User Manual: Inquisit Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA-CPT)



Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Date: 01-31-2014
last updated:  03-20-2024 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC

Script Copyright ©  03-20-2024 Millisecond Software

This script implements Inquisit's interpretation of the 
Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVACPT), a test of sustained and selective attention.


E. Strauss, E. M. S. Sherman, & O. Spreen (2006). A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Administration, Norms, and Commentary.
3rd ed., Oxford University Press, New York, (p.575-582)

!Note: the script is a best guess effort by Millisecond Software. Differences between the commercially
available IVA+Plus CPT and this script are likely.

Participants are presented digits (here: 1 or 2) in visual or auditory form. One of the digits is
defined as the target or GO digit (here: 1), the other digit is the nontarget or NOGO digit (here: 2).
Participants are asked to press the response key (here: Spacebar) whenever they see OR hear a GO digit (here: 1) but
to refrain from responding whenever they see OR hear a NOGO digit (here: 2).

the default set-up of the script takes appr. 25 minutes to complete

The default data stored in the data files are:

(1) Raw data file: 'ivacpt_raw*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

build:								The specific Inquisit version used (the 'build') that was run
computer.platform:					the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
date, time: 						date and time script was run 
subject, group: 					with the current subject/groupnumber
session:							with the current session id

phase:								"warmup", "practice", "test", "cooldown"

blockcode, blocknum:				the name and number of the current block (built-in Inquisit variable)
trialcode, trialnum: 				the name and number of the currently recorded trial (built-in Inquisit variable)
										Note: trialnum is a built-in Inquisit variable; it counts all trials run; even those
										that do not store data to the data file such as feedback trials. Thus, trialnum 
										may not reflect the number of main trials run per block.
set:								setcount (5 sets of 100 trials are run; each set consists of 2 Blocks of 50 trials)
testblockcount:						counts the number of test blocks run
counttrials_block:					counts the trials run in a block
counttrials_total:					counts the trials run across all test blocks
targetdigit:						stores the digit that is assigned target status

currentdigit:						variable used to select the digit for the current trial
modalityType:						1 = visual; 2 = audio
trialtype:							1 = Go; 2 = NoGo								
response:							the participant's response for that trial (lbuttondown = left mouse click)
correct:							the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = otherwise)

latency: 							the response latency in ms;
										Note: for test trials 'RT test' contains the actual response latency
rt_test: 							stores the latency (in ms) of the left mouse click in test (and practice) trials 

Hits_V:								cumulative count of Hits in visual trials 
Misses_V:							cumulative count of Misses in visual trial
FAs_V:								cumulative count of False Alarms in visual trials
CRs_V:								cumulative count of Correct Rejections in visual trials

Hits_A:								cumulative count of Hits in audio trials 
Misses_A:							cumulative count of Misses in audio trial
FAs_A:								cumulative count of False Alarms in audio trials
CRs_A:								cumulative count of Correct Rejections in audio trials

(2) Summary data file: 'ivacpt_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

inquisit.version: 					Inquisit version run
computer.platform:					the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
startDate:							date script was run
startTime:							time script was started
subjectid:							assigned subject id number
groupid:							assigned group id number
sessionid:							assigned session id number
elapsedTime:						time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script
completed:							0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 
									1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

STD_audiobaseline1:					store Mean and standard deviations of visual and auditory response latencies (in ms) for the warm-up baseline (1)
STD_audiobaseline2: 				store Mean and standard deviations of visual and auditory response latencies (in ms) for the cool-down baseline (2)

trialCount:							counts the trials run across all test blocks
propcorrect_overall:				the proportion correct responses across all test trials
hitRate_overall:					the overall hit rate across all test trials (=correct responses in Go trials)
hitRate_V:							the overall hit rate across all visual test trials (=correct responses in visual Go trials)
hitRate_A:							the overall hit rate across all auditory test trials (=correct responses in auditory Go trials)
FaRate_overall:						the overall false alarm rate across all test trials (=error responses in NoGo trials)
FaRate_V:							the overall false alarm rate across all visual test trials (=error responses in visual NoGo trials)
FaRate_A:							the overall false alarm rate across all auditory test trials (=error responses in auditory NoGo trials)

meanRT_hits -
meanRT_FAs  						mean latencies in ms of hits and false alarms across and separate for visual (V) and auditory (A) conditions
										Note: see under section Expressions for further summary variables that are calculated and could be
										added to the datafile (e.g. standard deviations)

