practice block and SBR

Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 84
Hello everyone,
I am having trouble including a practice block into the self paced reading version uploaded in the website. I have tried to do using <block> and <expt> but I always get errors. I would really appreciate your kind help and assistance. 

Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. 

Here is the SBR as uploaded from millisecond website: 

/ cumulative = false
/ highlight = true
/ windicator = "|"
/ ucmaskchar = "-"
/ lcmaskchar = "-"

EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here

Text stimuli containing the window indicator (as defined in 'parameters.windicator') must be
entered here.
<item mwstims>

|Flywheels |are |one |of |the |oldest |mechanical |devices |known |to |man.
|Every |internal-combustion |engine |contains |a |small |flywheel |that
|converts |the |jerky |motion |of |the |pistons |into |the |smooth |flow |of
|energy |that |powers |the |drive |shaft.

|The |greater |the |mass |of |a |flywheel |and |the |faster |it |spins, |the
|more |energy |can |be |stored |in |it. |But |its |maximum |spinning |speed
|is |limited |by |the |strength |of |the |material |it |is |made |from.
|If |it |spins |too |fast |for |its |mass, |any |flywheel |will |fly |apart.|"

/ 2 = "|One |type |of |flywheel |consists |of |round |sandwiches |of |fiberglass
|and |rubber |providing |the |maximum |possible |storage |of |energy |when
|the |wheel |is |confined |in |a |small |space |as |in |an |automobile.

|Another |type, |the |'superflywheel', |consists |of |a |series |of |rimless
|spokes. |This |flywheel |stores |the |maximum |energy |when |space |is
EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.00%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (black)
/ inputdevice = mouse

<page intro>
^Welcome to the Self-Paced Reading Task!
^^This script implements the "moving window" paradigm introduced by
^^Just, M. A., Carpenter, P. A., & Wooley, J. D. (1982).
^Paradigms and processes in reading comprehension.
^Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 111(2),
^^The script supports both "cumulative" and "noncumulative" moving window
procedures and has fully customizable masking and segmenting options.
^You can even highlight the current window in a different color.
^^The script can be easily adapted to suit your own needs or integrated with
other tasks, such as plausibility or grammaticality judgments.

<page end>
You have reached the end of the task.
^^Thank you!

<page cumulative>
^^This block of trials demonstrates the "cumulative" moving window mode.
^^Press the spacebar to advance through the text.

<page noncumulative>
^^This block of trials demonstrates the "noncumulative" moving window mode.
^^Press the spacebar to advance through the text.

general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script
/buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch && !computer.haskeyboard) {"The Spacebar button will be located at the bottom of your screen.";} else {"";}

EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here

'list.uppercase' contains all characters to be masked by the character defined in
'parameters.ucmaskchar'. Add or remove characters as needed.
<list uppercase>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = sequence
/ selectionrate = always

'list.lowercase' contains all characters to be masked by the character defined in
'parameters.lcmaskchar'. Add or remove characters as needed.
<list lowercase>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = sequence
/ selectionrate = always

!!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!!

script requires Inquisit or higher

/ canvassize = (100%,100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.50%, false, false, false)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ screencolor = silver


Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top

raw data

/ columns = (build,computer.platform, date,time,subject,blockcode, blocknum,trialcode,trialnum,response,correct,latency,
/ separatefiles = true

summary data

/columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed)
/ separatefiles = true

VALUES: automatically updated
completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

inputstringUnmasked version of the current text containing the window indicators
maskstringMasked version of the current text containing the window indicators
wincountOrdinal number of the currently displayed text segment (window).
winstartStart position of current text segment (window).
winendEnd position of current text segment (window)
prewindowstringText preceding the current window. Masked or unmasked according to
windowstringThe current window (always unmasked)
postwindowstringText succeeding the current window (always masked).
outputstringConcetanation of prewindow, window and postwindow strings.
prewindowstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
windowstringhlColor-highlighted version of the current window.
postwindowstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
outputstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
stopblockSwitch used to automatically stop the currently running block as soon as
all items have been displayed.

