up Inquisit Language Reference

erase attribute

The erase attribute specifies whether a visual stimulus should be erased or audio stimulus stopped at the end of the trial.

Member of

<button> <clock> <picture> <shape> <sound> <text> <video>


/ erase = true(red value, green value, blue value)


/ erase = true(color value)


/ erase = true(color name)


/ erase = false


red value An integer from 0 to 255 specifying the intensity of the red component.
green value An integer from 0 to 255 specifying the intensity of the green component.
blue value An integer from 0 to 255 specifying the intensity of the blue component.
color name The name of a built in color.
color value A 32-bit argb value specified as in integer or a CSS hex value (e.g., #0000FF or #00F for blue).


If erase is set to false, the stimulus is not erased at the end of the trial. If set to true, the stimulus is erased using the indicated colored. For sound stimuli, the sound is stopped and the erase color is ignored. The default is to erase the stimulus using the background color of the screen. By default, stimuli are erased using the background color of the screen.


The following defines a text stimulus that is erased with green:

<text sometext>
/ items = ("blah blah blah")
/ erase = true(0, 255, 0)

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