meanRT_Set12V:						mean latency (in ms) of hits for visual trials in the 1. and 2. sets (combined)
meanRT_Set45V:						mean latency (in ms) of hits for visual trials in the 4. and 5. sets (combined)
meanRT_Set12A:						mean latency (in ms) of hits for auditory trials in the 1. and 2. sets (combined)
meanRT_Set45A:						mean latency (in ms) of hits for auditory trials in the 4. and 5. sets (combined)
meanRT_moretargetV:					mean latency (in ms) of hits for visual trials in high frequency target blocks
meanRT_fewertargetV:				mean latency (in ms) of hits for visual trials in low frequency target blocks
meanRT_moretargetA:					mean latency (in ms) of hits for auditory trials in high frequency target blocks
meanRT_fewertargetA:				mean latency (in ms) of hits for auditory trials in low frequency target blocks

Q1_V:								Q1 (25th percentile) of visual hit latencies in ms
medianRT_hits_V:					visual hit latency (in ms) median (50th percentile)
Q3_V:								Q3 (75th percentile) of visual hit latencies in ms
Q1_A:								Q1 (25th percentile) of auditory hit latencies in ms
medianRT_hits_A:					auditory hit latency (in ms) median (50th percentile)
Q3_A:								Q3 (75th percentile) of auditory hit latencies in ms
Subscale Raw Scores:
Note: these summary statistics are a best guess effort of Millisecond Software and might not
be comparable to the scores obtained with commercially available programs  (see section EXPRESSIONS)

pra_perc:			'Prudence Auditory Scale Percent (100-((PRA#75) x 100)'
					=> in script: 100 - ((expressions.FAs A75) * 100)
prv_perc:			'Prudence Visual Scale Percent (100-((PRV#65) x 100)'
					=> in script: 100 - ((expressions.FAs V65) * 100)

via_perc:			'Vigilance Auditory Scale Percent (100-((VIA#45) x 100)'
					=> in script: 100 - ((expressions.Misses A45) * 100)
viv_perc:				'Vigilance Visual Scale Percent (100-((VIV#45) x 100)'
					=> in script: 100 - ((expressions.Misses V45) * 100)

CONA:				'Consistency Auditory Scale ((Quartile 1 RTQuartile 3RT) x 100)'
									=> in script: (Q1 or visual hit RTs  Q3 of visual hit RTs)) * 100
CONV:				'Consistency Visual Scale ((Quartile 1 RTQuartile 3RT) x 100)'
									=> in script: ((Q1 of auditory hit RTs  Q3 of auditory hit RTs)) * 100

STMA:				'Stamina Auditory Scale ((Sets 1 + 2)(Sets 4 + 5)) x 100'
									=> in script: ((mean latency of auditory hits in sets 1 and 2  mean latency of auditory hits in sets 4 and 5)) * 100
STMV:				'Stamina Visual Scale ((Sets 1 + 2)(Sets 4 + 5)) x 100'
									=> in script: ((mean latency of visual hits in sets 1 and 2  mean latency of visual hits in sets 4 and 5)) * 100

MNA:				'Mean Auditory reaction time for all trials (Speed Scale)'
									=> in this script: mean latency of hits across all auditory test trials
MNV:				'Mean Visual reaction time for all trials (Speed Scale, Max N = 125)'
									=> in this script: mean latency of hits across all visual test trials

FOCA:				'Focus Auditory Scale ((1 - (SDMN)) x 100)'
									=> in this script: (1 - (standard deviation of auditory hit latenciesmean hit latency for auditory trials)) * 100
FOCV:				'Focus Visual Scale ((1 - (SDMN)) x 100)'
									=> in this script: (1 - (standard deviation of visual hit latenciesmean hit latency for visual trials)) * 100

RFRA:				'Ratio FrequentRare Auditory RT x 100 (Readiness Scale)'
									=> in this script: (mean auditory hit latency in blocks with frequent targetsmean auditory hit latency in blocks with rare targets) * 100
RFRV:				'Ratio FrequentRare Visual RT x 100 (Readiness Scale)'
									=> in this script: (mean visual hit latency in blocks with frequent targetsmean visual hit latency in blocks with rare targets) * 100

RVAC:				Ratio VisualAuditory Combined RT x 100 (Balance Scale)
									=> in this script: (mean visual hit latencymean auditory hit latency) * 100

RWCA:				Ratio Warm-upCool-down Auditory RT x 100 (Persistence Scale)
									=> in this script: (mean auditory latency from baseline1  mean auditory latency from baseline2) * 100
RWCV:				Ratio Warm-upCool-down Visual RT x 100 (Persistence Scale)
									=> in this script: (mean visual latency from baseline1  mean visual latency from baseline2) * 100

