Millisecond Forums

Limit experiment and randomly choose trials

By Tamara - 5/5/2020

Dear Inquisit-Team,
We need a little help with our experiment. In our experiment, there are trials with only one sentence and trials with one sentence and an interruption (i.e. another text stimulus). During the trial, they must decide if the sentence is right or wrong.

Alltogether we have 100 sentences and 25 interruption. Inquisit choose randomly when and for which sentence it will show additionaly the interruption. At the end, participant will see for sure 5 sentences without interruption and then 95 sentences of which 25 have randomly an interruption

So far, that’s what we have. Now we want to limit the time of the experiment. So that every participant will have 3 minutes to solve the task but no matter how many sentences they will solve, during the 3 minutes they will definitily see 25 freely choosen task with an interruption (i.e. trial.stoerung). Is that possible?

Thank you very much in advance. If you have any questions, just let me know.

If it helps, here are the mainparts of the experiment:
<block testdecision>
/ preinstructions = (Test)
/ trials = [1 = Countdown; 2 - 6 = trial.beginn; 7-101 = list.auswahl]

<trial beginn>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.itemnummer=counter.testitems.selectedvalue]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen; 500=fixation; 700=blankscreen, stimulus, d_label, k_label]
/ validresponse = (32, 37)
/ responsetime = 700
/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.test.response==expressions.korrektetaste]

<trial test>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.itemnummer=counter.testitems.selectedvalue]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen; 500=fixation; 700=blankscreen, stimulus, d_label, k_label]
/ validresponse = (32, 37)
/ responsetime = 700
/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.test.response==expressions.korrektetaste]

<trial stoerung>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.itemnummer=counter.testitems.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialend = [values.textnachricht = counter.nachrichten.selectedvalue; values.marker_icon = picture.icon.currentitemnumber]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen, vsize, hsize, vposition, hposition; 500=fixation; 700=blankscreen, stimulus, d_label, k_label; 750=rahmen, Nachrichten, extrapic, textfeld, icon]
/ validresponse = (32, 37)
/ responsetime = 700
/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.test.response==expressions.korrektetaste]

<list auswahl>
/ items = [trial.test; trial.stoerung]
/ itemprobabilities = [0.7368; 0.2632]
/ poolsize = 95
/ selectionmode = random
By Dave - 5/6/2020

Tamara - 5/5/2020
Dear Inquisit-Team,
We need a little help with our experiment. In our experiment, there are trials with only one sentence and trials with one sentence and an interruption (i.e. another text stimulus). During the trial, they must decide if the sentence is right or wrong.

Alltogether we have 100 sentences and 25 interruption. Inquisit choose randomly when and for which sentence it will show additionaly the interruption. At the end, participant will see for sure 5 sentences without interruption and then 95 sentences of which 25 have randomly an interruption

So far, that’s what we have. Now we want to limit the time of the experiment. So that every participant will have 3 minutes to solve the task but no matter how many sentences they will solve, during the 3 minutes they will definitily see 25 freely choosen task with an interruption (i.e. trial.stoerung). Is that possible?

Thank you very much in advance. If you have any questions, just let me know.

If it helps, here are the mainparts of the experiment:
<block testdecision>
/ preinstructions = (Test)
/ trials = [1 = Countdown; 2 - 6 = trial.beginn; 7-101 = list.auswahl]

<trial beginn>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.itemnummer=counter.testitems.selectedvalue]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen; 500=fixation; 700=blankscreen, stimulus, d_label, k_label]
/ validresponse = (32, 37)
/ responsetime = 700
/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.test.response==expressions.korrektetaste]

<trial test>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.itemnummer=counter.testitems.selectedvalue]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen; 500=fixation; 700=blankscreen, stimulus, d_label, k_label]
/ validresponse = (32, 37)
/ responsetime = 700
/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.test.response==expressions.korrektetaste]

<trial stoerung>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.itemnummer=counter.testitems.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialend = [values.textnachricht = counter.nachrichten.selectedvalue; values.marker_icon = picture.icon.currentitemnumber]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen, vsize, hsize, vposition, hposition; 500=fixation; 700=blankscreen, stimulus, d_label, k_label; 750=rahmen, Nachrichten, extrapic, textfeld, icon]
/ validresponse = (32, 37)
/ responsetime = 700
/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.test.response==expressions.korrektetaste]

<list auswahl>
/ items = [trial.test; trial.stoerung]
/ itemprobabilities = [0.7368; 0.2632]
/ poolsize = 95
/ selectionmode = random

If you want to limit the time, specify a /timeout of 3 minutes (i.e. 180000 ms) in the <block>. I don't understand the second part of the question.

<block testdecision>
/ preinstructions = (Test)
/ trials = [1 = Countdown; 2 - 6 = trial.beginn; 7-101 = list.auswahl]
/ timeout = 180000