {picture.deck2.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Bigwin.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck2.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck2.hposition; values.gain=100; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck2; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck3") {picture.deck3.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.sadsmiley.item.1 = "sadsmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Win.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck3.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck3.hposition; values.gain=50; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck3; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck4") {picture.deck4.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Win.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck4.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck4.hposition; values.gain=50; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck4; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]

<trial igtfeedback>
/ stimulusframes = [1=deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, gain, loss, bigwin, win, previoustotal, currenttotal, continue]
/ validresponse = (continue)
/ recorddata = false

<block igt>
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 1) { picture.deck1.hposition = 20%; picture.deck2.hposition = 40%; picture.deck3.hposition = 60%; picture.deck4.hposition = 80%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 2) { picture.deck1.hposition = 40%; picture.deck2.hposition = 80%; picture.deck3.hposition = 20%; picture.deck4.hposition = 60%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 3) { picture.deck1.hposition = 80%; picture.deck2.hposition = 60%; picture.deck3.hposition = 40%; picture.deck4.hposition = 20%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 4) { picture.deck1.hposition = 60%; picture.deck2.hposition = 20%; picture.deck3.hposition = 80%; picture.deck4.hposition = 40%;}]
/ trials = [1-100 = igt]
<expt main>
/ onexptbegin = [values.groupnumber = random(1, 2, 3, 4)]
/ blocks = [1=instructions; 2=igt]

End of Script

Please don't paste entire scripts into a message's body, and particularly if your script requires external files that are not included with the original script, please make those files available.

In your case, please put everything -- the script, all images, including the smilies, as well as the audio files -- into a ZIP file and attach that ZIP to your response (click +Insert -> Add FIle...).

By Dave - 2/18/2019

Dave - Monday, February 18, 2019
SabRV - Monday, February 18, 2019
Hi everyone!

I'm quite new to inquisit and still learning the in's and outs so bear with me please :)
I want to add audio and visual feedack to the Iowa Gambling Task script and found already a post hear about this but still couldnt really solve my problem, so here goes:
What do I have to add to the script so that the happy Smiley appears whenever someone gained money and the sad smiley appears whenever someone lost some money?
Same goes for the audio file: I want to let the Bigwin sound come on whenever someone clicked on the disadvantageous decks (deck 1 and 2) and the win sound whenever someone clicked on decks 3 and 4.
Now, the happy smiley and bigwin sound come on no matter on which deck i click. I bet this has to do with the if command but I have no clue what else to do here. Do i have to insert another command somewhere? It is apparently not enough to just insert the stimuli into the <trial igt> block..
I appreciatie any kind of help!

Thanks in advance!!



last updated: 08-15-2012

updated for Inquisit 4.0 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC
This sample script shows how to implement the Iowa Gambling Task as described in:

Bechara A., Damasio A. R., Damasio H., Anderson S. W. (1994).
Insensitivity to future consequences following damage to human prefrontal cortex. Cognition, 50, 7-15 .
requires Inquisit

/ minimumversion = ""
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

editable parameters: can be edited by experimenter
currenttotal:the amount of money currently owned
startamount (default) = 2000

/ currenttotal = 2000

the remaining parameters are updated automatically during runtime
previoustotal:the previous amount of money owned
cardselected:adds the number of cards selected
gain:stores the trial's gain depending on choice
loss:stores the trial's loss depending on choice
groupnumber:the groupnumber (1-4) the subject was randomly assigned to

/ previoustotal = 0
/ cardsselected = 0
/ gain = 0
/ loss = 0
/ groupnumber = 0
/ getlossdeck1 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1250)
/ getlossdeck2 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
/ getlossdeck3 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50)
/ getlossdeck4 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 250)


raw data
/file = "IowaGamblingTask_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date, time, subject, values.cardsselected, values.groupnumber, response, latency,
values.gain, values.loss, values.currenttotal]
/separatefiles = true
/ file = "C:\Users\Rintveld onderzoek\Documents\Genetisch onderzoek\Data\VOLWASSENEN\VOLWASSENEN IGT"

summary data
<summarydata >
/file = "IowaGamblingTask_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, values.groupnumber, values.currenttotal]


NOTE: instructions can be changed here:

<item instructions>
/ 1 = "Bij deze taak, wordt u herhaaldelijk gevraagd een kaart te selecteren van een van de vier stapels hierboven. U selecteert een kaart door met de muis op een van de stapels te klikken.

