up Inquisit Language Reference

hposition attribute

The hposition attribute determines the horizontal position at which to display the item on the screen.

Member of

<button> <clock> <html> <picture> <shape> <text> <video>


/ hposition = x


/ hposition = expression


Name Type Description
x extent The horizontal screen coordinate in pixels, percent (default), or points.
expression value An expression resolving to the horizontal screen coordinate in pixels, percent (default), or points.


The value is specified as a percentage of the horizontal plane of the screen, where 0.0 corresponds to the left edge of the screen and 100.0 to the right. The default value is 50.0, which corresponds to the center of the screen.


The following randomly selects the position of the text to be the right, left, or center of the screen:

<text myText>
/ items = ("ipsum")
/ hPosition = noReplace(0, 50, 100)

The following sets the position based on the trial number:

<text myText>
/ items = ("ipsum")
/ hPosition = trial.myTrial.currentTrialNumber * 5

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