Millisecond Forums

Script Not Working on Web Inquisit

By Sarah.Skromanis - 6/8/2020

I have written a script that seems to be working perfectly when I run it on Inquisit, however now that I have attempted to load it onto Web Inquisit the script is failing to run. I have been using version 5 on my laptop (I'm not sure whether there are differences between this and the Web Version that might be causing some difficulties?). I have been receiving the following error message whenever I try and complete the task: QNetwork Error: Error transferring - server replied: Line 87, File c:\inquisit6\iqruntime\qt\path_qt.cpp

Any helps or ideas about how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
By Dave - 6/8/2020

Sarah.Skromanis - 6/8/2020
I have written a script that seems to be working perfectly when I run it on Inquisit, however now that I have attempted to load it onto Web Inquisit the script is failing to run. I have been using version 5 on my laptop (I'm not sure whether there are differences between this and the Web Version that might be causing some difficulties?). I have been receiving the following error message whenever I try and complete the task: QNetwork Error: Error transferring - server replied: Line 87, File c:\inquisit6\iqruntime\qt\path_qt.cpp

Any helps or ideas about how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

The batch script you uploaded (,%20cognition%20and%20covid-19%20v1.3.iqx )references a file called "srlt_version.1.3.iqx"

but no such file has been uploaded. The script that has been uploaded is called "srlt_version1.iqx", not "srlt_version1.3.iqx":

That's why you're (rightly) getting that error. Either upload the correct script called "srtl_version1.3.iqx" or fix the script name in your batch script.