Millisecond Forums

openGL error

By vbrown7 - 1/7/2021

Hi, we have a participant trying to complete an experiment via Inquisit web who is encountering the following error when trying to start the experiment:
"OpenGL Error: Failed to create multisample framebuffer of size 1440, 450 status: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: Framebuffer Complete.. Function class QSharedPointer<class inquisit::IQSurfaceFrameBuffer> __cdecl inquisit::Graphics::MonitorInfo::createFramebufferSurface(class QSize,const class QColor &,double,bool), File graphics.cpp, Line 405 GL Error Codes: GL_INVALID_VALUE "

They tried re-starting their computer, but the error persisted. They are running a laptop with Windows 10. I do not have more information on their system, but I can try to get that if needed - we are communicating by phone/webcam so technical troubleshooting gets a bit tricky.

By Dave - 1/7/2021

vbrown7 - 1/7/2021
Hi, we have a participant trying to complete an experiment via Inquisit web who is encountering the following error when trying to start the experiment:
"OpenGL Error: Failed to create multisample framebuffer of size 1440, 450 status: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: Framebuffer Complete.. Function class QSharedPointer<class inquisit::IQSurfaceFrameBuffer> __cdecl inquisit::Graphics::MonitorInfo::createFramebufferSurface(class QSize,const class QColor &,double,bool), File graphics.cpp, Line 405 GL Error Codes: GL_INVALID_VALUE "

They tried re-starting their computer, but the error persisted. They are running a laptop with Windows 10. I do not have more information on their system, but I can try to get that if needed - we are communicating by phone/webcam so technical troubleshooting gets a bit tricky.


In all likelihood this is due to a broken or outdated graphics card driver. Updating the driver to the latest one available from the card's manuacturer would be the first thing to try.
By vbrown7 - 1/7/2021

thank you! We'll work on updating the graphics card driver.