up Inquisit Language Reference

dropposition attribute

The dropposition attribute indicates the screen location where stimuli are positioned after being dragged and dropped onto a valid drop target.

Member of

<button> <clock> <picture> <shape> <text> <video>


/ dropposition = (x value, y value)


/ dropposition = (x constant, y constant)


x constant One of the following:

Value Description
anywhere The stimulus is positioned wherever on the target it was dropped.
center The stimulus is positioned on the horizontal center of the target.
left The stimulus is positioned on the left side of the target.
right The stimulus is positioned on the right side of the target.
x value The horizontal canvas coordinate in pixels, percent(default), or points.
y constant One of the following:

Value Description
anywhere The stimulus is positioned wherever on the target it was dropped.
center The stimulus is positioned on the horizontal center of the target.
top The stimulus is positioned on the top side of the target.
bottom The stimulus is positioned on the bottom side of the target.
y value The vertical canvas coordinate in pixels, percent(default), or points.


Horizontal dropposition is relative to the left side of the canvas. 0% is the left edge of the canvas and 100% is the right edge. Vertical dropposition is relative to the top of the canvas, with 0% placing the dropped item at the top and 100% placing it at the bottom edge. Percentages may be specified as decimals (e.g., 52.968) for increased precision. The default dropposition is the middle of the stimulus.


The following sets the dropposition of the text to the lower left corner of the canvas:

<text sometext>
/ items = ("ipsum")
/ dropposition = (0, 100)

The following sets the dropposition of the text to the middle of the canvas with 800 X 600 pixels:

<text sometext>
/ items = ("ipsum")
/ dropposition = (400px, 300px)

The following sets the dropposition based on the trial number:

<text sometext>
/ items = ("ipsum")
/ dropposition = (trial.mytrial.currenttrialnumber * 5, trial.mytrial.currenttrialnumber * 5)

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