Bij elke kaart kunt u geld winnen maar ook geld verliezen. Sommige stapels leveren meer winst op dan andere. Probeer kaarten te kiezen van de stapel die het meeste opleveren zodat uw totale winstbedrag zo hoog mogelijk zal zijn.

U krijgt <% block.igt.trialscount%> kansen om een kaart te selecteren van het stapeltje waarvan u denkt dat u de hoogste winst zal opleveren. Uw totale opbrengst en het aantal geselecteerde kaarten zal getoond worden op het scherm.

U begint met € <%values.currenttotal%>. Klik op ~"Start~" om te beginnen."
/ 2 = "Selecteer een kaart"

<text igtinstructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = 1
/ position = (50%, 60%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ size = (80%, 30%)
/ hjustify = left
/ valign = top

<trial instructions>
/ stimulusframes = [1=igt, deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, deck1label, deck2label, deck3label, deck4label, igtinstructions, start]
/ validresponse = (start)
/ recorddata = false

<block instructions>
/ trials = [1=instructions]

<text start>
/ items = ("Start")
/ position = (50%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = blue

<text continue>
/ items = ("Verder")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = blue

<text gain>
/ items = ("U heeft € <% values.gain%> gewonnen")
/ position = (20%, 51%)
/ valign = top
/ txcolor = green

<text loss>
/ items = ("U heeft € <% values.loss%> verloren")
/ position = (20%, 55%)
/ valign = top
/ txcolor = red

<text previoustotal>
/ items = (" Vorig totaal: € <% values.previoustotal %> ")
/ position = (50%, 18%)
/ erase = false

<text currenttotal>
/ items = (" Huidig totaal: € <% values.currenttotal %> ")
/ position = (50%, 22%)
/ erase = false

<text igt>
/ items = ("Iowa Gambling Test")
/ position = (50%, 10%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/ erase = false

<text selectinstructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = 2
/ position = (50%, 65%)

<picture deck1>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (20%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck1label>
/ items = ("1")
/ position = (20%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck2>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (40%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck2label>
/ items = ("2")
/ position = (40%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck3>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (60%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck3label>
/ items = ("3")
/ position = (60%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck4>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck4label>
/ items = ("4")
/ position = (80%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deckon>
/ items = ("deckon.jpg")
/ erase = false

<picture happysmiley>
/ items = ("happysmiley.png")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<picture sadsmiley>
/ items = ("sadsmiley.png")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<sound Bigwin>
/ items = ("Bigwin.mp3")

<sound Win>
/ items = ("Win.mp3")
<trial igt>
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.deck1.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck2.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck3.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck4.item.1 = "deck.jpg";]
/ stimulusframes = [1=deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, deck1label, deck2label, deck3label, deck4label, selectinstructions]
/ validresponse = (deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4)
/ branch = [if (true) trial.igtfeedback]
/ ontrialend = [values.cardsselected += 1]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck1") {picture.deck1.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Bigwin.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck1.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck1.hposition; values.gain=100; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck1; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck2") {picture.deck2.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Bigwin.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck2.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck2.hposition; values.gain=100; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck2; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck3") {picture.deck3.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.sadsmiley.item.1 = "sadsmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Win.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck3.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck3.hposition; values.gain=50; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck3; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck4") {picture.deck4.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Win.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck4.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck4.hposition; values.gain=50; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck4; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]

<trial igtfeedback>
/ stimulusframes = [1=deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, gain, loss, bigwin, win, previoustotal, currenttotal, continue]
/ validresponse = (continue)
/ recorddata = false

<block igt>
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 1) { picture.deck1.hposition = 20%; picture.deck2.hposition = 40%; picture.deck3.hposition = 60%; picture.deck4.hposition = 80%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 2) { picture.deck1.hposition = 40%; picture.deck2.hposition = 80%; picture.deck3.hposition = 20%; picture.deck4.hposition = 60%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 3) { picture.deck1.hposition = 80%; picture.deck2.hposition = 60%; picture.deck3.hposition = 40%; picture.deck4.hposition = 20%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 4) { picture.deck1.hposition = 60%; picture.deck2.hposition = 20%; picture.deck3.hposition = 80%; picture.deck4.hposition = 40%;}]
/ trials = [1-100 = igt]
<expt main>
/ onexptbegin = [values.groupnumber = random(1, 2, 3, 4)]
/ blocks = [1=instructions; 2=igt]

End of Script

Please don't paste entire scripts into a message's body, and particularly if your script requires external files that are not included with the original script, please make those files available.

