Millisecond Forums

repeat randomly selected stimulusframe for 3 different likerts

By Riezer - 10/11/2009

Hi All

Below you see the code for an experiment with 3 blocks of trials. Each trial selects a picture randomly from the same items list.

How can I get it to work like this:

Show one randomly selected picture with likert valence, then => show the same picture with likert arousal, then => show the same picture with likert opvallend (means: eye-cathing or noticeable), then => show another randomly selected picture, etc.

or alternatively:

Show one randomly selected picture with all three likerts in one page, then => show another randomly selected picture, etc.

Thx! Richard

<picture valar>
/ items = valar
/ position = (50, 40)

<item valar>
/1 = "cat1-1.jpg"
/2 = "cat1-2.jpg"
/3 = "cat1-3.jpg"
/4 = "cat1-4.jpg"
/5 = "cat2-1.jpg"
/6 = "cat2-2.jpg"
/7 = "cat2-3.jpg"
/8 = "cat2-4.jpg"
/9 = "cat3-1.jpg"
/10 = "cat3-2.jpg"
/11 = "cat3-3.jpg"
/12 = "cat3-4.jpg"
/13 = "cat4-1.jpg"
/14 = "cat4-2.jpg"
/15 = "cat4-3.jpg"
/16 = "cat4-4.jpg"
/17 = "cat5-1.jpg"
/18 = "cat5-2.jpg"
/19 = "cat5-3.jpg"
/20 = "cat5-4.jpg"

<likert valence>
/ anchors = [5="VALENCE"]
/ buttonvalues = [1="1"; 2="2"; 3="3"; 4="4"; 5="5"; 6="6"; 7="7"; 8="8"; 9="9"]
/ stimulusframes = [1 =noreplace(valar)]
/ numpoints=9
/ mouse=true
/ position = (50, 80)
/ anchorwidth=50px

<likert arousal>
/ anchors = [5="AROUSAL"]
/ buttonvalues = [1="1"; 2="2"; 3="3"; 4="4"; 5="5"; 6="6"; 7="7"; 8="8"; 9="9"]
/ stimulusframes = [1 =noreplace(valar)]
/ numpoints=9
/ mouse=true
/ position = (50, 80)
/ anchorwidth=50px

<likert opvallend>
/ anchors = [5="OPVALLEND"]
/ buttonvalues = [1="1"; 2="2"; 3="3"; 4="4"; 5="5"; 6="6"; 7="7"; 8="8"; 9="9"]
/ stimulusframes = [1 =noreplace(valar)]
/ numpoints=9
/ mouse=true
/ position = (50, 80)
/ anchorwidth=50px

<block valence>
/ trials = [1-20 = valence]

<block arousal>
/ trials = [1-20 = arousal]

<block opvallend>
/ trials = [1-20 = opvallend]
<expt valar>
/ blocks = [1=valence; 2=arousal; 3=opvallend]

<data >
/ columns = [date, time, subject, blocknum, blockcode, response, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem]

By Dave - 10/13/2009

Has been discussed before:

By dgreenberg - 10/15/2009

Wow, perfect timing--I was having the same problem.  (Not only is Dave fast, he's telepathic!)