User Manual: Inquisit Immediate and Delayed Memory Tasks - Practice Only


						Immediate & Delayed Memory Task (IMT/DMT) - Practice Session

Script Author: David Nitz ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
last updated:  02-23-2022 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC

Script Copyright © 02-23-2022 Millisecond Software

	This script implements a practice session for the Immediate & Delayed Memory Task (IMT/DMT) described in:

	Dougherty, D.M., Marsh, D.M., and Mathias, C.W. (2002). Immediate and Delayed Memory Tasks:  A computerized measure 
	of memory, attention, and impulsivity. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 34, 391-398.

Participants view a steady stream of 5-digit (default) numbers and are asked to click the Mouse button if the current
target number is identical to the one before it.
2 slightly different conditions:
A) Delayed Memory Task: the target numbers are followed by three distractor numbers. 
The distractor numbers are always the same number (12345).
B) Immediate Memory Task: target numbers follow target numbers immediately. No distractors are used.

the default set-up of the script takes appr. 6 minutes to complete

The default data stored in the data files are:

(1) Raw data file: 'imtdmt_practice_raw*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

(1) Raw data file: 'briefiat_raw*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

build:							The specific Inquisit version used (the 'build') that was run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
date, time: 					date and time script was run 
subject, group, 				with the current subject/groupnumber
session:						with the current session id

blockcode, blocknum:			the name and number of the current block (built-in Inquisit variable)
trialcode, trialnum: 			the name and number of the currently recorded trial (built-in Inquisit variable)
									Note: trialnum is a built-in Inquisit variable; it counts all trials run; 
									even those that do not store data to the data file such as feedback trials
response:						the participant's response (scancode of response buttons)
correct:						accuracy of response: 1 = correct response; 0 = otherwise
latency: 						the response latency (in ms); measured from: onset of target

imt_blockcount					Number of IMT blocks run
dmt_blockcount					Number of DMT blocks run.

(2) Summary data file: 'imtdmt_practice_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

inquisit.version: 					Inquisit version run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
startDate:						date script was run
startTime:						time script was started
subjectid:						assigned subject id number
groupid:						assigned group id number
sessionid:						assigned session id number
elapsedTime:					time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script
completed:						0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 
								1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

ndigits							Number of digits for stimuli. Valid range is 2-7. Default is 5.
								Default is "1234567". The distractor string will automatically be cropped to the correct length as
								specified by ndigits.									

imt_totalcorrectdetections:			Total number of correct detections across all IMT blocks.
imt_n_targettrials_total:			Total number of Target trials across all IMT blocks.
imt_correctdetections_pct_total:	Computes the percentage of correct detections across all IMT blocks.
imt_totalcommissionerrors:			Total number of Commission errors across all IMT blocks.
imt_n_catchtrials_total:			Total number of Catch trials across all IMT blocks.
imt_commissionerrors_pct_total:		Computes the percentage of Commission errors across all IMT blocks.
imt_totalfillererrors:				Total number of Filler errors across all IMT blocks.
imt_n_fillertrials_total:			Total number of Filler trials across all IMT blocks.
imt_fillererrors_pct_total:			Computes the percentage of Filler errors across all IMT blocks.

imt_meantargetlatency_total:		Computes the mean RT for responses to Target stimuli across all IMT blocks.
imt_meancatchlatency_total:			Computes the mean RT for responses to Catch stimuli across all IMT blocks.

imt_hr:								Computes the hit-rate across all IMT blocks.
imt_fr:								Computes the false-alarm-rate across all IMT blocks.
imt_dprime:							Computes d' for the IMT (parametric measure of discriminability).
imt_aprime:							Computes ß (beta) for the IMT (parametric measure of bias).
imt_beta:							Computes A' for the IMT ("nonparametric" measure of discriminability).
imt_bd:								Computeds B''d for the IMT ("nonparametric" measure of bias; cf. Donaldson, 1992).