In your case, please put everything -- the script, all images, including the smilies, as well as the audio files -- into a ZIP file and attach that ZIP to your response (click +Insert -> Add FIle...).


Okay, an example using different stimuli / sounds than you have is attached.

NB: If your audio files are in MP3 format, always use the <video> element, never <sound>. <sound> should only be used with uncompressed WAV files, nothing else.
By SabRV - 2/18/2019

Dave - Monday, February 18, 2019
Dave - Monday, February 18, 2019
SabRV - Monday, February 18, 2019
Hi everyone!

I'm quite new to inquisit and still learning the in's and outs so bear with me please :)
I want to add audio and visual feedack to the Iowa Gambling Task script and found already a post hear about this but still couldnt really solve my problem, so here goes:
What do I have to add to the script so that the happy Smiley appears whenever someone gained money and the sad smiley appears whenever someone lost some money?
Same goes for the audio file: I want to let the Bigwin sound come on whenever someone clicked on the disadvantageous decks (deck 1 and 2) and the win sound whenever someone clicked on decks 3 and 4.
Now, the happy smiley and bigwin sound come on no matter on which deck i click. I bet this has to do with the if command but I have no clue what else to do here. Do i have to insert another command somewhere? It is apparently not enough to just insert the stimuli into the <trial igt> block..
I appreciatie any kind of help!

Thanks in advance!!



last updated: 08-15-2012

updated for Inquisit 4.0 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC
This sample script shows how to implement the Iowa Gambling Task as described in:

Bechara A., Damasio A. R., Damasio H., Anderson S. W. (1994).
Insensitivity to future consequences following damage to human prefrontal cortex. Cognition, 50, 7-15 .
requires Inquisit

/ minimumversion = ""
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

editable parameters: can be edited by experimenter
currenttotal:the amount of money currently owned
startamount (default) = 2000

/ currenttotal = 2000

the remaining parameters are updated automatically during runtime
previoustotal:the previous amount of money owned
cardselected:adds the number of cards selected
gain:stores the trial's gain depending on choice
loss:stores the trial's loss depending on choice
groupnumber:the groupnumber (1-4) the subject was randomly assigned to

/ previoustotal = 0
/ cardsselected = 0
/ gain = 0
/ loss = 0
/ groupnumber = 0
/ getlossdeck1 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1250)
/ getlossdeck2 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
/ getlossdeck3 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50)
/ getlossdeck4 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 250)


raw data
/file = "IowaGamblingTask_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date, time, subject, values.cardsselected, values.groupnumber, response, latency,
values.gain, values.loss, values.currenttotal]
/separatefiles = true
/ file = "C:\Users\Rintveld onderzoek\Documents\Genetisch onderzoek\Data\VOLWASSENEN\VOLWASSENEN IGT"

summary data
<summarydata >
/file = "IowaGamblingTask_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, values.groupnumber, values.currenttotal]


NOTE: instructions can be changed here:

<item instructions>
/ 1 = "Bij deze taak, wordt u herhaaldelijk gevraagd een kaart te selecteren van een van de vier stapels hierboven. U selecteert een kaart door met de muis op een van de stapels te klikken.

Bij elke kaart kunt u geld winnen maar ook geld verliezen. Sommige stapels leveren meer winst op dan andere. Probeer kaarten te kiezen van de stapel die het meeste opleveren zodat uw totale winstbedrag zo hoog mogelijk zal zijn.

U krijgt <% block.igt.trialscount%> kansen om een kaart te selecteren van het stapeltje waarvan u denkt dat u de hoogste winst zal opleveren. Uw totale opbrengst en het aantal geselecteerde kaarten zal getoond worden op het scherm.