<values taskparams>
/ completed = 0
/ inputstring = ""
/ maskstring = ""
/ prewindowstring = ""
/ windowstring = ""
/ postwindowstring = ""
/ outputstring = ""
/ maskstringhl = ""
/ prewindowstringhl = ""
/ windowstringhl = ""
/ postwindowstringhl = ""
/ outputstringhl = ""
/ wincount = 0
/ winstart = 0
/ winend = 0
/ stopblock = 0


These expressions parse the input string for any occurence of the window indicator as
defined in 'parameters.windicator'. The input is segmented accordingly into a prewindow string
(either masked or unmasked according to the 'parameters.cumulative' setting), the current window
string (unmasked) and a postwindow string (masked).

*Please, do not change*
/ inputend = length(values.inputstring)

/ maskuppercase = if(list.uppercase.unselectedcount > 0){
values.maskstring=replaceall(values.maskstring,list.uppercase.nextvalue, parameters.ucmaskchar);
/ masklowercase = if(list.lowercase.unselectedcount>0){
values.maskstring = replaceall(values.maskstring,
list.lowercase.nextvalue, parameters.lcmaskchar);
/ masklowercasehl = values.maskstringhl = replaceall(values.maskstringhl,
parameters.lcmaskchar, " ")
/ maskuppercasehl = values.maskstringhl = replaceall(values.maskstringhl,
parameters.ucmaskchar, " ")
/ getwinstart = values.winstart = values.winend
/ getwinend = values.winend = search(substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, length(values.inputstring)-values.winstart), parameters.windicator)
+ length(parameters.windicator) + values.winstart
/ getprewindow = if(parameters.cumulative==true)
values.prewindowstring=substring(values.inputstring, 0, values.winstart) else
values.prewindowstring=substring(values.maskstring, 0, values.winstart)
/ getwindow = values.windowstring = substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, abs(values.winstart-values.winend))
/ getpostwindow = values.postwindowstring = substring(values.maskstring,
values.winend, abs(length(values.inputstring)-values.winend))
/ getprewindowhl = values.prewindowstringhl = substring(values.maskstringhl,
0, values.winstart)
/ getwindowhl = values.windowstringhl = substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, abs(values.winstart-values.winend))
/ getpostwindowhl = values.postwindowstringhl = substring(values.maskstringhl,
values.winend, abs(length(values.inputstring)-values.winend))
/ stripwindicator = if(parameters.windicator!=" "){
values.prewindowstring = replaceall(values.prewindowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.windowstring = replaceall(values.windowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.postwindowstring = replaceall(values.postwindowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.prewindowstringhl = replaceall(values.prewindowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
values.windowstringhl = replaceall(values.windowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
values.postwindowstringhl = replaceall(values.postwindowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
/ getwincount = if(values.windowstring!="")values.wincount+=1
/ getoutputstring = values.outputstring = concat(concat(values.prewindowstring,
/ getoutputstringhl = if(parameters.highlight==true)
values.outputstringhl = concat(concat(values.prewindowstringhl,
values.windowstringhl),values.postwindowstringhl) else
/ movingwindow = {
expressions.getwinstart; expressions.getwinend;
expressions.getprewindow; expressions.getwindow; expressions.getpostwindow;
expressions.getprewindowhl; expressions.getwindowhl; expressions.getpostwindowhl;
expressions.stripwindicator; expressions.getwincount;
expressions.getoutputstring; expressions.getoutputstringhl;


Standard Window Text
Fontstyle must be set to a monospaced font such as "Courier", "Courier New", "Courier New" or
"Lucida Console". "Courier New" should be available on any version of the Windows operating

<text mywindow>
/ items = ("<%values.outputstring%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Courier New", 3.00%, true, false, false)
/ vjustify = center
/ hjustify = left
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)

Highlighted Window Text
Settings should be identical to those of 'text.mywindow' save for the '/ txcolor' attribute.