dmt_blockcount:						Number of DMT blocks run.
dmt_totalcorrectdetections:			Total number of correct detections across all DMT blocks.
dmt_n_targettrials_total:			Total number of Target trials across all DMT blocks.
dmt_correctdetections_pct_total:	Computes the percentage of correct detections across all DMT blocks.
dmt_totalcommissionerrors:			Total number of Commission errors across all DMT blocks.
dmt_n_catchtrials_total:			Total number of Catch trials across all DMT blocks.
dmt_commissionerrors_pct_total:		Computes the percentage of Commission errors across all DMT blocks.
dmt_totalfillererrors:				Total number of Filler errors across all DMT blocks.
dmt_n_fillertrials_total:		    Total number of Filler trials across all DMT blocks.
dmt_fillererrors_pct_total:			Computes the percentage of Filler errors across all DMT blocks.
dmt_totaldistractorerrors:			Total number of Distractor errors across all DMT blocks.
dmt_n_distractortrials_total:		Total number of Distractor trials across all DMT blocks.
dmt_distractorerrors_pct_total:		Computes the percentage of Distractor errors across all DMT blocks.

dmt_meantargetlatency_total:		Computes the mean RT for responses to Target stimuli across all DMT blocks.
dmt_meancatchlatency_total:			Computes the mean RT for responses to Catch stimuli across all DMT blocks.

dmt_hr:						Computes the hit-rate across all DMT blocks.
dmt_fr:						Computes the false-alarm-rate across all DMT blocks.
dmt_dprime:					Computes d' for the DMT (parametric measure of discriminability).
dmt_aprime:					Computes ß (beta) for the DMT (parametric measure of bias).
dmt_beta:					Computes A' for the DMT ("nonparametric" measure of discriminability).
dmt_bd:						Computeds B''d for the DMT ("nonparametric" measure of bias; cf. Donaldson, 1992).

Parameter Settings used:
tasktype:					1 = Run IMT only
										2 = Run DMT only
										3 = Run IMT -> DMT alternatingly
										4 = Run DMT -> IMT alternatingly
										Default is 3.
nblockspertask:				Number of blocks per task. I.e., with tasktype=3 and nblockspertask=2, there will be 2 IMT blocks and
										2 DMT blocks in alternating order.
										For tasktype=1 and tasktype=2, nblockspertask should be set to 4.
										For tasktype=3 and tasktype=4, nblockspertask should be set to 2.

targetprobability:			Default is 33.
catchprobability:			Default is 33.
fillerprobability:			Default is 34 (100-targetprobability-catchprobability)
										target-, catch- and fillerprobability *must* add up to 100!

										!!! IMPORTANT NOTICE !!!				
										* The above probabilities only apply to individual trials. 
										* They *do not* represent presentation probabilities across a session!
										* This is an important consideration when adjusting target and catch probabilities 
										* because a filler stimulus always follows a target or catch stimulus to prevent 
										* successive target or catch trials. 
										* Additionally, the first stimulus in a testing block will always be a novel filler stimulus. 
										* As a consequence, the actual percentage of trials for each stimulus type across an 
										* entire session can be expected to be approx. *half* of the respective probability value 
										* specified.
										* If needed, exact (empirical) probabilities for a given may be calculated based on the 
										* recorded (raw) data.
distractor:					Type of distractor. Valid options are "1234567" and "0000000".
stimulusduration:			Display duration of digit stimulus. Default is 2000ms.
blackoutduration:			Blackout duration after stimulus display. Default is 2000ms.
blockduration:				Duration of a single task block in ms. Default is 75000ms

restduration:				Duration of rest period between task blocks in ms. Recommended values range between 15000 and 30000.
										Restduration can be set to 0 to run blocks without any breaks between them.
										Default is 15000ms
Additional Note: In Inquisit Lab, a screenshot can be saved any time a participant is presented a 
performance summary for the current block.	
To do so, go to trial.dmtsummarytrial/trial.imtsummarytrial/