U begint met € <%values.currenttotal%>. Klik op ~"Start~" om te beginnen."
/ 2 = "Selecteer een kaart"

<text igtinstructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = 1
/ position = (50%, 60%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ size = (80%, 30%)
/ hjustify = left
/ valign = top

<trial instructions>
/ stimulusframes = [1=igt, deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, deck1label, deck2label, deck3label, deck4label, igtinstructions, start]
/ validresponse = (start)
/ recorddata = false

<block instructions>
/ trials = [1=instructions]

<text start>
/ items = ("Start")
/ position = (50%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = blue

<text continue>
/ items = ("Verder")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = blue

<text gain>
/ items = ("U heeft € <% values.gain%> gewonnen")
/ position = (20%, 51%)
/ valign = top
/ txcolor = green

<text loss>
/ items = ("U heeft € <% values.loss%> verloren")
/ position = (20%, 55%)
/ valign = top
/ txcolor = red

<text previoustotal>
/ items = (" Vorig totaal: € <% values.previoustotal %> ")
/ position = (50%, 18%)
/ erase = false

<text currenttotal>
/ items = (" Huidig totaal: € <% values.currenttotal %> ")
/ position = (50%, 22%)
/ erase = false

<text igt>
/ items = ("Iowa Gambling Test")
/ position = (50%, 10%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/ erase = false

<text selectinstructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = 2
/ position = (50%, 65%)

<picture deck1>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (20%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck1label>
/ items = ("1")
/ position = (20%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck2>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (40%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck2label>
/ items = ("2")
/ position = (40%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck3>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (60%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck3label>
/ items = ("3")
/ position = (60%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deck4>
/ items = ("deck.jpg")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<text deck4label>
/ items = ("4")
/ position = (80%,51%)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false

<picture deckon>
/ items = ("deckon.jpg")
/ erase = false

<picture happysmiley>
/ items = ("happysmiley.png")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<picture sadsmiley>
/ items = ("sadsmiley.png")
/ position = (80%, 50%)
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

<sound Bigwin>
/ items = ("Bigwin.mp3")

<sound Win>
/ items = ("Win.mp3")
<trial igt>
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.deck1.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck2.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck3.item.1 = "deck.jpg"; picture.deck4.item.1 = "deck.jpg";]
/ stimulusframes = [1=deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, deck1label, deck2label, deck3label, deck4label, selectinstructions]
/ validresponse = (deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4)
/ branch = [if (true) trial.igtfeedback]
/ ontrialend = [values.cardsselected += 1]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck1") {picture.deck1.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Bigwin.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck1.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck1.hposition; values.gain=100; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck1; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck2") {picture.deck2.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Bigwin.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck2.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck2.hposition; values.gain=100; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck2; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck3") {picture.deck3.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.sadsmiley.item.1 = "sadsmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Win.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck3.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck3.hposition; values.gain=50; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck3; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck4") {picture.deck4.item.1 = "deckon.jpg"; picture.happysmiley.item.1 = "happysmiley.png"; sound.bigwin.item.1="Win.mp3"; text.gain.hposition=picture.deck4.hposition; text.loss.hposition=picture.deck4.hposition; values.gain=50; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck4; values.previoustotal=values.currenttotal; values.currenttotal = values.currenttotal+values.gain-values.loss;}]

<trial igtfeedback>
/ stimulusframes = [1=deck1, deck2, deck3, deck4, gain, loss, bigwin, win, previoustotal, currenttotal, continue]
/ validresponse = (continue)
/ recorddata = false

<block igt>
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 1) { picture.deck1.hposition = 20%; picture.deck2.hposition = 40%; picture.deck3.hposition = 60%; picture.deck4.hposition = 80%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 2) { picture.deck1.hposition = 40%; picture.deck2.hposition = 80%; picture.deck3.hposition = 20%; picture.deck4.hposition = 60%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 3) { picture.deck1.hposition = 80%; picture.deck2.hposition = 60%; picture.deck3.hposition = 40%; picture.deck4.hposition = 20%;}]
/ onblockbegin = [if ( values.groupnumber == 4) { picture.deck1.hposition = 60%; picture.deck2.hposition = 20%; picture.deck3.hposition = 80%; picture.deck4.hposition = 40%;}]
/ trials = [1-100 = igt]
<expt main>
/ onexptbegin = [values.groupnumber = random(1, 2, 3, 4)]
/ blocks = [1=instructions; 2=igt]

End of Script

Please don't paste entire scripts into a message's body, and particularly if your script requires external files that are not included with the original script, please make those files available.

In your case, please put everything -- the script, all images, including the smilies, as well as the audio files -- into a ZIP file and attach that ZIP to your response (click +Insert -> Add FIle...).


Okay, an example using different stimuli / sounds than you have is attached.

NB: If your audio files are in MP3 format, always use the <video> element, never <sound>. <sound> should only be used with uncompressed WAV files, nothing else.

Awesome, thank you so much!!
And sorry for posting the entire script without the external files, makes total sense!

And also thanks for the tip with the video sounds :)