<text mywindowhl>
/ items = ("<%values.outputstringhl%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Courier New", 3.00%, true, false, false)
/ vjustify = center
/ hjustify = left
/ txcolor = blue
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)

Text Elements for Moving Window Stimuli

<text mwstims>
/ items = mwstims

Layout Elements

<shape background>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)


List Elements (Item Selection)
Adapt as needed by modifying the settings in the '/ select' attribute.
<list mwstims>
/ items = (1, 2)
/ selectionmode = sequence


Get Complete Stimulus & Set Up The Mask & Erase Screen

<trial getstim>
/ ontrialbegin = [

values.inputstring=getitem(text.mwstims, list.mwstims.nextvalue);


/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 0
/ branch = [trial.MWtrial]
/ recorddata = false

Display Moving Window Stimulus

<trial MWtrial>
/ ontrialbegin = [expressions.movingwindow]
/ stimulusframes = [1=background, mywindow, mywindowhl]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ branch = [if(values.winend==expressions.inputend)trial.getstim else trial.MWtrial]


Cumulative Moving Window Condition

<block cumulative>
/ preinstructions = (cumulative)
/ onblockbegin = [
/ stop = [values.stopblock==1]
/ trials = [1=getstim]
/ onblockend = [values.stopblock=0]

Noncumulative Moving Window Condition

<block noncumulative>
/ preinstructions = (noncumulative)
/ onblockbegin = [
/ stop = [values.stopblock==1]
/ trials = [1=getstim]
/ onblockend = [values.stopblock=0]


<expt MovingWindow>
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=cumulative; 2=noncumulative]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 12K, Visits: 98K
azizaltamimi - Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Hello everyone,
I am having trouble including a practice block into the self paced reading version uploaded in the website. I have tried to do using <block> and <expt> but I always get errors. I would really appreciate your kind help and assistance. 

Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. 

Here is the SBR as uploaded from millisecond website: 

/ cumulative = false
/ highlight = true
/ windicator = "|"
/ ucmaskchar = "-"
/ lcmaskchar = "-"

EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here

Text stimuli containing the window indicator (as defined in 'parameters.windicator') must be
entered here.
<item mwstims>

|Flywheels |are |one |of |the |oldest |mechanical |devices |known |to |man.
|Every |internal-combustion |engine |contains |a |small |flywheel |that
|converts |the |jerky |motion |of |the |pistons |into |the |smooth |flow |of
|energy |that |powers |the |drive |shaft.

|The |greater |the |mass |of |a |flywheel |and |the |faster |it |spins, |the
|more |energy |can |be |stored |in |it. |But |its |maximum |spinning |speed
|is |limited |by |the |strength |of |the |material |it |is |made |from.
|If |it |spins |too |fast |for |its |mass, |any |flywheel |will |fly |apart.|"

/ 2 = "|One |type |of |flywheel |consists |of |round |sandwiches |of |fiberglass
|and |rubber |providing |the |maximum |possible |storage |of |energy |when
|the |wheel |is |confined |in |a |small |space |as |in |an |automobile.

|Another |type, |the |'superflywheel', |consists |of |a |series |of |rimless
|spokes. |This |flywheel |stores |the |maximum |energy |when |space |is
EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.00%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (black)
/ inputdevice = mouse

<page intro>
^Welcome to the Self-Paced Reading Task!
^^This script implements the "moving window" paradigm introduced by
^^Just, M. A., Carpenter, P. A., & Wooley, J. D. (1982).
^Paradigms and processes in reading comprehension.
^Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 111(2),
^^The script supports both "cumulative" and "noncumulative" moving window
procedures and has fully customizable masking and segmenting options.
^You can even highlight the current window in a different color.
^^The script can be easily adapted to suit your own needs or integrated with
other tasks, such as plausibility or grammaticality judgments.

<page end>
You have reached the end of the task.
^^Thank you!

<page cumulative>
^^This block of trials demonstrates the "cumulative" moving window mode.
^^Press the spacebar to advance through the text.

