Millisecond Forums

Is it possible to add conditions to batch?

By EnriqueAguilar - 4/17/2021


Im new using Inquisit and I would appreciate some help!

I'm trying to program a "matching to sample" experiment which consists of several phases.

I would like to know how can I code a condition between blocks that allows people to switch from phase to phase if they achieved a 85% correct responding in two consecutive trials e.g. if they respond to "block1A" and "block1B" with at least 85% of defined responses correct, the next block would be "block2A" and so on.

So far, I'm considering to use <batch> but it would only work as an organization tool, isn't it? is it possible to code an if/else condition? sort of:
  if { block1A < 85% correct responses
       then = block2A
 else {block 1b

Thanks for your time, have  a great day!
By EnriqueAguilar - 4/18/2021

Nevermind, I fixed my problem by using /branch on each block that required it.