up Inquisit Language Reference

mode attribute

The mode attribute controls the procedure used to obtain a response from the subject.

Member of



/ mode = responsemode


responsemode One of the following values:

Value Description
free Any valid response may be given at any time.
window The trial uses the response window procedure.
correct A correct response may be given at any time. If a valid but incorrect response is given, the response is treated as an error. The first valid response, correct or incorrect, is recorded in the data file. The recorded latency is the that of the correct response.
noresponse The trial does not wait for a response.
anyresponse Any response can be given at any time. All possible responses supported by the input device are considered valid.


Setting the mode attribute to window causes Inquisit to display the stimulus assigned to the rwstimulus attribute for an interval or window of time. The length of the interval is rwwidth ms and the middle of the interval occurs rwcenter ms following the end of the last stimulus presentation frame. If the subject responds during the interval, the stimulus assigned to rwhitstimulus is displayed and remains on the screen for rwhitduration ms. If rwhitstimulus is not defined and the rwstimulus is text, the rwstimulus turns red and remains on the screen for rwhitduration ms. If rwhitstimulus is not defined and the rwstimulus is not text, then the rwstimulus is erased from screen and a rwhitduration ms pause ensues. If the subject responds before the window, the rwstimulus never appears. If the subject responds after the interval, the rwstimulus disappears.

Depending upon performance on a given block in this experiment, Inquisit may adjust the window center value for subsequent blocks involving this <response>.

The window center is increased by 33 ms if

The window center is decreased by 33 ms if


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