<page noncumulative>
^^This block of trials demonstrates the "noncumulative" moving window mode.
^^Press the spacebar to advance through the text.

general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script
/buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch && !computer.haskeyboard) {"The Spacebar button will be located at the bottom of your screen.";} else {"";}

EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here

'list.uppercase' contains all characters to be masked by the character defined in
'parameters.ucmaskchar'. Add or remove characters as needed.
<list uppercase>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = sequence
/ selectionrate = always

'list.lowercase' contains all characters to be masked by the character defined in
'parameters.lcmaskchar'. Add or remove characters as needed.
<list lowercase>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = sequence
/ selectionrate = always

!!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!!

script requires Inquisit or higher

/ canvassize = (100%,100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.50%, false, false, false)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ screencolor = silver


Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top

raw data

/ columns = (build,computer.platform, date,time,subject,blockcode, blocknum,trialcode,trialnum,response,correct,latency,
/ separatefiles = true

summary data

/columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed)
/ separatefiles = true

VALUES: automatically updated
completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

inputstringUnmasked version of the current text containing the window indicators
maskstringMasked version of the current text containing the window indicators
wincountOrdinal number of the currently displayed text segment (window).
winstartStart position of current text segment (window).
winendEnd position of current text segment (window)
prewindowstringText preceding the current window. Masked or unmasked according to
windowstringThe current window (always unmasked)
postwindowstringText succeeding the current window (always masked).
outputstringConcetanation of prewindow, window and postwindow strings.
prewindowstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
windowstringhlColor-highlighted version of the current window.
postwindowstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
outputstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
stopblockSwitch used to automatically stop the currently running block as soon as
all items have been displayed.

<values taskparams>
/ completed = 0
/ inputstring = ""
/ maskstring = ""
/ prewindowstring = ""
/ windowstring = ""
/ postwindowstring = ""
/ outputstring = ""
/ maskstringhl = ""
/ prewindowstringhl = ""
/ windowstringhl = ""
/ postwindowstringhl = ""
/ outputstringhl = ""
/ wincount = 0
/ winstart = 0
/ winend = 0
/ stopblock = 0


These expressions parse the input string for any occurence of the window indicator as
defined in 'parameters.windicator'. The input is segmented accordingly into a prewindow string
(either masked or unmasked according to the 'parameters.cumulative' setting), the current window
string (unmasked) and a postwindow string (masked).

*Please, do not change*
/ inputend = length(values.inputstring)

/ maskuppercase = if(list.uppercase.unselectedcount > 0){
values.maskstring=replaceall(values.maskstring,list.uppercase.nextvalue, parameters.ucmaskchar);
/ masklowercase = if(list.lowercase.unselectedcount>0){
values.maskstring = replaceall(values.maskstring,
list.lowercase.nextvalue, parameters.lcmaskchar);
/ masklowercasehl = values.maskstringhl = replaceall(values.maskstringhl,
parameters.lcmaskchar, " ")
/ maskuppercasehl = values.maskstringhl = replaceall(values.maskstringhl,
parameters.ucmaskchar, " ")
/ getwinstart = values.winstart = values.winend
/ getwinend = values.winend = search(substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, length(values.inputstring)-values.winstart), parameters.windicator)
+ length(parameters.windicator) + values.winstart
/ getprewindow = if(parameters.cumulative==true)
values.prewindowstring=substring(values.inputstring, 0, values.winstart) else
values.prewindowstring=substring(values.maskstring, 0, values.winstart)
/ getwindow = values.windowstring = substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, abs(values.winstart-values.winend))
/ getpostwindow = values.postwindowstring = substring(values.maskstring,
values.winend, abs(length(values.inputstring)-values.winend))
/ getprewindowhl = values.prewindowstringhl = substring(values.maskstringhl,
0, values.winstart)
/ getwindowhl = values.windowstringhl = substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, abs(values.winstart-values.winend))
/ getpostwindowhl = values.postwindowstringhl = substring(values.maskstringhl,
values.winend, abs(length(values.inputstring)-values.winend))
/ stripwindicator = if(parameters.windicator!=" "){
values.prewindowstring = replaceall(values.prewindowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.windowstring = replaceall(values.windowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.postwindowstring = replaceall(values.postwindowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.prewindowstringhl = replaceall(values.prewindowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
values.windowstringhl = replaceall(values.windowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
values.postwindowstringhl = replaceall(values.postwindowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
/ getwincount = if(values.windowstring!="")values.wincount+=1
/ getoutputstring = values.outputstring = concat(concat(values.prewindowstring,
/ getoutputstringhl = if(parameters.highlight==true)
values.outputstringhl = concat(concat(values.prewindowstringhl,
values.windowstringhl),values.postwindowstringhl) else
/ movingwindow = {
expressions.getwinstart; expressions.getwinend;
expressions.getprewindow; expressions.getwindow; expressions.getpostwindow;
expressions.getprewindowhl; expressions.getwindowhl; expressions.getpostwindowhl;
expressions.stripwindicator; expressions.getwincount;
expressions.getoutputstring; expressions.getoutputstringhl;


