Amount of numbers running across the screen

Partner Member (608 reputation)Partner Member (608 reputation)Partner Member (608 reputation)Partner Member (608 reputation)Partner Member (608 reputation)Partner Member (608 reputation)Partner Member (608 reputation)Partner Member (608 reputation)Partner Member (608 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 57, Visits: 172
I am having a problem in my script that I am having troubling finding the source of. Currently, when I run the script there are only six numbers running across the screen. However I would like more numbers to move across the screen.
I have tried changing many things like the trials or the amount of items listed in the list function but the amount of numbers that run across the screens continues to be six.
Could someone please point out where I can change the amount of numbers that run across the screen? Thank you for your help.

/instructionIndex = 0
/progresswidth = 0

/progress = 1% * values.progresswidth

/fontstyle = ("Snell Roundhand", 1.43%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/txcolor = black
/nextlabel = "Press the space bar to continue"


<item Instructions>
/1= "Welcome to the Poltical Party Study
~nThis study is aimed to.....
~nYou will be given a political honestly scores and asked to pick which poltical party you see as most honest
~nBefore you start the study you will run a few practice trials
~nScores will run across the screen and you will place you finger on I and E
~nPress the spacebar to begin
~nIf you make an error a red X will appear"
/2= "Second page of Instructions is here"

<text Instructions>
/ items = Instructions
/ position = (10%, 25%)
/ halign = left
/ valign = top
/ hjustify = left
/ vjustify = center
/ size = (80%, 50%)
/ select = values.instructionIndex

<trial testinstruct>
/ontrialbegin = [ values.progresswidth += 10 ; values. instructionIndex +=1]
/ stimulustimes = [1=Instructions, progressbar, progressbar_fill]
/ correctresponse = (" ")
/ errormessage = false
/ correctmessage = false

***Error message****

<text error>
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ items = ("Incorrect")
/ color = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true)

<text corrrect>
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ items = ("Correct")
/ color= black
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true)

**Progress bar***

<shape progressbar>
/shape = rectangle
/ size = (70%, 2%)
/ color = gray
/ position = (15%, 95%)
/ halign = left
/ valign = top

<shape progressbar_fill>
/shape = rectangle
/ size = (expressions.progress, 2%)
/ color = black
/ position = (15%, 95%)
/ halign = left
/ valign = top

<item PolALabel>
/1= "Policy A"

<text PolALabel>
/ items = PolALabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 5%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolBLabel>
/1= "Policy B"

<text PolBLabel>
/items= PolBLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 5%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolCLabel>
/1= "Policy C"

<text PolCLabel>
/items= PolCLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 5%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolDLabel>
/1= "Policy D"

<text PolDLabel>
/items= PolDLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 5%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item Demplus>
/1 = "67"
/2 = "70"
/3 = "75"
/4= "81"
/5= "55"
/6= "54"
/7= "59"
/8= "63"
/9= "64"
/10= "53"
/11= "96"
/12= "81"
/13= "25"
/14= "72"
/15= "76"
/17= "51"
/18= "73"
/19= "83"
/20= "88"
/21= "44"
/22= "58"
/23= "74"
/24= "74"
/25= "92"
/26= "63"
/27= "75"
/28= "80"
/29= "72"
/30= "74"
/31= "62"
/32= "82"
/33= "59"
/34= "51"
/35= "75"
/36= "88"
/37= "64"
/38= "88"
/39= "83"
/40= "51"
/41= "85"
/42= "58"
/43= "45"
/44= "75"
/45= "64"
/46= "63"
/47= "68"
/48= "55"
/49= "68"
/50= "76"

<item Demminus>
/1 = "52"
/2 = "54"
/3 = "63"
/4= "41"
/5= "61"
/6= "58"
/7= "67"
/8= "59"
/9= "79"
/10= "65"
/11= "46"
/12= "54"
/13= "55"
/14= "51"
/15= "58"
/16= "52"
/17= "63"
/18= "87"
/19= "44"
/20= "61"
/21= "66"
/22= "59"
/23= "78"
/24= "79"
/25= "63"
/26= "81"
/27= "66"
/28= "41"
/29= "48"
/30= "80"
/31= "59"
/32= "46"
/33= "55"
/34= "50"
/35= "65"
/36= "78"
/37= "67"
/38= "51"
/39= "63"
/40= "62"
/41= "64"
/42= "68"
/43= "72"
/44= "72"
/45= "65"
/46= "66"
/47= "48"
/48= "77"
/49= "96"
/50= "77"

<item Repplus>
/1 = "67"
/2 = "70"
/3 = "75"
/4= "81"
/5= "55"
/6= "54"
/7= "59"
/8= "63"
/9= "64"
/10= "53"
/11= "96"
/12= "81"
/13= "25"
/14= "72"
/15= "76"
/17= "51"
/18= "73"
/19= "83"
/20= "88"
/21= "44"
/22= "58"
/23= "74"
/24= "74"
/25= "92"
/26= "63"
/27= "75"
/28= "80"
/29= "72"
/30= "74"
/31= "62"
/32= "82"
/33= "59"
/34= "51"
/35= "75"
/36= "88"
/37= "64"
/38= "88"
/39= "83"
/40= "51"
/41= "85"
/42= "58"
/43= "45"
/44= "75"
/45= "64"
/46= "63"
/47= "68"
/48= "55"
/49= "68"
/50= "76"

