Millisecond Forums

Randomise with randomising conditions

By aliciay1 - 6/2/2020


I am wondering if it is possible to randomise the selection from two linked lists when presenting in trials with set conditions on the randomisation.

For example I am trying to randomise selection from the trial type list and digit sequence list each time it is run. However, there must be an 80/20 ratio of trial types presented and no two same digits can be presented in a row. I have tried the below code, however I am unsure if the reset function is correct or in the right place, secondly the creation of a new digit list is not that effective. How could this be resolved? 

Any suggestions on how to improve this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you. 

Note: list of practice trialtypes
<list practice_trialtype>
/items = (trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go,
            trial.practice_nogo, trial.practice_nogo)
/replace = true
/poolsize = 24

Note: list of digits used for practice
<list practice_digitsequence>
/items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
/poolsize = 24

<trial practice_go>
/pretrialpause = values.iti
/ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialtype = "Go";
    values.digit = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.digitLastChosen = list.practice_digitsequence.currentvalue;
    values.digit_new = list.practice_digitsequence.removeitem(values.digitLastChosen);
    values.digit_new = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.fontsize = list.practice_fontsizes.nextvalue;
    trial.practice_go.insertstimulustime(text.mask, values.digitpresentationtime);
    trial.practice_go.insertstimulustime(shape.background, (values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime));
/ ontrialend = [
/stimulustimes = [0 = background, digit]
/responsetime = 0
/responseinterrupt = frames
/monkeyresponse = (57)
/iscorrectresponse = [trial.practice_go.response == 0]
/trialduration = values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime

/ontrialend = [
    if (trial.practice_go.response == 0)
        values.RT = trial.practice_go.latency
    else {
        values.RT = "";
        values.latencytype = 0;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 1;

    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 2;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 3;
    if (values.RT == "") {
        values.responsetype = "Omission";

    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.responsetype = "Go Anticipatory";
    if (values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime)
        values.responsetype = "Go Ambiguous";
    if (values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.responsetype = "Go Success";
/recorddata = true
/branch = [if (trial.practice_go.error) trial.feedbackerror]
/branch = [if (trial.practice_go.correct) trial.feedbackcorrect]

<trial practice_nogo>
/pretrialpause = values.iti
/ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialtype = "NoGo";
   values.digitnogo = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.digitLastChosen = list.practice_digitsequence.currentvalue;
    values.digitnogo_new = list.practice_digitsequence.removeitem(values.digitLastChosen)
    values.digitnogo_new = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;  
  values.fontsize = list.practice_fontsizes.nextvalue;
    if (mod(values.digitnogo, 2) == 0) {
        values.even = true;
        values.correctresponsekey = values.responsekey2;
    else {
        values.even = false;
        values.correctresponsekey = values.responsekey1;
    trial.practice_nogo.insertstimulustime(text.mask, values.digitpresentationtime);
    trial.practice_nogo.insertstimulustime(shape.background, (values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime));
/ontrialend = [

/stimulustimes = [0 = background, digitnogo]
/responsetime = 0
/responseinterrupt = frames
/monkeyresponse = (57,0)
/iscorrectresponse = [trial.practice_nogo.response == values.correctresponsekey]
/trialduration = values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime

/ontrialend = [

    if (trial.practice_nogo.response == values.correctresponsekey)
        values.RT = trial.practice_nogo.latency
    else {
        values.RT = "";
        values.latencytype = 0;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 1;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 2;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 3;
    if (values.RT == "") {
        values.responsetype = "NoGo Success";
    } else {
        values.responsetype = "NoGo Failure";

/recorddata = true
/branch = [if (trial.practice_nogo.error) trial.feedbackerror]
/branch = [if (trial.practice_nogo.correct) trial.feedbackcorrect]

By Dave - 6/2/2020

aliciay1 - 6/3/2020

I am wondering if it is possible to randomise the selection from two linked lists when presenting in trials with set conditions on the randomisation.

For example I am trying to randomise selection from the trial type list and digit sequence list each time it is run. However, there must be an 80/20 ratio of trial types presented and no two same digits can be presented in a row. I have tried the below code, however I am unsure if the reset function is correct or in the right place, secondly the creation of a new digit list is not that effective. How could this be resolved? 

Any suggestions on how to improve this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you. 