Standard Window Text
Fontstyle must be set to a monospaced font such as "Courier", "Courier New", "Courier New" or
"Lucida Console". "Courier New" should be available on any version of the Windows operating

<text mywindow>
/ items = ("<%values.outputstring%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Courier New", 3.00%, true, false, false)
/ vjustify = center
/ hjustify = left
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)

Highlighted Window Text
Settings should be identical to those of 'text.mywindow' save for the '/ txcolor' attribute.

<text mywindowhl>
/ items = ("<%values.outputstringhl%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Courier New", 3.00%, true, false, false)
/ vjustify = center
/ hjustify = left
/ txcolor = blue
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)

Text Elements for Moving Window Stimuli

<text mwstims>
/ items = mwstims

Layout Elements

<shape background>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)


List Elements (Item Selection)
Adapt as needed by modifying the settings in the '/ select' attribute.
<list mwstims>
/ items = (1, 2)
/ selectionmode = sequence


Get Complete Stimulus & Set Up The Mask & Erase Screen

<trial getstim>
/ ontrialbegin = [

values.inputstring=getitem(text.mwstims, list.mwstims.nextvalue);


/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 0
/ branch = [trial.MWtrial]
/ recorddata = false

Display Moving Window Stimulus

<trial MWtrial>
/ ontrialbegin = [expressions.movingwindow]
/ stimulusframes = [1=background, mywindow, mywindowhl]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ branch = [if(values.winend==expressions.inputend)trial.getstim else trial.MWtrial]


Cumulative Moving Window Condition

<block cumulative>
/ preinstructions = (cumulative)
/ onblockbegin = [
/ stop = [values.stopblock==1]
/ trials = [1=getstim]
/ onblockend = [values.stopblock=0]

Noncumulative Moving Window Condition

<block noncumulative>
/ preinstructions = (noncumulative)
/ onblockbegin = [
/ stop = [values.stopblock==1]
/ trials = [1=getstim]
/ onblockend = [values.stopblock=0]


<expt MovingWindow>
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=cumulative; 2=noncumulative]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

I cannot help you put a practice block in there if you don't explain what you want the practice block to do. Please provide that information.

Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)Respected Member (468 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 84
Dave - Tuesday, October 9, 2018
azizaltamimi - Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Hello everyone,
I am having trouble including a practice block into the self paced reading version uploaded in the website. I have tried to do using <block> and <expt> but I always get errors. I would really appreciate your kind help and assistance. 

Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. 

Here is the SBR as uploaded from millisecond website: 

/ cumulative = false
/ highlight = true
/ windicator = "|"
/ ucmaskchar = "-"
/ lcmaskchar = "-"

EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here

Text stimuli containing the window indicator (as defined in 'parameters.windicator') must be
entered here.
<item mwstims>

|Flywheels |are |one |of |the |oldest |mechanical |devices |known |to |man.
|Every |internal-combustion |engine |contains |a |small |flywheel |that
|converts |the |jerky |motion |of |the |pistons |into |the |smooth |flow |of
|energy |that |powers |the |drive |shaft.

|The |greater |the |mass |of |a |flywheel |and |the |faster |it |spins, |the
|more |energy |can |be |stored |in |it. |But |its |maximum |spinning |speed
|is |limited |by |the |strength |of |the |material |it |is |made |from.
|If |it |spins |too |fast |for |its |mass, |any |flywheel |will |fly |apart.|"

/ 2 = "|One |type |of |flywheel |consists |of |round |sandwiches |of |fiberglass
|and |rubber |providing |the |maximum |possible |storage |of |energy |when
|the |wheel |is |confined |in |a |small |space |as |in |an |automobile.