<item Repminus>
/1 = "52"
/2 = "54"
/3 = "63"
/4= "41"
/5= "61"
/6= "58"
/7= "67"
/8= "59"
/9= "79"
/10= "65"
/11= "46"
/12= "54"
/13= "55"
/14= "51"
/15= "58"
/16= "52"
/17= "63"
/18= "87"
/19= "44"
/20= "61"
/21= "66"
/22= "59"
/23= "78"
/24= "79"
/25= "63"
/26= "81"
/27= "66"
/28= "41"
/29= "48"
/30= "80"
/31= "59"
/32= "46"
/33= "55"
/34= "50"
/35= "65"
/36= "78"
/37= "67"
/38= "51"
/39= "63"
/40= "62"
/41= "64"
/42= "68"
/43= "72"
/44= "72"
/45= "65"
/46= "66"
/47= "48"
/48= "77"
/49= "96"
/50= "77"

Subject 1: Rep: Orange, Dem: Purple

<text Demplus1_P>
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus2_P>
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus3_P>
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<list Demplusitems_1>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Demminus1_P>
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus2_P>
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus3_P>
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<list Demminusitems_1>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Repplus1_O>
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus2_O>
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus3_O>
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<list Repplusitems_1>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Repminus1_O>
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus2_O>
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus3_O>
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<list Repminusitems_1>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace = true

Subject 2: Rep: Purple, Dem: Orange

<text Demplus1_O>
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus2_O>
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus3_O>
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<list Demplusitems_2>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Demminus1_O>
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus2_O>
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus3_O>
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<list Demminusitems_2>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Repplus1_P>
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus2_P>
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus3_P>
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<list Repplusitems_2>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Repminus1_P>
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus2_P>
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus3_P>
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 90%, 100%, 90%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<list Repminusitems_2>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace = true

Subject 1
<list Demplus_S1>
/items = (text.Demplus1_P, text.Demplus2_P, text.Demplus3_P, text.Repminus1_O, text.Repminus2_O, text.Repminus3_O)
/selectionrate =always
/selectionmode =random
/replace = false

<list Repplus_S1>
/items = (text.Demminus1_P,text.Demminus2_P,text.Demminus3_P, text.Repplus1_O,text.Repplus2_O, text.Repplus3_O)
/selectionrate =always
/selectionmode =random
/replace = false

Subject 2

<list Demplus_S2>
/items = (text.Demplus1_O, text.Demplus2_O, text.Demplus3_O, text.Repminus1_P, text.Repminus2_P, text.Repminus3_P)
/selectionrate =always
/selectionmode =random
/replace = false

<list Repplus_S2>
/items = (text.Demminus1_O,text.Demminus2_O,text.Demminus3_O, text.Repplus1_P,text.Repplus2_P, text.Repplus3_P)
/selectionrate =always
/selectionmode =random
/replace = false

Subject 1

<trial PracticeI_S1> 
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.PracticeI_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.PracticeI_S1.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial PracticeE_S1>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.PracticeE_S1.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.PracticeE_S1.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial DemBI_P>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.DemBI_P.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial RepBI_O>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.RepBI_O.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial DemBE_P>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S1.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.DemBE_P.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial RepBE_O>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S1.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.RepBE_O.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

Subject 2

<trial PracticeI_2> 
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.PracticeI_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.PracticeI_2.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

*Ask yrian*

<trial PracticeE_2>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.PracticeE_2.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.PracticeE_2.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial DemBI_O>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.DemBI_O.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial RepBI_P>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.RepBI_P.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial DemBE_O>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_S2.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.DemBE_O.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<trial RepBE_P>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_S2.nextvalue, 12000);]
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ontrialend= [trial.RepBE_P.resetstimulusframes(12000)]

<block PracticeI>
/trials = [ 1= testinstruct; 2= replace(PracticeI_S1)]
/errormessage = true(error,1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial1A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial2A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial3A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial4A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial5A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial1B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials= [1= testinstruct; 2= replace(RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial2B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial3B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial4B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial5B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial1C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial2C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial3C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial4C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial5C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial1D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial2D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial3D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial4D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial5D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

/subjects = (1 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1A ; 2= trial2A; 3=block.trial3A; 4= block.trial4A; 5= block.trial5A ]
/groupassignment = groupnumber

/subjects = (2 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2B; 3= trial3B; 4= trial4B; 5= trial5B]
/groupassignment = groupnumber

/subjects = (3 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1C ; 2= trial2C; 3= trial3C; 4= trial4C; 5= trial5C]
/groupassignment = groupnumber

/subjects = (4 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1D ; 2= trial2D; 3= trial3D; 4= trial4D; 5=trial5D]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 12K, Visits: 98K
> Currently, when I run the script there are only six numbers running across the screen. However I would like more numbers to move across the screen.

Then you need to create more <text> elements, put them in the respective lists as items, and insert those stimuli /ontrialbegin. We've discussed this before, please refer to


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