Experimenter can select via parameters.tasktype which conditions (and in which order) participant runs through
the task(s)
1 => only IMT task (for practice: 2 repetitions)
2 => only DMT task (for practice: 2 repetitions)
3 => IMT task -> DMT task (for practice: once per task)
4 => DMT task -> IMT task (for practice: once per task)

target numbers (identical repeats): exact repeat of the last presented 5-digit number

catch numbers (similar numbers): 5-digit numbers (default) that differ by only 1 digit from the previous number 
(and are not equal to distractor items)

filler numbers (different numbers): randomly generated 5-digit numbers that differ in at least 2 digits from 
the previous number (and are not equal to distractor items)

Numbers are presented black on white. Size can be set via parameters.stimsize

This script implements a practice session for the IMTDMT task and includes task instructions. 
It should be noted that the original IMTDMT application 
*does not* display task instructions at all.

Due to copyright concerns, the instructions provided in this script are are NOT the original instructions. 
Original instructions may be obtained 
by contacting the original author and can be exchanged for the ones provided. 

Furthermore, Dougherty et al employ the use of flashcards in their original IMTDMT procedure to 
demonstrate the procedure before they start the participants on the computer.  
In this script, participants jump right into a practice session on the computer. 
However, the use of flashcards can still be included in individual testing sessions if needed.

check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. 
Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code 
to further customize your experiment.

The parameters you can change are:

	stimsize						Size of digit stimuli in canvas height proportion; Adjust to suit your display size / resolution.
									Dougherty et al. recommend a height of approx. 33 mm for all (digit)
	targetprobability				Default is 60.
	catchprobability				Default is 0.
	fillerprobability				Default is 40 (100-targetprobability-catchprobability)
									target-, catch- and fillerprobability *must* add up to 100!

									!!! IMPORTANT NOTICE !!!				
									* The above probabilities only apply to individual trials. 
									* They *do not* represent presentation probabilities across a session!
									* This is an important consideration when adjusting target and catch probabilities 
									* because a filler stimulus always follows a target or catch stimulus to prevent 
									* successive target or catch trials. 
									* Additionally, the first stimulus in a testing block will always be a novel filler stimulus. 
									* As a consequence, the actual percentage of trials for each stimulus type across an 
									* entire session can be expected to be approx. *half* of the respective probability value 
									* specified.
									* If needed, exact (empirical) probabilities for a given may be calculated based on the 
									* recorded (raw) data.

	ndigits							Number of digits for stimuli. Valid range is 2-7. Default is 5.
	distractor						Type of distractor. Valid options are "1234567" and "0000000".
									Default is "1234567". The distractor string will automatically be cropped to the correct length as
									specified by ndigits.
	blockduration					Duration of a single task block in ms. Default is 75000
	restduration					Duration of rest period between task blocks in ms. Recommended values range between 15000 and 30000.
									Restduration can be set to 0 to run blocks without any breaks between them.
									Default is 15000ms
	stimulusduration				Display duration of digit stimulus. Default is 2000ms.
	blackoutduration				Blackout duration after stimulus display. Default is 2000ms.
	tasktype						1 = Run IMT only
									2 = Run DMT only
									3 = Run IMT -> DMT alternatingly
									4 = Run DMT -> IMT alternatingly
									Default is 3.
	nblockspertask					Number of blocks per task. I.e., with tasktype=3 and nblockspertask=2, there will be 2 IMT blocks and
									2 DMT blocks in alternating order.
									For tasktype=1 and tasktype=2, nblockspertask should be set to 4.
									For tasktype=3 and tasktype=4, nblockspertask should be set to 2.

	minlatency:						the minimum latency that is accepted for a true response (default: 100ms)
	dmt_ndistractors:				number of consecutive distractor trials (default: 3) 
	minhdist:						minimum number of digits that need to differ between a new filler stimulus and a previous stimulus (default: 2)

	Debugging Parameter:
	showdebuginfo:					1 = displays red debugging info on the screen; 0 = debugging info cannot be seen

		Recommended settings for *Training Sessions*:

	- targetprobability = 60
	- catchprobability = 0
	- blockduration = 75000
	  (75 secs)
	- restduration = 15000
	  (15 secs)
	- stimulusduration = 2000
	- blackoutduration = 2000