|Another |type, |the |'superflywheel', |consists |of |a |series |of |rimless
|spokes. |This |flywheel |stores |the |maximum |energy |when |space |is
EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.00%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (black)
/ inputdevice = mouse

<page intro>
^Welcome to the Self-Paced Reading Task!
^^This script implements the "moving window" paradigm introduced by
^^Just, M. A., Carpenter, P. A., & Wooley, J. D. (1982).
^Paradigms and processes in reading comprehension.
^Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 111(2),
^^The script supports both "cumulative" and "noncumulative" moving window
procedures and has fully customizable masking and segmenting options.
^You can even highlight the current window in a different color.
^^The script can be easily adapted to suit your own needs or integrated with
other tasks, such as plausibility or grammaticality judgments.

<page end>
You have reached the end of the task.
^^Thank you!

<page cumulative>
^^This block of trials demonstrates the "cumulative" moving window mode.
^^Press the spacebar to advance through the text.

<page noncumulative>
^^This block of trials demonstrates the "noncumulative" moving window mode.
^^Press the spacebar to advance through the text.

general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script
/buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch && !computer.haskeyboard) {"The Spacebar button will be located at the bottom of your screen.";} else {"";}

EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here

'list.uppercase' contains all characters to be masked by the character defined in
'parameters.ucmaskchar'. Add or remove characters as needed.
<list uppercase>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = sequence
/ selectionrate = always

'list.lowercase' contains all characters to be masked by the character defined in
'parameters.lcmaskchar'. Add or remove characters as needed.
<list lowercase>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = sequence
/ selectionrate = always

!!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!!

script requires Inquisit or higher

/ canvassize = (100%,100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.50%, false, false, false)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ screencolor = silver


Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top

raw data

/ columns = (build,computer.platform, date,time,subject,blockcode, blocknum,trialcode,trialnum,response,correct,latency,
/ separatefiles = true

summary data

/columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed)
/ separatefiles = true

VALUES: automatically updated
completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

inputstringUnmasked version of the current text containing the window indicators
maskstringMasked version of the current text containing the window indicators
wincountOrdinal number of the currently displayed text segment (window).
winstartStart position of current text segment (window).
winendEnd position of current text segment (window)
prewindowstringText preceding the current window. Masked or unmasked according to
windowstringThe current window (always unmasked)
postwindowstringText succeeding the current window (always masked).
outputstringConcetanation of prewindow, window and postwindow strings.
prewindowstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
windowstringhlColor-highlighted version of the current window.
postwindowstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
outputstringhlUsed to implement the window highlighting (-> 'parameters.highlight').
stopblockSwitch used to automatically stop the currently running block as soon as
all items have been displayed.

<values taskparams>
/ completed = 0
/ inputstring = ""
/ maskstring = ""
/ prewindowstring = ""
/ windowstring = ""
/ postwindowstring = ""
/ outputstring = ""
/ maskstringhl = ""
/ prewindowstringhl = ""
/ windowstringhl = ""
/ postwindowstringhl = ""
/ outputstringhl = ""
/ wincount = 0
/ winstart = 0
/ winend = 0
/ stopblock = 0


These expressions parse the input string for any occurence of the window indicator as
defined in 'parameters.windicator'. The input is segmented accordingly into a prewindow string
(either masked or unmasked according to the 'parameters.cumulative' setting), the current window
string (unmasked) and a postwindow string (masked).

*Please, do not change*
/ inputend = length(values.inputstring)

