up Inquisit Language Reference

beginresponseframe attribute

Specifies the stimulus frame number at which Inquisit begins Registering responses.

Member of

<trial> <likert> <openended> <slidertrial>


/ beginresponseframe = integer


/ beginresponseframe = expression


Name Type Description
integer integer The frame number, or -1 to recognize all responses made during the trial.
expression expression An expression that resolves to the frame number, or -1 to recognize all responses made during the trial.


The beginResponseFrame attribute enables tasks that allow subjects to respond before or during the presentation of stimuli. By default, Inquisit recognizes responses that occur after all stimulus frames have been presented. Responses given prior to or during presentation are ignored.

Values 0 and 1 both refer to the first frame. A value of -1 tells Inquisit to recognize responses given at any point during the trial. Response latency is measured relative to the point specified by beginResponseFrame, which is the beginning of the trial if set to -1.


The following trial presents a sequence of stimuli, allowing the subject to respond at any point during the sequence:

<trial myTrial>
/ stimulusTimes = [0=sometext1; 10=sometext2; 20=sometext3; 30=sometext4; 40=sometext5]
/ beginResponseFrame = 0
/ validResponse = (" ")

The following trial presents a sequence of stimuli, allowing the subject to respond at any point after the 3rd stimulus is presented but not before:

<trial myTrial>
/ stimulusTimes = [0=sometext1; 10=sometext2; 20=sometext3; 30=sometext4; 40=sometext5]
/ beginResponseFrame = 20
/ validResponse = (" ")

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