Millisecond Forums

How to require responses to all trials

By Ishika - 3/30/2021

Hi Dave, I have been using the (attached) script that you have so kindly help me develop. I am running into a problem where, despite setting 'required = true' for all my survey items, trials 2 through 8 can be skipped by using the continue button. Is there any way to ensure that trials beyond the first one also require the participant to respond to all items?
Thank you for your time and your help!
By Dave - 3/30/2021

Ishika - 3/30/2021
Hi Dave, I have been using the (attached) script that you have so kindly help me develop. I am running into a problem where, despite setting 'required = true' for all my survey items, trials 2 through 8 can be skipped by using the continue button. Is there any way to ensure that trials beyond the first one also require the participant to respond to all items?
Thank you for your time and your help!

> Is there any way to ensure that trials beyond the first one also require the participant to respond to all items?

Yes. Don't re-use the same <slider>s on multiple, different <surveypage>s.
By LNM - 4/19/2021

Hi, I have a similar question: in my script (using <slidertrial> ) all trials after trial1 can also be skipped by pressing continue, whereas a response should be required for all trials. I can't figure out what's wrong, could you please have a look at the attached script? Thank you! 
By LNM - 4/19/2021

LNM - 4/19/2021
Hi, I have a similar question: in my script (using <slidertrial> ) all trials after trial1 can also be skipped by pressing continue, whereas a response should be required for all trials. I can't figure out what's wrong, could you please have a look at the attached script? Thank you! 

Never mind, based on "Don't re-use the same <slider>s on multiple, different <surveypage>s" in the previous posts I've duplicated the slidertrials so there's one for each trial instead of just one for all and this works :)