/ maskuppercase = if(list.uppercase.unselectedcount > 0){
values.maskstring=replaceall(values.maskstring,list.uppercase.nextvalue, parameters.ucmaskchar);
/ masklowercase = if(list.lowercase.unselectedcount>0){
values.maskstring = replaceall(values.maskstring,
list.lowercase.nextvalue, parameters.lcmaskchar);
/ masklowercasehl = values.maskstringhl = replaceall(values.maskstringhl,
parameters.lcmaskchar, " ")
/ maskuppercasehl = values.maskstringhl = replaceall(values.maskstringhl,
parameters.ucmaskchar, " ")
/ getwinstart = values.winstart = values.winend
/ getwinend = values.winend = search(substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, length(values.inputstring)-values.winstart), parameters.windicator)
+ length(parameters.windicator) + values.winstart
/ getprewindow = if(parameters.cumulative==true)
values.prewindowstring=substring(values.inputstring, 0, values.winstart) else
values.prewindowstring=substring(values.maskstring, 0, values.winstart)
/ getwindow = values.windowstring = substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, abs(values.winstart-values.winend))
/ getpostwindow = values.postwindowstring = substring(values.maskstring,
values.winend, abs(length(values.inputstring)-values.winend))
/ getprewindowhl = values.prewindowstringhl = substring(values.maskstringhl,
0, values.winstart)
/ getwindowhl = values.windowstringhl = substring(values.inputstring,
values.winstart, abs(values.winstart-values.winend))
/ getpostwindowhl = values.postwindowstringhl = substring(values.maskstringhl,
values.winend, abs(length(values.inputstring)-values.winend))
/ stripwindicator = if(parameters.windicator!=" "){
values.prewindowstring = replaceall(values.prewindowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.windowstring = replaceall(values.windowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.postwindowstring = replaceall(values.postwindowstring, parameters.windicator, "");
values.prewindowstringhl = replaceall(values.prewindowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
values.windowstringhl = replaceall(values.windowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
values.postwindowstringhl = replaceall(values.postwindowstringhl, parameters.windicator, "");
/ getwincount = if(values.windowstring!="")values.wincount+=1
/ getoutputstring = values.outputstring = concat(concat(values.prewindowstring,
/ getoutputstringhl = if(parameters.highlight==true)
values.outputstringhl = concat(concat(values.prewindowstringhl,
values.windowstringhl),values.postwindowstringhl) else
/ movingwindow = {
expressions.getwinstart; expressions.getwinend;
expressions.getprewindow; expressions.getwindow; expressions.getpostwindow;
expressions.getprewindowhl; expressions.getwindowhl; expressions.getpostwindowhl;
expressions.stripwindicator; expressions.getwincount;
expressions.getoutputstring; expressions.getoutputstringhl;


Standard Window Text
Fontstyle must be set to a monospaced font such as "Courier", "Courier New", "Courier New" or
"Lucida Console". "Courier New" should be available on any version of the Windows operating

<text mywindow>
/ items = ("<%values.outputstring%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Courier New", 3.00%, true, false, false)
/ vjustify = center
/ hjustify = left
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)

Highlighted Window Text
Settings should be identical to those of 'text.mywindow' save for the '/ txcolor' attribute.

<text mywindowhl>
/ items = ("<%values.outputstringhl%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Courier New", 3.00%, true, false, false)
/ vjustify = center
/ hjustify = left
/ txcolor = blue
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)

Text Elements for Moving Window Stimuli

<text mwstims>
/ items = mwstims

Layout Elements

<shape background>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)


List Elements (Item Selection)
Adapt as needed by modifying the settings in the '/ select' attribute.
<list mwstims>
/ items = (1, 2)
/ selectionmode = sequence


Get Complete Stimulus & Set Up The Mask & Erase Screen

<trial getstim>
/ ontrialbegin = [

values.inputstring=getitem(text.mwstims, list.mwstims.nextvalue);


/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 0
/ branch = [trial.MWtrial]
/ recorddata = false

Display Moving Window Stimulus

<trial MWtrial>
/ ontrialbegin = [expressions.movingwindow]
/ stimulusframes = [1=background, mywindow, mywindowhl]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ branch = [if(values.winend==expressions.inputend)trial.getstim else trial.MWtrial]


Cumulative Moving Window Condition

<block cumulative>
/ preinstructions = (cumulative)
/ onblockbegin = [
/ stop = [values.stopblock==1]
/ trials = [1=getstim]
/ onblockend = [values.stopblock=0]

Noncumulative Moving Window Condition

<block noncumulative>
/ preinstructions = (noncumulative)
/ onblockbegin = [
/ stop = [values.stopblock==1]
/ trials = [1=getstim]
/ onblockend = [values.stopblock=0]


<expt MovingWindow>
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=cumulative; 2=noncumulative]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

I cannot help you put a practice block in there if you don't explain what you want the practice block to do. Please provide that information.

