Millisecond Forums

Adding Users to "Online Data" on Inquisit Web

By jcrawford - 2/17/2021

Is there a way to add specific users on an account to the "Online Data" for a particular experiment collected with Inquisit Web? As an admin, I can see all data, but I would like to give my research assistants access to specific experiments that I have created so that they can access and download the data without needing admin privileges (or me to download for them). Thanks!
By Dave - 2/17/2021

jcrawford - 2/17/2021
Is there a way to add specific users on an account to the "Online Data" for a particular experiment collected with Inquisit Web? As an admin, I can see all data, but I would like to give my research assistants access to specific experiments that I have created so that they can access and download the data without needing admin privileges (or me to download for them). Thanks!

There currently isn't any way to grant specific users access to some particular subset of experiments or data belonging to other account members. , I'm afraid.

Account members with "User" privileges can only access their own experiments and associated data, not that of other account members. Account members with "Account Admin" role, however, can access all experiments and data, as you noted.