AAQ:				'Auditory Attention Quotient (based on VIA perc + FOCA + MNA)
ARCQ:				'Auditory Response Control Quotient (based on: PRA perc + CONA + STMA)

VAQ:				'Visual Attention Quotient (based on VIV perc + FOCV + MNV)
VRCQ:				'Visual Response Control Quotient (based on: PRV perc + CONV + STMV)

FAQ:				'Full Scale Attention Quotient (based on AAQ + VAQ)
FRCQ:				'Full Scale Response Control Quotient (based on ARCQ + VRCQ)

SMA:				'SensoryMotor Auditory Scale (better of Warm-upCool down RT)
					=> in this script: the faster mean reaction time of audio warm-up (baseline1) or audio cool-down (baseline2)
SMV: 				'SensoryMotor Visual Scale (better of Warm-upCool down RT)
					=> in this script: the faster mean reaction time of visual warm-up (baseline1) or visual cool-down (baseline2)

a) Warm-up Baseline:
- 2 blocks (one for visual assessment, one for audio assessment) for warm-up at the beginning of the session
- each block runs for parameters.baselinetrialnumber (-> editable parameter, default: 30)
- Trial Sequence: after a randomly selected time period (-> list.iti_baseline, editable list) a stimulus is presented and 
baseline response latencies are measured
- default response is a left mouse button press
- at the end of each blocks mean reaction times (as well as their stds) are stored for comparison purposes
=> as a measure of Persistence scores RWCA/RWCV calculate the ratios of the warm-up mean latencies to the equivalent cool-down mean latencies
separately for audio (A) and visual (V) latencies.

!Note: The Baseline Phase in this script is a best guess effort by Millisecond Software LLC

b) Practice:
- 1 block of practice trials between baseline blocks and test blocks
- practice block is equivalent to a test block with parameters.practicetrialnumber (editable parameter, default: 50)
but does not count towards summary scores.
- by default, the frequency of targets equals that of non-targets during the practice session.

!Note: The Practice Phase in this script is a best guess effort by Millisecond Software LLC

c) Test:
- 10 Blocks of 50 trials (Total: 500) divided into 5 sets: the first block in a set presents a high frequency of
targets (default: 84%); the second block in a set presents a low frequency of targets (16%) (-> parameters.highfrequency, editable parameter)
- Half of the trials in each block present visual stimuli, half the trials present auditory stimuli;
the order is randomly determined
- the order of Go and Nogo trials is randomly determined in each block
- The visual stimuli appear in a box in the middle of the screen for parameters.visualstimulusduration (default: 167ms, editable parameter)
- the auditory stimuli are played for 500ms (length of the audio files) - to change the length different audio files have to be used
- the total trialduration (and the time to collect responses) is parameters.trialduration (default: 1500ms, editable parameter)
- response mode is the mouse

d) Cooling-down Baseline (same as (a))
- 2 blocks (one for visual assessment, one for audio assessment) for cool-down at the end of the session

!Note: The Baseline Phase in this script is a best guess effort by Millisecond Software LLC

visual stimuli (default: digits 1 and 2) and audio stimuli can be edited under 
section Editable Stimuli

The visual digits are presented in a frame in the middle of the screen. Size of the
digits and the frames can be edited under section Editable Parameters

The provided instructions are written by Millisecond Software. 
They can be edited under section Editable Instructions.
check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. 
Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code 
to further customize your experiment.

The parameters you can change are:

/fontsize:								fontsize of the visual digits in screen height percentages (default: 10%)
/framewidth:							the width of the frame in screen height percentages (default: 10%)
/frameheight:							the height of the frame in screen height percentages (default: 20%)

/visualstimulusduration:				presentation duration of the visual digits in ms (default: 167ms)
											Note: duration of audio files is controlled by length of audio file (here: 500ms)
/trialduration:							the total duration (in ms) of the test trials (= the time participants have to respond)
										before the next stimulus is presented (default: 1500ms)

/trialnumber:							the number of trials in a block (here: 50)
											Note: in this script the 'official' sets of 100 trials each are divided up into 2
													blocks of 50 trials: the first block is the one to present a higher frequency of targets
													and the second block presents a lower frequency of targets
/baselinetrialnumber:					the number of trials run in a baseline block (default: 35)
											Note: each baseline block lasts roughly ~1min
/practicetrialnumber:					the number of trials run during practice
											Note: 60 trials lasting 1500ms (default) each ~ 1.5min
/highfrequency:							sets the frequency of targets (nontargets) in the blocks in which targets (nontargets) are 
										presented more frequently (default: 0.84)