Thanks Dave for your reply. 
Here are the items: 

<item practice>

/1 = "
|The |greater |the |mass |of |a |flywheel |and |the |faster |it |spins, |the
|more |energy |can |be |stored |in |it. |But |its |maximum |spinning |speed
|is |limited |by |the |strength |of |the |material |it |is |made |from.
|If |it |spins |too |fast |for |its |mass, |any |flywheel |will |fly |apart.|"

<item mwstims>

|Flywheels |are |one |of |the |oldest |mechanical |devices |known |to |man.
|Every |internal-combustion |engine |contains |a |small |flywheel |that
|converts |the |jerky |motion |of |the |pistons |into |the |smooth |flow |of
|energy |that |powers |the |drive |shaft.|"

/ 2 = "|One |type |of |flywheel |consists |of |round |sandwiches |of |fiberglass
|and |rubber |providing |the |maximum |possible |storage |of |energy |when
|the |wheel |is |confined |in |a |small |space |as |in |an |automobile.

|Another |type, |the |'superflywheel', |consists |of |a |series |of |rimless
|spokes. |This |flywheel |stores |the |maximum |energy |when |space |is

What I basically want is to add a practice block containing the practice item in the beginning so that subjects practice the task on the item/s before going to the experimental block? Could you please advice how could this be possible? I tried to include some codes from the lexical judgment task found in millisecond sources to this script because it included a practice block (using a <block> and <expt> ) that arranges the order of blocks  but it didn't work. I am thinking that the branch element could be of help here. 
I would really appreciate your kind help and assistance in advance Dave. 
Thanks in advance for your help. 
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 12K, Visits: 98K
azizaltamimi - Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Dave - Tuesday, October 9, 2018

I cannot help you put a practice block in there if you don't explain what you want the practice block to do. Please provide that information.

Thanks Dave for your reply. 
Here are the items: 

<item practice>

/1 = "
|The |greater |the |mass |of |a |flywheel |and |the |faster |it |spins, |the
|more |energy |can |be |stored |in |it. |But |its |maximum |spinning |speed
|is |limited |by |the |strength |of |the |material |it |is |made |from.
|If |it |spins |too |fast |for |its |mass, |any |flywheel |will |fly |apart.|"

<item mwstims>

|Flywheels |are |one |of |the |oldest |mechanical |devices |known |to |man.
|Every |internal-combustion |engine |contains |a |small |flywheel |that
|converts |the |jerky |motion |of |the |pistons |into |the |smooth |flow |of
|energy |that |powers |the |drive |shaft.|"

/ 2 = "|One |type |of |flywheel |consists |of |round |sandwiches |of |fiberglass
|and |rubber |providing |the |maximum |possible |storage |of |energy |when
|the |wheel |is |confined |in |a |small |space |as |in |an |automobile.

|Another |type, |the |'superflywheel', |consists |of |a |series |of |rimless
|spokes. |This |flywheel |stores |the |maximum |energy |when |space |is

What I basically want is to add a practice block containing the practice item in the beginning so that subjects practice the task on the item/s before going to the experimental block? Could you please advice how could this be possible? I tried to include some codes from the lexical judgment task found in millisecond sources to this script because it included a practice block (using a <block> and <expt> ) that arranges the order of blocks  but it didn't work. I am thinking that the branch element could be of help here. 
I would really appreciate your kind help and assistance in advance Dave. 
Thanks in advance for your help. 

Those are just the original items, so it's basically the script as is you want to use as the practice part. So there's still a part missing here: In your original post you didn't say what you wanted the practice block to do, and now the information missing is what you want the experimental block to do.

But to perhaps make this easier for you: Why don't you just make a copy of the script, leave the practice copy as is, configure the other copy as you want (put your experimental items, etc. in there) and then run the two scripts in sequence via <batch>?

/ file = "spr_practice.iqx"
/ file = "spr_experimental.iqx"


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