up Inquisit Language Reference

questions attribute

The questions attribute specifies the sequence of questions in a survey page.

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/ questions = [questionnumber, questionnumber = questionname; questionnumber-questionnumber = selectmode(questionname, questionname,...); questionnumber, questionnumber-questionnumber = questionname]


questionnumber A non-negative integer specifying the question number.
questionname The name of a question defined elsewhere in the script to be run in this survey page.
selectmode One of the following values:
Value Description
noreplace Randomly selects without replacement which question in the group to run.
noreplacenorepeat Randomly selects which question in the group to present without replacement and without selecting any single question consecutively.
replace Randomly selects with replacement which question in the group to run.
replacenorepeat Randomly selects which question in the group to present with replacement and without selecting any single question consecutively.
sequence Runs each question in the group.


The integers to the left of the equal signs represent ordinal positions within the sequence of questions. questions can be directly assigned to a position in the sequence using the equals sign. A page can be simultaneously assigned to multiple positions by separating the position numbers with commas (equivalent to "and") or dashes (equivalent to "through"). All page numbers in the survey page must be assigned to a page.


The following survey page consists of 3 survey questions presented in fixed order:

/ questions=[1=question1; 2=question2; 3=question3]

The following survey page presents 4 questions in random order.

/ questions=[1-4=noreplace(question1, question2, question3)]

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