up Inquisit Language Reference

latencydistribution attribute

The latencydistribution attribute controls the response latencies of Inquisit's test monkey.

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/ latencydistribution = constant(mean)


/ latencydistribution = normal(mean, sd)


/ latencydistribution = uniform(min, max)


mean The expected average in milliseconds of the monkey's response latencies.
sd The expected standard deviation in milliseconds of the monkey's response latencies.
min The minimum possible latency in milliseconds for the monkey's response.
max The maximum possible latency in milliseconds for the monkey's response.


By default, the monkey uses a normal distribution, the mean and standard deviation of which vary depending upon whether a response deadline or window is used.


The following specifies that the monkey's latencies are randomly selected from a normal distibution, with a mean of 200 milliseconds and standard deviation of 10. Each response is 95% likely to be correct.

/ latencydistribution = normal(200, 10)
/ percentcorrect = 95

The following specifies that the monkey's latencies are randomly selected from a uniform distribution ranging from 0 to 1000 milliseconds. Each response is 50% likely to be correct.

/ latencydistribution = uniform(0, 1000)
/ percentcorrect = 50

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