Note: list of practice trialtypes
<list practice_trialtype>
/items = (trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go,
            trial.practice_nogo, trial.practice_nogo)
/replace = true
/poolsize = 24

Note: list of digits used for practice
<list practice_digitsequence>
/items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
/poolsize = 24

<trial practice_go>
/pretrialpause = values.iti
/ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialtype = "Go";
    values.digit = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.digitLastChosen = list.practice_digitsequence.currentvalue;
    values.digit_new = list.practice_digitsequence.removeitem(values.digitLastChosen);
    values.digit_new = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.fontsize = list.practice_fontsizes.nextvalue;
    trial.practice_go.insertstimulustime(text.mask, values.digitpresentationtime);
    trial.practice_go.insertstimulustime(shape.background, (values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime));
/ ontrialend = [
/stimulustimes = [0 = background, digit]
/responsetime = 0
/responseinterrupt = frames
/monkeyresponse = (57)
/iscorrectresponse = [trial.practice_go.response == 0]
/trialduration = values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime

/ontrialend = [
    if (trial.practice_go.response == 0)
        values.RT = trial.practice_go.latency
    else {
        values.RT = "";
        values.latencytype = 0;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 1;

    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 2;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 3;
    if (values.RT == "") {
        values.responsetype = "Omission";

    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.responsetype = "Go Anticipatory";
    if (values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime)
        values.responsetype = "Go Ambiguous";
    if (values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.responsetype = "Go Success";
/recorddata = true
/branch = [if (trial.practice_go.error) trial.feedbackerror]
/branch = [if (trial.practice_go.correct) trial.feedbackcorrect]

<trial practice_nogo>
/pretrialpause = values.iti
/ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialtype = "NoGo";
   values.digitnogo = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.digitLastChosen = list.practice_digitsequence.currentvalue;
    values.digitnogo_new = list.practice_digitsequence.removeitem(values.digitLastChosen)
    values.digitnogo_new = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;  
  values.fontsize = list.practice_fontsizes.nextvalue;
    if (mod(values.digitnogo, 2) == 0) {
        values.even = true;
        values.correctresponsekey = values.responsekey2;
    else {
        values.even = false;
        values.correctresponsekey = values.responsekey1;
    trial.practice_nogo.insertstimulustime(text.mask, values.digitpresentationtime);
    trial.practice_nogo.insertstimulustime(shape.background, (values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime));
/ontrialend = [

/stimulustimes = [0 = background, digitnogo]
/responsetime = 0
/responseinterrupt = frames
/monkeyresponse = (57,0)
/iscorrectresponse = [trial.practice_nogo.response == values.correctresponsekey]
/trialduration = values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime

/ontrialend = [

    if (trial.practice_nogo.response == values.correctresponsekey)
        values.RT = trial.practice_nogo.latency
    else {
        values.RT = "";
        values.latencytype = 0;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 1;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 2;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 3;
    if (values.RT == "") {
        values.responsetype = "NoGo Success";
    } else {
        values.responsetype = "NoGo Failure";

/recorddata = true
/branch = [if (trial.practice_nogo.error) trial.feedbackerror]
/branch = [if (trial.practice_nogo.correct) trial.feedbackcorrect]

It's entirely unclear what the "go" and what the "no go" stimuli are here. That said, if all you care about is having no two identical digits in a row, /maxrunsize is your friend:
By aliciay1 - 6/2/2020

Dave - 6/3/2020
aliciay1 - 6/3/2020

I am wondering if it is possible to randomise the selection from two linked lists when presenting in trials with set conditions on the randomisation.

For example I am trying to randomise selection from the trial type list and digit sequence list each time it is run. However, there must be an 80/20 ratio of trial types presented and no two same digits can be presented in a row. I have tried the below code, however I am unsure if the reset function is correct or in the right place, secondly the creation of a new digit list is not that effective. How could this be resolved? 

Any suggestions on how to improve this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you. 

Note: list of practice trialtypes
<list practice_trialtype>
/items = (trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go, trial.practice_go,
            trial.practice_nogo, trial.practice_nogo)
/replace = true
/poolsize = 24

Note: list of digits used for practice
<list practice_digitsequence>
/items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
/poolsize = 24

<trial practice_go>
/pretrialpause = values.iti
/ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialtype = "Go";
    values.digit = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.digitLastChosen = list.practice_digitsequence.currentvalue;
    values.digit_new = list.practice_digitsequence.removeitem(values.digitLastChosen);
    values.digit_new = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.fontsize = list.practice_fontsizes.nextvalue;
    trial.practice_go.insertstimulustime(text.mask, values.digitpresentationtime);
    trial.practice_go.insertstimulustime(shape.background, (values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime));
/ ontrialend = [
/stimulustimes = [0 = background, digit]
/responsetime = 0
/responseinterrupt = frames
/monkeyresponse = (57)
/iscorrectresponse = [trial.practice_go.response == 0]
/trialduration = values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime

