up Inquisit Language Reference

page element

The page element defines a page of instruction or feedback text.


<page name>
This element has no attributes






The page element is used to define simple pages of text to be displayed as instructions using the preInstructions or postInstructions attribute. Tab and space characters occuring within the page definition will also appear in the instruction page as displayed. Line breaks, however, are stripped out prior to display. To force a line break, use the special character "^".

Inquisit provides built-in support for reporting accuracy, latency and response window measures at the end of a block of trials using the blockfeedback attribute. The page element also supports customized reporting of a wide variety of performance statistics factored by trial or block type and aggregated over the course of a single block or the entire experiment. The current value of a given measure for a given trial or block can be inserted anywhere within the text of an instruction page by specifying the type of element, element's name, and the name of the measure as follows: <% type.name.property %>

The text of pages can be richly formatted using a subset of supported HTML markup tags. For example, markup tags can be used to make selected words appear in bold, italics, a different font, or a different color. For more information on formatting options, see Using HTML Markup in Text


The following page reports various latency measures for a "nonword" trial:

<page report>
^^ Your average response time on nonword trials was <% trial.nonword.meanLatency %> milliseconds.
^^ Your fastest response on nonword trials was <% trial.nonword.minLatency %> milliseconds.
^^ Your slowest response on nonword trials was <% trial.nonword.maxLatency %> milliseconds.</page>

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