/ontrialend = [
    if (trial.practice_go.response == 0)
        values.RT = trial.practice_go.latency
    else {
        values.RT = "";
        values.latencytype = 0;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 1;

    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 2;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 3;
    if (values.RT == "") {
        values.responsetype = "Omission";

    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.responsetype = "Go Anticipatory";
    if (values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime)
        values.responsetype = "Go Ambiguous";
    if (values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.responsetype = "Go Success";
/recorddata = true
/branch = [if (trial.practice_go.error) trial.feedbackerror]
/branch = [if (trial.practice_go.correct) trial.feedbackcorrect]

<trial practice_nogo>
/pretrialpause = values.iti
/ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialtype = "NoGo";
   values.digitnogo = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;
    values.digitLastChosen = list.practice_digitsequence.currentvalue;
    values.digitnogo_new = list.practice_digitsequence.removeitem(values.digitLastChosen)
    values.digitnogo_new = list.practice_digitsequence.nextvalue;  
  values.fontsize = list.practice_fontsizes.nextvalue;
    if (mod(values.digitnogo, 2) == 0) {
        values.even = true;
        values.correctresponsekey = values.responsekey2;
    else {
        values.even = false;
        values.correctresponsekey = values.responsekey1;
    trial.practice_nogo.insertstimulustime(text.mask, values.digitpresentationtime);
    trial.practice_nogo.insertstimulustime(shape.background, (values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime));
/ontrialend = [

/stimulustimes = [0 = background, digitnogo]
/responsetime = 0
/responseinterrupt = frames
/monkeyresponse = (57,0)
/iscorrectresponse = [trial.practice_nogo.response == values.correctresponsekey]
/trialduration = values.digitpresentationtime + values.maskpresentationtime

/ontrialend = [

    if (trial.practice_nogo.response == values.correctresponsekey)
        values.RT = trial.practice_nogo.latency
    else {
        values.RT = "";
        values.latencytype = 0;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT < values.anticipatoryresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 1;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.anticipatoryresponsetime && values.RT < values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 2;
    if (values.RT != "" && values.RT >= values.validresponsetime) {
        values.latencytype = 3;
    if (values.RT == "") {
        values.responsetype = "NoGo Success";
    } else {
        values.responsetype = "NoGo Failure";

/recorddata = true
/branch = [if (trial.practice_nogo.error) trial.feedbackerror]
/branch = [if (trial.practice_nogo.correct) trial.feedbackcorrect]

It's entirely unclear what the "go" and what the "no go" stimuli are here. That said, if all you care about is having no two identical digits in a row, /maxrunsize is your friend:
Thank you very much. 
The go and nogo are presentation of digits in different colours and required different responses as outlined in the trial code. 
<text digitnogo>
/items = ("<%values.digitnogo%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Symbol", values.fontsize, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (white)
/txbgcolor = (black)
/position = (50%, 50%)
/erase = false

<text digit>
/items = ("<%values.digit%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Symbol", values.fontsize, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (red)
/txbgcolor = (black)
/position = (50%, 50%)
/erase = false
By Dave - 6/2/2020

If color is the sole distinguisher, then /maxrunsize=1 in the digit <list> should do the trick.
By aliciay1 - 6/2/2020

Dave - 6/3/2020
If color is the sole distinguisher, then /maxrunsize=1 in the digit <list> should do the trick.

OK great, thanks very much! That is very helpful. 

I have a secondary issue, as one form of the task is a 1-back task, to correctly score resposnses it is required that the randomly selected digit sequence is saved to determine whether the response correct. Is there a way to track and save the selection of digits using maxrunsize, or do you have any suggestions on how I could correctly score performance? 

I currently have a separate digit list with the correct sequence of answers to the 1-back digit sequence which is fixed but I am unsure how to apply this when digit sequence is randomised. 
By Dave - 6/3/2020

aliciay1 - 6/3/2020
Dave - 6/3/2020
If color is the sole distinguisher, then /maxrunsize=1 in the digit <list> should do the trick.

OK great, thanks very much! That is very helpful. 

I have a secondary issue, as one form of the task is a 1-back task, to correctly score resposnses it is required that the randomly selected digit sequence is saved to determine whether the response correct. Is there a way to track and save the selection of digits using maxrunsize, or do you have any suggestions on how I could correctly score performance? 

I currently have a separate digit list with the correct sequence of answers to the 1-back digit sequence which is fixed but I am unsure how to apply this when digit sequence is randomised. 

There are n-back scripts available in the library, so you may want to take a look at those: