Published Research Using Inquisit

Understanding and Addressing Prejudices Faced by Mentally Ill Individuals: A Multidimensional Analysis. (2024). MI Khan. Research Report.
Applicability and validity of the reaction time‐based concealed information test in a prison sample. (2024). J Haberler, K Suchotzki, M Meinhardt, M Gamer . Legal and Criminological Psychology.
The effect of high-and low-approach motivated sadness on frontal alpha asymmetry and other metrics. (2024). O Kamińska, M Magnuski, M Gogolewska. International Journal of Psychophysiology.
Impact of Yoga on the Cognitive Function among Desk-based Workers. (2024). K Kamath, PP Shruthi, K Yerraguntla, A Pradhan. Advances in Integrative Medicine.
Childhood maltreatment and adult aggression: The moderating role of neurocognitive ability and substance use. (2024). A Curtis, T Harries, D Skvarc, T Guala, PG Enticott. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Bias in Evaluations in Intergroup and Interpersonal Contexts. (2024). A da Silva Frost. Doctoral Dissertation.
HealthSense: Unobtrusive Continuous Stress Monitoring Using a Novel Dual ECG-PPG Patch. (2024). G Fernandes12, B Wei12, C Romano, D Ulusel, HK Dambanemuya, Y Gao, R Ghaffari, J Rogers, N Alshurafa. Research Report.
Features are more than just filling in the blanks on body size scales. (2024). L Marinko, BL Kennedy, V Jarosz, J Alexi, L Dondzilo. Visual Cognition.
Transient susceptibility to interference at event boundaries impacts long-term memory of naturalistic episodes. (2024). H Bernhard, A Gaidosch, RPW Rouhl. Memory.
Contextualised retrieval practice: the effect of context type and working memory capacity on word retention. (2024). M Ahoomanesh, M Shahnazari, S Ketabi. The Language Learning Journal.
Non-native Language Comprehenders Encode Implied Shapes of Objects in Memory. (2024). Z René, D Pecher, MEM van der Meijden, S Trott. Cortex.
Two replications of Wiechert et al.'s (2023) online Think/No-Think study in undergraduate students. (2024). I Wessel, R Lehmann, S Wiechert. Memory.
The Impact of Surf Therapy on Risk-Taking and Interpersonal Closeness Among Violence-Exposed Youth. (2024). S Beranbaum, NA Kouri, N Van der Merwe, W D'Andrea. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice.
An ERP-based comparison of gender representations elicited by generic masculine role nouns and the German gender star form. (2025). S Glim, A Körner, R Rummer. Journal of Neurolinguistics.
Examining conceptual generalisation after acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement in evaluative conditioning. (2024). RR Patterson, OV Lipp, CC Luck. Cognition and Emotion.
Contact with nature through virtual reality and video: An effective solution for improving self-esteem in adults. (2024). F Béclin, T Kosinski, S Rusinek. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology.
Structural and Functional Correlates of the Sleep-Suicidal Ideation Association. (2024). J Jones. Doctoral Dissertation.
The Effect of Working Memory Performance Under Stress on the Relationship Between Trauma History, PTSD Symptoms, and Intimate Partner Violence. (2024). G Robinson. Doctoral Dissertation.
Investigating the Links Between Objective Social Media Use, Attentional Control, and Psychological Distress. (2024). CN Jones, PJF Clarke, D Rudaizky, T Mahalingham. Social Science & Medicine.
Together Towards Better Executive Functions? Effects of Acute Cognitively Demanding Physical Activity and Social Interaction on Inhibition. (2024). C Zehnder, M Gasser, S Anzeneder. Mental Health and Physical Activity.
Improvements in executive functions by domain-specific cognitive training in youth elite soccer players. (2024). F Heilmann, S Knöbel, F Lautenbach. BMC psychology.
Managing Coach-Athlete Dynamics: Immediacy and Meta-Perception in Intercollegiate Sports. (2024). E Pasquini, L Blom, J Johnson, A Smith, LW Judge. Journal of Applied Sport Management.
The Relationship between Explicit and Implicit Educational Values and Learning Burnout among Senior High School Students. (2024). G Yu, X Lu, X Sun. Heliyon.
Cognitive Entrenchment of Color Categories and Implicit Attitudes in English. (2015). J Sanford. Colour Language and Colour Categorization.
“We” spend more than “I”: The impact of self-construal on parental education spending. (2024). LL Tu, H Gao, Y Zhang. Journal of Business Research.
Examining the effect of framing obesity as a disease versus controllable on executive functioning. (2024). AM Araiza, JD Wellman, BL Oliver. Current Psychology.
Identification of candidate causal variants and target genes at 41 breast cancer risk loci through differential allelic expression analysis. (2024). JM Xavier, R Magno, R Russell, BP de Almeida. Scientific Reports.
Evaluating youth mathematical ability online and on-site with the Stanford Mental Arithmetic Response Time Evaluation (SMARTE). (2024). M Guillaume, E Roy, A Van Rinsveld, O Sawi, P Zhao, B McCandliss. Research Report.
Priming as a Learning Effect: The Case of Phrasal Verbs. (2024). AA Ansarin, SH Javadi. Applied Research on English Language.
Cut-off point development for the Everyday Memory Questionnaire–Revised in perimenopausal women. (2024). C Zhu, EHX Thomas, Q Li, S Arunogiri, C Gurvich. Climacteric.
Gender Stereotyping in an Agricultural Sample. (2024). A Fink-Armold. Doctoral Dissertation.
The Impact of Cognitive Differences on Processing Data Stories through Infographics: Advancing Toward Inclusive Design. (2024). KA Zlatkovic, P Antonenko, DHR Koh. Journal of Vision.
Acute Immune System Activation Exerts Time-Dependent Effects on Inhibitory Control: Results of Both a Randomized Controlled Experiment of Influenza Vaccination and a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysi. (2024). GS Shields, CL Hunter, Z Buckner, M Tolliver, A Makhanova. Psychoneuroendocrinology.
The left side of gestures: left perceptual bias for meaningless hand gestures recognition is independent from handedness. (2024). S Gobbo, J Pavia, M Proietti, S Primativo, LS Arduino. Current Psychology.
Occurrence of potentially traumatic events, type, and severity in undergraduate students. (2024). AJ Walters, L Notebaert, B Van Bockstaele, F Meeten. Australian Psychologist.
Impact of Interracial Contact on Memory Biases and Neural Activity During Impression Formation of Faces Varying in Perceptual and Knowledge-Based Cues. (2024). S Rosenblum. Doctoral Dissertation.
Interracial Contact Shapes Racial Bias in the Learning of Person-Knowledge. (2024). M Welte. Doctoral Dissertation.
Uncovering the roles of automatic attitudes and controlled processes in the regulation of physical activity behavior in children. (2024). M Khudair, B Cheval, FCM Ling, FJ Hettinga, GD Tempest. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
Search efforts and face recognition: the role of expectations of encounter and within-person variability in prospective person memory. (2024). KN Moore, BL Nesmith, DU Zwemer, C Yu. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.
Examining the Causal Effects of Social Exclusion on Shame and Dissociative Detachment. (2024). AKH Catton, K Yogeeswaran, MJ Dorahy. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psych.
Cognitive correlates of math abilities in autism spectrum disorder. (2024). I Tonizzi, MC Usai. PLOS ONE.
Prospective and retrospective awareness of moment-to-moment fluctuations in visual working memory performance. (2024). O Kozlova, K Adam, K Fukuda. Research Report.
The Effects of Intraindividual Factors on Distracted Car Following Behavior in Newly Licensed Teen Drivers. (2024). GM Sherrod. Doctoral Dissertation.
Different voice part perceptions in polyphonic and homophonic musical textures. (2024). K Ishida, H Nittono. Psychology of Music.
Examining Food-Specific and General Inhibitory Control and Working Memory as Moderators of Relations Between Emotion Regulation Difficulties and Eating Pathology in Adults With Overweight/Obesity: A P. (2024). WR Barnhart, AL Braden, MT Buelow. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.
Effects of Acute Estradiol Administration on Perimenstrual Worsening of Working Memory, Verbal Fluency, and Inhibition in Patients with Suicidal Ideation: A Randomized, Crossover Clinical Trial. (2024). KM Schmalenberger, EM Mulligan, JC Barone. Psychiatry Research.
Small= authentic: the effect of geographic brand name size on perceived product authenticity. (2024). J Chen, L Wang, S Pang, Y Zhang, Y Jiang. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice .
Do Pandemics Trigger Death Thoughts?. (2024). HT Leung, PKH Chew, NJ Caltabiano. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
Taylor Swift does not boost face recognition in reaction time-based Concealed Information Test: investigating target-familiarity effects. (2024). LZ Kohn Lukic, N Möck, B Verschuere, M Sauerland . Psychological Research.
Sonic logos and consumer behaviour. (2024). M Techawachirakul. Doctoral Dissertation.
The influence of repetitive thoughts of CS-US pairing on expectancy learning and evaluative conditioning: a fundamental study. (2024). T Kosinski, V Leleu. Cognition and Emotion.
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and its Impact on Attention Networks in Tinnitus Patients. (2024). H Mahmoudi, M Bayrami, LM Fanid, T Hashemi. Razavi International Journal of Medicine.
Attentional processes in response to emotional facial expressions in adults with retrospectively reported peer victimization of varying severity: Results from an ERP dot-probe study. (2024). K Blauth, B Iffland. BMC Psychology.
Race-relevant cues influence the processing of linguistic variation: Evidence from African American English and Mainstream American English. (2024). T Beyer, T Renirie, D Andresen. Psychology of Language and Communication.
Beyond Certification: Improving Lifeguard Drowning Detection Through Validated Tools and Specialized Training. (2024). BT Sharpe, MS Smith, SCR Williams, A Hampshire. Research Report.
A Customizable Online System for Conducting Operant Experiments. (2024). T Kuroda, CM Ritchey, MS Lamperski, CA Podlesnik. Research Report.
Trauma cue-induced affect, craving, and automatic cognitons in cannabis users with trauma histories. (2024). S DeGrace. Doctoral Dissertation.
Correcting fake news headlines after repeated exposure: memory and belief accuracy in younger and older adults. (2024). PL Kemp, VM Loaiza, CM Kelley, CN Wahlheim. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.
How a Single 30-Minute Mindfulness Session Impacts Inhibitory Processing on a Color-Word Stroop Task. (2024). E Ahne. Doctoral Dissertation.
Methodological Differences in Measuring Mind Wandering Influences Willingness to Re-Engage With Cognitive Tasks. (2024). D Cisler . Doctoral Dissertation.
Basic Electroencephalography (EEG) Guidelines for Language Researchers. (2024). M Samimifara, S Bahrami-Khorshidb, SA Chermahinic. Research Report.
Openness to experience predicts eye movement behavior during scene viewing. (2024). NJ Wyche, M Edwards, SC Goodhew . Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Is self-disgust an implicit or explicit emotional schema?. (2024). A Robson, A Ypsilanti, L Lazuras, PA Powell. Journal of Affective Disorders.
True and Moral by Repetition: Unveiling the Impact of Exposure on Positive Stereotypes Perception. (2024). S Mattavelli, C Bianchi, M Brambilla, M Motterlini. International Review of Social Psychology.
When Houses Wear Faces: Reverse Correlation Applied to Architectural Design. (2024). K Pohlmann, N Tawil, TR Brick, S Kühn. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Do you see what I see? Linking involuntary non-retinal (phantom) vision and mental imagery in aphantasia. (2024). R Keogh, L Kay, C Meagher, J Pearson. Research Report.
Age, Gender, and Sexual Orientation and Their Effects on Online Dating Motivations. (2024). JL McPherson . Doctoral Dissertation.
Implicit and Explicit Sexist Attitudes Towards Women Drivers. (2024). JD Tosi, FM Poó, CM Díaz Lázaro, RD Ledesma. Sex Roles.
Analysis of the Assessment of Vocal Performance Samples. (2024). G Fernandez-Fresard, LF Prado, M Duarte, JAM Reyes. The International Journal of Assessment and Evalua.
Encoding Strategies, Hemifields, and Shape Complexity, Oh My! An Investigation of Methods to Improve Memory Performance. (2024). LR Rabbitt. Doctoral Dissertation.
Cardiac cycle modulates social pain. (2024). T Izaki, T Himichi, M Sakaki. Biological Psychology.
Measuring Cognitive Impairments Associated With Schizophrenia in Clinical Practice: Overview of Current Challenges and Future Opportunities. (2024). KH Nuechterlein, H Nasrallah, D Velligan. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
Mindfulness to Reduce Inhibitory Control Impairment Related to Racial and Socioeconomic Status Discrimination. (2024). CH Ray. Doctoral Dissertation.
Predicting Teachers' Burnout from Self-Efficacy Dimensions and Prejudice Toward Ethnic Minorities. (2024). S Glock, S Costa. Contemporary School Psychology.
Acute cognitively challenging exercise as “cognitive booster” for children: Positive feedback matters!. (2024). S Anzeneder, J Schmid, C Zehnder, L Koch. Mental Health and Physical Activity.
Devaluation of Attractive Alternatives: How Those With Poor Inhibitory Ability Preemptively Resist Temptation. (2024). JE Lydon, H Tissera, E Auger, M Nishioka. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Mismatch negativity between discriminating and undiscriminating participants on the front-back sound localization. (2024). K Hishikawa, K Ogawa. Hearing Research.
Low neurocognitive performance and problematic contexts: interaction influences in predicting adolescent externalizing behaviors within a community sample. (2024). C Mazurek, TD Barry, K Fisher. Child Neuropsychology.
Advancing stratification research by measuring non-declarative cultural capital: a national population-based study combining IAT and survey data. (2024). J van der Waal, W de Koster, T van Meurs, K Noordzij. American Sociological Review.
Evidence That Pervasive Body Gaze Behavior in Heterosexual Men Is a Social Marker for Implicit, Physiological, and Explicit Sexual Assault Propensities. (2024). RC Hollett, H West, C Craig, L Marns, J McCue. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Executive functions, deliberate practice, and biological maturation are associated with soccer success. (2024). D Carnevale, M Elferink-Gemserc, E Conde, B Huijgen, C Andrade, J Castellano, D Silva, F Vasconcello. Revista Académica Internacional de Educación Físic.
Efficacy and Working Mechanisms of a Go/No-Go Task-Based Inhibition Training in Smoking: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. (2024). F Motka, C Wittekind, L Ascone, S Kühn. Research Report.
Understanding the Conscious and Nonconscious Traits, Processes, and Motivations Implicated in Individual Perpetration of Racial Microaggressions. (2024). Doctoral Dissertation. JC Reich.
Taking the Temperature of the Columbia Card Task. (2024). K Kapadia. Doctoral Dissertation.
The Effects of Respiratory Muscle Training on Psychomotor and Cognitive Function in Hypobaric Hypoxia: A Dissertation Thesis. (2024). AM Wislowski . Doctoral Dissertation.
A Randomized Controlled Trial Modifying Insomnia-Consistent Interpretation Bias in Students. (2024). M Duijzings, J Todd, L Notebaert. Behaviour Research and Therapy.
Developing Robust Methods and Tools for Advancing Perceptual Learning Research. (2024). S Jayakumar. Doctoral Dissertation.
Restorative Experience in Semi-outdoor Spaces from Thermal Pleasure to Psychological Well-being. (2024). K Lyu, RD Dear, A Brambilla, A Globa. PLEA 2024 WROCŁAW: (Re)thinking Resilience.
The role of cognitive biases involving selective interrogation of taste-based information in sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. (2024). L Dondzilo, E Kemps. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psych.
The Impact of Social Stress and Alcohol Intoxication on Cognitive Processes Among College Students with Heavy Episodic Drinking. (2024). CR Scherzer. Master's Thesis.
Unmasking Social Attitudes: Probing the Pandemic's Effects on Individual and Group Perception. (2024). M Tumino. Doctoral Dissertation.
The Effects of Mental Fatigue on Anaerobic Power and Power Endurance Performance. (2024). MP Gonzalez, DMY Brown, IM Swafford, B Summerville. Sports.
Effects of stimulus onset asynchrony on cognitive control in healthy adults. (2024). A Narmashiri . PLOS ONE.
Hyperactivity in ADHD: Friend or Foe?. (2024). BA Hoy, M Bi, M Lam, G Krishnasamy, A Abdalmalak. Brain Sciences.
Fear is more right lateralized than happiness and anger: Evidence for the motivational hypothesis of emotional face perception?. (2024). BE Speranza, AT Hill, M Do, PH Donaldson. Laterality.
Inhibitory Control Capacity Tracking Model for Educational Tangible User Interfaces. (2024). R.S. Junion, A Pimentel. 16th International Conference on Education and New.
Loneliness and Cardiovascular Risk: Sociodemographic Moderators. (2024). R Sun. Doctoral Dissertation.
More than Meets the ERN: Social Cost of Confronting Moderates the Effects of Sexism on Error-Related Negativity. (2024). ZW Petzel, BJ Casad. Research Report.
Audiomotor temporal recalibration modulates criterion of self-agency but not sensitivity: Exploration through an online experiment and hierarchical Bayesian modeling Y Sugano. (2024). Y Sugano. Research Report.
Multiscale chemogenetic dissection of fronto-temporal top-down regulation for object memory in primates. (2024). T Hirabayashi, Y Nagai, Y Hori, Y Hori, K Oyama. Nature Communications.
The Impact of a Single, Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Cognitive and Emotional Reactivity: An EEG Study. (2024). E Ahne, M Rosselli. Mindfulness.
How Teachers Feel Good: The Role of Teachers' Mindfulness, Self-efficacy and Implicit Attitudes towards Ethnic Minority Students in Their Feelings of Burnout. (2024). S Costa, S Glock, S Pirchio. Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological.
Exploring the profiles of foreign language learners' writing self-regulation: focusing on individual differences. (2024). J Zhang, LJ Zhang. Reading and Writing.
Factors underlying the neurofunctional domains of the Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment assessed by a standardized neurocognitive battery. (2024). T Gunawan, JW Luk, ML Schwandt, LE Kwako. Translational Psychiatry.
Hearing laughter: a prescription for anxiety relief. (2024). L Abrams, DJ Therriault. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.
Active maintenance in working memory reinforces bindings for future retrieval from episodic long-term memory. (2024). VM Loaiza, AS Souza. Memory & Cognition.
Are we afraid of the woods?–An investigation of the implicit and explicit fear reactions to forests. (2024). DJ Fischer, F Schröer, S Denecke, L Murphy, S Kühn. Environmental Research.
Writing about a stressful experience can impair visual working memory. (2024). CL Hunter, GS Shields. PloS one.
Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Bias Modification for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2024). LJM Verschure . Honors Thesis.
Because it is fun! Individual differences in effort enjoyment beliefs relate to behavioural and 1 physiological indicators of effort seeking. (2024). C Mlynski, G Clay, K Sik, J Jankowski, V Job. PsyArXiv.
Object Space is Embodied. (2024). S Xu, X Feng, Y Li, J Liu. arXiv.
Quality in Question: Assessing the accuracy of four heart rate wearables and the implications for psychophysiological research.. (2024). M Sinichi, M Gevonden, L Krabbendam. Research Report.
Understanding the Effects of Fake News Corrections on Memory and Belief Accuracy: The Roles of Reminders, Retrieval, and Repetition. (2024). P Kemp. Doctoral Dissertation.
Effects of working memory and task type on syntactic complexity in EFL learners' writing. (2024). L Jiang, R Abbuhl, Y Fu. International Review of Applied Linguistics in La.
Atheists and Christians can be Discerned from their Faces. (2024). GS Pitts, NO Rule. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.
Different deployments of attentional breadth selectively predict UFOV task performance in older adults. (2024). NJ Wyche, M Edwards, SC Goodhew. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications .
Appropriate trust in artificial intelligence for the optical diagnosis of colorectal polyps: The role of human/artificial intelligence interaction. (2024). QEW van der Zander, R Roumans, CHJ Kusters. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Negative images, regardless of task relevance, distract younger more than older adults.. (2024). BL Kennedy, M Mather. Psychology and Aging.
Addressing Provider Stress and Unconscious Bias to Improve Quality of Maternal Health Care. (2024). P Afulani, L Ongeri, MMCPI KEMRI, J Kinyua. Research Report.
Avoiding Rejection or Seeking Harmony: The Underlying Motivation to Social Tune for Collectivists. (2024). JLM Skorinko, S Sinclair, S Marotta, M Paris, X Dai. Basic and Applied Social Psychology.
Explicit measures for emotional congruence with children are related to sexual interests in a male community sample, but not implicit measures. (2024). D Yoon, MJ Hofmann, A Mokros, J Krüppel. International Journal of Impotence Research.
Fatigued or Bored? Investigating the Effect of Different Types of Mental Fatigue on 3km Running Performance. (2024). T Pickering, B Wright, C MacMahon. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
Investigating the relationship between Resting-State EEG Microstates and Executive Functions: A Null Finding. (2024). Q Chenot, C Hamery, M Truninger, N Langer. Cortex.
Minimal influence of the menstrual cycle or hormonal contraceptives on performance in female rugby league athletes. (2024). ES Smith, J Weakley, AKA McKay, R McCormick, N Tee. European Journal of Sport Science.
A Protocol for a feasibility study of Cognitive Bias Modification training (IVY 2.0) countering fatigue in people with breast cancer. (2024). J Geerts, E Siemerink, FF Sniehotta, L Loman, C Bode. Research Report.
Sense of Purpose and Sustaining Attention. (2024). J Yu. Doctoral Dissertation.
Negative images, regardless of task relevance, distract younger more than older adults. (2024). BL Kennedy, M Mather. Research Report.
Feasting in the Digital Age Decoding the Mood and Mind Behind Mukbang Fascination. (2024). C Lin, J Portingale. Research Report.
More liberal and less sensitive: Individual differences in visual working memory capacity predicts the metacognitive assessment of representational accuracy. (2024). K Fukuda, O Kozlova, G Gillies, H Liesefeld. Research Report.
The role of attention bias malleability in experiencing pain and associated disability. (2024). JL Mac Goris, J Todd, PJF Clarke, AM Hughes. PeerJ.
Effects of Depth, Distractor Transparency, Chromaticity, and Object type in Feature Search of Transparent Real-World Objects. (2024). RTT Nguyen, MS Peterson, WS Helton. Research Report.
The effect of false cognitive feedback on subsequent cognitive task performance. (2024). PM Clark, AB Brunell, MT Buelow. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsycholo.
Proactive inhibitory control as a cognitive contributor to social difficulties in adolescents with ADHD traits. (2024). E McKay, H Kirk, K Cornish. Neurodiversity.
High CO2 exposure due to facemask wear is unlikely to impair cognition even in a warm environment after a long-term adaptation. (2024). RF Hurley, MA Belyamani, S Djamasbi, GB Somasse. Energy and Built Environment.
Do you play in class? Board games to promote cognitive and educational development in primary school: A cluster randomized controlled trial. (2024). N Vita-Barrull, V Estrada-Plana, J March-Llanes. Learning and Instruction.
Interactive Effects of Racism and Racial Centrality on ADHD Symptoms. (2024). K Boyd, M Ware, Y Mekawi. Journal of Attention Disorders.
Test–retest reliability and practice effects on a shortened version of the Category Switch Task–a pilot study. (2024). TD Smithies, AJ Toth, MJ Campbell. Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
Foreground bias: Semantic consistency effects modulated when searching across depth. (2024). KJ Krzyś, LLY Man, JD Wammes, MS Castelhano. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Combating false information in military situations: Striking the right balance between continued influence effect and overcorrection. (2024). V Laurent, T Kosinski, S Rusinek. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Social Media Distraction: How distracting are visual social media cues and what influences user's distractibility?. (2024). C Koessmeier, Mayor Büttner. Computers in Human Behavior.
Bayesian analysis on missing visual information and object complexity on visual search for object orientation and object identity. (2024). RTT Nguyen, MS Peterson. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Unveiling the Associative Mechanisms Underlying the Additive Bias: Using an Implicit Association Test to Gain Insight into People's Preference for Additive Actions.. (2024). N Crilly, MA Neroni, MA Brandimonte. Research Report.
Evaluating effective communication of baccalaureate nursing students. (2024). CN Brockway. Doctoral Dissertation.
Media Multitasking: Performance Differences Between Younger and Older Adults and the Role of Working Memory. (2024). W Wannagat, T Martin, G Nieding, N Rohleder. Computers in Human Behavior.
The cognitive cost of going the extra mile: How striving for improvement relates to cognitive performance.. (2024). M El Mansouri, K Strauss, D Fay, J Smith. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Unveiling the Associative Mechanisms Underlying the Additive Bias: Using an Implicit Association Test to Gain Insight into People's Preference for Additive Actions. (2024). MA Neroni, N Crilly, MA Brandimonte. The Journal of Creative Behavior.
Cognitive flexibility and resilience measured through a residual approach. (2024). L Notebaert, PJF Clarke, F Meeten, J Todd. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.
Detect Cheating from Multi-modalities. (2024). H Tingyu. Masters Thesis.
Revealing the synergy between formal aesthetics and product semantics: Exploring the impact of visual form on product perception. (2024). FN Sunstrum, O Demirbilek, N Gardner, C Viengkham. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.
A cognitive template for human face detection. (2024). JE Prunty, R Jenkins, R Qarooni, M Bindemann. Cognition.
An examination of the cognitive and physiological mechanisms of interpretation bias modification. (2024). A Collins. Doctoral Dissertation.
Media multitasking, negative mood, and avoidance coping. (2024). M Shin, C Downes, J Hopwood, M Byers, E Kemps . Behaviour & Information Technology.
Lifeguard Performance: A Remote Drowning Detection Training Tool. (2024). BT Sharpe, MS Smith, SCR Williams, A Hampshire, M Balaet, W Trender, PJ Hellyer, J Talbot, J Smith. Research Report.
Intergenerational Transmission of Social Anxiety: The Role of Parents’ Fear of Negative Child Evaluation and Their Self-Referent and Child-Referent Interpretation Biases. (2024). M Dülger, B Van Bockstaele, M Majdandžić. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Gender differences in global advantage effect in school-aged children. (2024). R Gelpi-Trudo, S Vernucci, AV García-Coni, HL Morales, LC Juric. Cognitive Development.
Negative Attention Bias and Attentional Control as Mechanisms in the Association Between Insomnia and Depression in Young People. (2024). I Clegg, L Notebaert, C Richardson. Behaviour Research and Therapy.
The Reported Effects of Foods and Beverages on Cigarette Taste Among Menthol and Non-Menthol Smokers. (2024). DC Weaver. Doctoral Dissertations.
Low-Level Visual Features of Window Views Contribute to Perceived Naturalness and Mental Health Outcomes. (2024). L Samaan, L Klock, S Weber, M Reidick, L Ascone. International Journal of Environmental Research an.
Those who (enjoy to) hurt: The influence of dark personality traits on animal-and human directed sadistic pleasure. (2024). J Lobbestael, F Wolf, M Gollwitzer, RF Baumeister. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psych.
The effect of information provision on attitude, intention, and food choice behaviour. (2023). N Weingarten. Doctoral Dissertation.
Self-reported interoceptive accuracy and interoceptive attention differentially correspond to measures of visual attention and self-regard. (2023). EM Benau. PeerJ.
Multidisciplinary analysis of cancer-related fatigue at the time of diagnosis: preliminary results of the BIOCARE FActory cohort. (2024). A Leclercq, A Chatrenet, H Bourgeois, O Cojocarasu. Supportive Care in Cancer.
Predicting Impulsivity in Parkinson's Disease Patients. (2024). S Chen, J James, D Baum, D Weintraub, E Suh. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.
Relationships between type of sport played and hot and cold executive functions in children and adolescents: a systematic review. (2024). CS García, VM Sánchez, RE Reigal, AH Mendo. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte,.
'Interesting'or 'boring': Modifying the implicit association task to measure implicit fire interest in an adolescent community sample. (2024). S Sambol, K Dadswell, S Cook, M Ball. Acta Psychologica.
A process model of parental executive functioning as a spillover mechanism linking interparental conflict and parenting difficulties across parenting domains. (2024). J Russotti, CR Platts, ML Sturge-Apple, PT Davies. Developmental Psychology.
Slower but more accurate mental rotation performance in aphantasia linked to differences in cognitive strategies. (2024). L Kay, R Keogh, J Pearson. Consciousness and Cognition.
Risky decision-making and nonsuicidal self-injury among young adults: Examining the role of criticism feedback. (2024). B Nancekivell, L Martin, JA Jacobson, JD Allen. Research Report.
The Associations among Perceived Courtesy Stigma, Health and Social Behaviours in Family Members and Friends of People Who Use Substances: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. (2024). A Jones, D Sharples, S Burton, C Montgomery. Substance Use & Misuse.
The relationship between interoceptive emotional awareness, neuroticism, and depression, anxiety, and stress. (2024). N Grimble, J Scarfo, J Katherveloo, M Ganci, M Ball. PLoS One.
This is a repository copy of Does self-control improve with practice? Evidence from a six-week training program. (2024). E Miles, P Sheeran, H Baird. Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Development of an Implicit Well-Being Measure for Youths Using the Implicit Association Test. (2024). R García-Márquez, M Stavraki, D Díaz, M Bajo. Child Indicators Research.
The use of implicit measures in service research: Why, how, when and what is the way forward?. (2024). N Verhulst, H Slabbinck, K Willems, M Brengman. Journal of Services Marketing.
The Association of Emotion Regulation and Somatic Symptoms. (2024). TM Petzke, M Witthöft. Psychosomatic Medicine.
Ecological validity of common behavioral decision making tasks: evidence across two samples. (2024). MT Buelow, BM Okdie, JM Kowalsky. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsycholo.
Preliminary Evaluation of a Brief Worksite Intervention to Reduce Weight Stigma and Weight Bias Internalization. (2024). NR Kelly, ML Osa, G Luther, C Guidinger, A Folger. Evaluation and Program Planning.
Infant Faces Induce Behavioral Approach Tendencies: Evidence From a Manikin Task. (2024). Y Yagi, A Tomita, H Nittono. Japanese Psychological Research.
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Negative halo effects of sustainable packaging. (2023). M Techawachirakul, A Pathak, K Motoki, GA Calvert. Psychology & Marketing.
Executive functions and behavioral economic demand for cannabis among young adults: Indirect associations with cannabis consumption and cannabis use disorder.. (2023). SG Coelho, CS Hendershot, ER Aston, AC Ruocco. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology.
NFL fandom and unhealthy eating behavior: Exploring the role of introspective focus from a functionalist perspective of emotions. (2023). Y Chang, Y Lei, AC Mansfield. Sport Management Review.
Does exposure to sedentary temptations activate physical activity goals? A high-powered replication study. (2023). M de Chanaleilles, A Chalabaev, C Forestier. Motivation Science.
Expectancy for Adderall influences subjective mood and drug effects regardless of concurrent caffeine ingestion: A randomized controlled trial. (2023). A Looby, AV Piccorelli, L Zimmerman, C Falco. Psychopharmacology.
The associations among executive planning, self‐determination, and quality of life in adolescents with intellectual disability. (2023). M Lui, GKB Lau, PKS Wong. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
Dance in Black and White: Examining the Stereotypes of Black and White Ballerinas and Hip-Hop Dancers. (2023). S Klein, CA Zestcott, A Brenick . Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal.
Investigating how reward retroactively improves memory for associations and items. (2023). Investigating how reward retroactively improves memory for associations and items. Research Report.
The impact of calorie labelling and proportional pricing on out of home food orders: a randomised controlled trial study using a virtual food and drink delivery app. (2023). A Finlay, E Boyland, A Jones, R Witkam, E Robinson. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and .
How Do Children With Movement Coordination Difficulties Cross Virtual Roads? Contributions of Motor Timing, Executive Functioning, and Processing Speed. (2023). MNDN Parr. Doctoral Dissertation.
Effects of a blended classroom-based intervention on aerobic fitness, motor skills, inhibition, and daytime sleepiness among Hong Kong children. (2023). MH Li, CHP Sit, SHS Wong, YK Wing, CK Ng, J Rudd, JY Chow, RKW Sum. Assessing Physical Fitness Components, Obesity, Mo.
Behavioral and neurocognitive factors distinguishing post-traumatic stress comorbidity in substance use disorders. (2023). DC Houghton, HM Spratt, L Keyser-Marcus, JM Bjork. Translational Psychiatry.
Exploring the relationship of working memory to the temporal distribution of pausing and revision behaviors during L2 writing. (2023). A Révész, M Michel, M Lee. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
Sensory Attenuation of Pain: The Role of Threat. (2023). C Blockx. Masters Thesis.
Sleep-related attentional bias does not associate with symptoms of ADHD in a sample of younger adults. (2023). U Bondopadhyay, AN Coogan. Current Psychology.
Mobile phone-based approach bias retraining for smokers seeking abstinence: a randomized-controlled study. (2023). A Machulska, TJ Eiler, B Haßler, K Kleinke, R Brück. International Journal of Mental Health and Addict.
Contagious or prosocial? Perceptions of mask‐wearers toward Whites and Asians: A cross‐cultural comparison during the early stage of the COVID‐19 pandemic. (2023). A Ko, JE Bock, J Ko, JA Krems. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.
Home-Based Individualized Alpha Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Improves Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Preliminary Evidence from a Randomized, Sham-Controlled Clinical Trial. (2023). MPN Perera, NW Bailey, OW Murphy. Depression and Anxiety.
A Replication of Wiechert et al.'s (2023) Online Think/No-Think Study in the Lab. (2023). I Wessel, R Lehmann, S Wiechert. Research Report.
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Endurance performance with acute ingestion of dietary nitrate supplementation in trained and untrained individuals. (2023). MM Saleh, RDO Dev, A Linoby, RAB Razak, I Norhamazi, SMS Zubir TF Tengku. Journal of Physical Education and Sport.
White women's automatic attentional adhesion to sexism in the face of racism. (2023). KE Chaney, DT Sanchez. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
The Impact of Individual Differences on Learning with Distractions. (2023). A Lawson. Doctoral Dissertation.
Using PCA Machine Learning Approach Based on Psychological Questionnaires and Spectral Characteristics of the EEG to Separate the Healthy Participants and. (2023). EA Merkulova, IA Kozulin, AN Savostyanov. 2023 IEEE 24th International Conference of Young .
Gamified web-delivered attentional bias modification training for adults with chronic pain: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2023). JF Vermeir, MJ White, D Johnson, G Crombez. Doctoral Dissertation.
The Effect of Inhibitory Control, Working Memory and Domain on the Processing of Metaphors in Children: A Gesture-Based Study with Turkish Speaking Preschoolers.. (2023). ME Bayramoğlu. Masters Thesis.
Creative mindset reduces racial ingroup bias in empathic neural responses. (2023). T Huo, S Shamay-Tsoory, S Han. Cerebral Cortex.
Does Cooperation with Others Reduce Risky Gambling Behavior?. (2023). T Takada, M Kono, K Yokomitsu. Japanese Psychological Research.
Reference frames for spatial navigation and declarative memory: Individual differences in performance support the phylogenetic continuity hypothesis. (2023). A Fragueiro, A Tosoni, M Boccia, R Di Matteo. Evolution and Human Behavior.
Think-Aloud Protocols in Second Language Writing: A Mixed-Methods Study of Their Reactivity and Veridicality. (2023). C Yang, LJ Zhang. English Language Education (ELED, volume 34).
Preventing Prejudice Emerging from Misleading News among Adolescents: The Role of Implicit Activation and Regulatory Self-Efficacy in Dealing with Online Misinformation. (2023). G Corbelli, PG Cicirelli, F D'Errico, M Paciello. Social Sciences.
Being in the minority: how gender (under) representation influences children's reasoning about group dynamics. (2023). JJ Lee. Master's Thesis.
Surprise!-Clarifying the link between insight and prediction error. (2023). M Becker, X Wang, R Cabeza. Research Report.
Contrasting frontal cortical responses to food versus money rewards across BMI groups. (2023). R Ginieis, F Yan, EA Franz, M Peng. Nutritional Neuroscience.
Little Evidence for the Role of Disgust Sensitivity in Implicit Disgust to Images of White People Engaged in Injecting Drug Use (IDU). (2023). C Montgomery, A Atkinson, A Jones, H Sumnall. Substance Use & Misuse.
True and Moral by Repetition: Unveiling the impact of prior exposure on positive stereotypes perception. (2023). S Mattavelli, C Bianchi, M Brambilla. Research Report.
Do trauma cue exposure and/or PTSD symptom severity intensify selective approach bias toward cannabis cues in regular cannabis users with trauma histories?. (2023). S DeGrace, P Romero-Sanchiz, P Tibbo, S Barrett. Behaviour Research and Therapy.
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The influence of outcome expectancy on interpretation bias training in social anxiety: an experimental pilot study. (2023). T Frommelt, M Traykova, B Platt, CE Wittekind. Pilot and Feasibility Studies.
Is it cognitive effort you measure? Comparing three task paradigms to the Need for Cognition scale. (2023). MJ Mækelæ, K Klevjer, A Westbrook, NS Eby. PloS one.
Change in Negative Affective Bias following a Single Ketamine Treatment for Treatment-Resistant Depression. (2023). AJ Harvey, S Nikolin, N Chand, W Flanney, L Tan. Depression and Anxiety.
Surprise!-Dimensions of the AHA! experience correspond differently to a meta-cognitive prediction error. (2023). M Becker, X Wang, R Cabeza. Research Report.
Influencing brand personality with sonic logos: The role of musical timbre. (2023). M Techawachirakul, A Pathak, K Motoki, GA Calvert. Journal of Business Research.
Body dissatisfaction and selective attention to thin-ideal bodies: The moderating role of attentional control. (2023). L Dondzilo, J Basanovic. Body Image.
Analog magnitude representation of angles and its relation to geometric expertise. (2023). M Hohol, P Szymanek, K Cipora. Research Report.
Inhibitory control impairment in social disinhibition following severe traumatic brain injury: An experimental study using social and nonsocial go/no-go task.. (2023). M Filipčíková, S McDonald. Neuropsychology.
Autistic adults' inclination to lie in everyday situations. (2023). R Bagnall, A Russell, M Brosnan, K Maras. Autism.
Time separating spatial memories does not influence their integration in humans. (2023). X Fang, B Alsbury-Nealy, Y Wang, PW Frankland. PloS one.
The Effect of Multi-Session Prefrontal Cortical Stimulation on Aggression: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Trial. (2023). O Choy, G Tan, YC Wong. Life.
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Multidimensional Regularity Processing in Music: An Examination Using Redundant Signals Effect. (2023). K Ishida, H Nittono. Research Report.
Appraisal Profiles and Behavioral Performance Associated With Spitefulness. (2023). SJ Costello. Doctoral Dissertation.
Active or passive? Investigating different types of cognitive fatigue.. (2023). T Pickering, B Wright, L Schücker, C MacMahon. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Executive Function and Novel Word Learning in Monolingual and Bilingual Children. (2023). EL Sullivan. Doctoral Dissertation.
Work–family conflict influences on preschool teachers' work engagement through psychological detachment: explicit and implicit evidence. (2023). Y Tang, Z Wang, X Qi, S Chen, SK Roberts. International Journal for Educational and Vocation.
Relationship between attentional bias and stimulus control: An observational study of real-world eating patterns. (2023). S Franja, KG Elliston, AE McCrae, AJ Matthews. Appetite.
Speaking anxiety and task complexity effects on second language speech. (2023). JC Mora, I Mora‐Plaza, G Bermejo Miranda. International Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Examining the relationship between English as a foreign language learners' cognitive abilities and L2 grit in predicting their writing performance. (2023). J Zhang, LJ Zhang. Learning and Instruction.
The Role of Fractal Fluency on Visual Perception. (2023). K Robles. Doctoral Dissertation.
Unethical behavior at work: the effects of ethical culture and implicit and explicit moral identity. (2023). MM Resende, JB Porto, FJ Gracia, I Tomás. Ethics & Behavior.
The role of divergent thinking in interpersonal trust during the COVID-19 pandemic: creative aspects. (2023). M Palmiero, R Palumbo, I Ceccato, P La Malva. Creativity Studies.
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Examining the Role of Childhood Maltreatment, Family History, and Adolescent Cannabis Use in Young Adult Cognition. (2023). K Farrelly. Masters Thesis.
First Impressions and Food Technology Neophobia: examining the role of visual information for consumer evaluations of cultivated meat. (2023). CM Baum, H De Steur, CJ Lagerkvist. Food Quality and Preference.
Effects of an Aerobic Training Program on Reaction Time and DNA Methylation of SHANK3 Gene in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Pilot Study. (2023). ÉY Hernández Sandoval, KM Alvis-Gómez. Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias .
Don't disturb my circles: The effect of fine arts training on visuospatial ability in students. (2023). M Martinčević, A Vranić. Memory & Cognition.
A pull to be close: The differentiating effects of oxytocin and grief stimulus type on approach behavior in complicated grief. (2023). BJ Arizmendi, SH Seeley, JJB Allen, WDS Killgore. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.
Novel Application of the Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment Framework in Tobacco Use Disorders. (2023). NK Sidhu. Doctoral Dissertation.
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Quantitative versus qualitative emotion regulation goals: Differential effects on emotional responses. (2023). SD Kreibig, AS Brown, JJ Gross. Psychophysiology.
Experimental evidence that browsing for activewear lowers explicit body image attitudes and implicit self-esteem in women. (2023). RC Hollett, M Challis. Body Image.
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Study protocol: How does cognitive flexibility relate to other executive functions and learning in healthy young adults?. (2023). K Tong, YN Chan, X Cheng, B Cheon, M Ellefson. PloS one.
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Cholinergic-estrogen interaction is associated with the effect of education on attenuating cognitive sex differences in a Thai healthy population. (2023). C Chen, B Khanthiyong, S Charoenlappanit. PloS one.
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Ecological Anxiety and Pro-Environmental Behaviour: The Role of Attention. (2023). J Mathers-Jones, J Todd . Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
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Comparing the effects of dietary sugars on cognitive performance and reaction time: A randomized, placebo-controlled and double-blind experimental trial. (2023). HÖ Yılmaz, ÇS Meriç, N Yabancı Ayhan. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult.
From Halo to Conditioning and Back Again: Exploring the Links Between Impression Formation and Learning. (2023). M Rougier, J De Houwer, J Richetin, S Hughes. Research Report.
Frequency Asymmetries in Vision and Action. (2023). OP Morgan, D Casasanto. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive.
Implicitly Activating Mindfulness: Does Trait Self-Control Moderate Its Effect on Aggressive Behaviour?. (2023). R Thériault, S Dandeneau. Research Report.
Conflict experience and resolution underlying obedience to authority. (2023). FJ Götz, V Mitschke, AB Eder. Scientific Reports.
Enhanced Originality of Ideas in Women During Ovulation: A Within-Subject Design Study. (2023). WD Ovulation, K Galasinska, A Szymkow, MAC Varella. Frontiers in Psychology.
The Role of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus in Motivational Inhibition During an Approach Avoidance Conflict: A Low Frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study. (2023). A Moran. Doctoral Dissertation.
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A mindful approach to controlling intrusive thoughts. (2023). SM Ashton, A Sambeth, C Quaedflieg. Scientific Reports.
Emotion Control, Overreactive Parenting, and Mothers' Executive Functions. (2023). SJ Narine. Doctoral Dissertation.
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The Face-in-the-Crowd attentional bias modification task improves mood but not through modified attentional biases: a randomised experimental trial. (2023). DR Skvarc, S Hyder, A Hayley. Research Reports.
How do implicit and explicit partner evaluations update in daily life? Evidence from the lab and the field. (2022). G Larson, R Faure, F Righetti, W Hofmann. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Dispersing attentional resources reduces negative emotions. (2023). T Izaki, K Ogawa. NeuroReport.
Construction and evaluation of the functional polygenic risk score for gastric cancer in a prospective cohort of the European population. (2023). Y Gu, C Yan, T Wang, B Hu, M Zhu, G Jin. Chinese Medical Journal.
Do Allyship and Motivation Influence Women’s Cognitive Functioning and Self-Regulation After Witnessing Sexism?. (2023). C Garasky. Doctoral Dissertation.
Children perpetuate competence-based inequality when they help peers. (2023). J Sierksma. Research Report.
The stress-buffering role of friendships in young people with childhood threat experiences: a preliminary report. (2023). M Scheuplein, O Berhe, K Ioannidis, M Kaçer. Research Report.
Youth Misuse of Fire: Measuring the Risk of Firesetting Behaviour Using Explicit and Implicit Methods. (2023). K Dadswell, S Sambol, M Zervos, M Harris, M Ball. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessme.
Examining the Role of Failure and Success Experiences on Task Persistence and Neurocognition in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders. (2023). S Romanowska, MW Best. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsycholo.
Examinations of Biases by Model Misspecification and Parameter Reliability of Reinforcement Learning Models. (2023). A Toyama, K Katahira, Y Kunisato. Computational Brain & Behavior.
What over 1,000,000 participants tells us about online research protocols. (2023). J Tomczak, A Gordon, J Adams, J Pickering, N Hodges. Research Report.
Examining the Moderating Role of Executive Functioning on Flooding and Intimate Partner Violence. (2023). G Damewood. Doctoral Dissertation.
Leveraging impression management motives to increase the use of face masks. (2023). C Zhao, Q Liu, DS March, LL Hicks, JK McNulty. The Journal of Social Psychology.
Parental working memory buffers associations between COVID-19 hardships and child mental health. (2023). MR Kelm, CM Diercks, ED Dunning, E Lunkenheimer. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.
Distrust as a form of inequality. (2023). T Kubota, SA Venezia, R Gautam, AL Wilhelm. Scientific Reports.
When the punk wishes you a great day, he still appears friendly: Stereotypes do not reliably guide spontaneous trait inferences from behavior. (2023). J Mangels, J Degner. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
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Cognitive Performance changes during a 20-day Winter Military Training Course and the Following 10-day Recovery Period. (2023). K Kallinen, T Ojanen. International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
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Psilocybin intoxication did not affect daytime or sleep-related declarative memory consolidation in a small sample exploratory analysis. (2023). M Nikolič, V Viktorin, P Zach, F Tylš, D Dudysová. European Neuropsychopharmacology.
Consequential sound induces illusory distortions in the perception and prediction of robot motion. (2023). J Currie, ME Giannaccini, P Bach. Research Report.
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Signaling-specific inhibition of the CB1 receptor for cannabis use disorder: phase 1 and phase 2a randomized trials. (2023). M Haney, M Vallée, S Fabre, S Collins Reed, M Zanese. Nature Medicine.
Phonological Similarity Judgments of Word Pairs Reflect Sensitivity to Large-Scale Structure of the Phonological Lexicon. (2023). CSQ Siew, N Castro. Research Report.
Exposure to conflicting COVID-19 information in undergraduates: Implications for pandemic-related information-seeking and concern, attention, and cognitive workload. (2023). PV Barnwell, JA Rattigan, KT Brennan, EJ Fedorenko. Journal of American College Health.
Impaired cognitive control moderates the relation between the attribution of incentive salience and severity of consumption in patients with methamphetamine dependence. (2023). BER Ramos, O Inozemtseva. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Young Adults' Lived Experiences with Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment: An Exploratory Qualitative Study. (2023). S Sharma, J Brunet. Current Oncology.
Do Allyship and Motivation Influence Women's Cognitive Functioning and Self-Regulation After Witnessing Sexism?. (2023). CE Garasky. Doctoral Dissertation.
Assessment of implicit COVID-19 attitudes using affective priming for pro-vaccine and vaccine-hesitant individuals. (2023). SS Moro, JKE Steeves. Journal of Health Psychology.
Does concurrent self-administered transcranial direct current stimulation and attention bias modification training improve symptoms of binge eating disorder? Protocol for the TANDEM feasibility random. (2023). M Flynn, I Campbell, U Schmidt. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Everyday stressors and cognitive processes: An investigation into the impact negative emotions can have on our processing speed and attention. (2023). J O'Connor. Honor's Thesis.
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Development and Evaluation of Linguistic Stimuli for Pain Research. (2023). JF Vermeir, MJ White, D Johnson, G Crombez. The Journal of Pain.
Early ERP indices of gender-biased processing elicited by generic masculine role nouns and the feminine–masculine pair form. (2023). S Glim, A Körner, H Härtl, R Rummer. Brain and Language.
Change in Sleep Latency as a Mediator of the Effect of Physical Activity Intervention on Executive Functions Among Children with ADHD: A Secondary Analysis from a Randomized Controlled Trial. (2023). H Qiu, X Liang. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
The roles of Inflammation, Affect, and interoception in predicting social perception. (2023). MJ Feldman, TA Jolink, GM Alvarez, NJ Fendinger. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.
Dietary flavanols restore hippocampal-dependent memory in older adults with lower diet quality and lower habitual flavanol consumption. (2023). AM Brickman, LK Yeung, DM Alschuler, JI Ottaviani. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Cognitive control moderates the maturation of relational aggression in adults. (2023). DR Skvarc, T Harries, N Harris, S Hyder, B Patafio. Personality and Individual Differences.
Cognitive Bias Modification Training Targeting Fatigue in Patients With Kidney Disease: Usability Study. (2023). J Geerts, M Pieterse, G Laverman, F Waanders. JMIR Formative Research.
Relation between parent feeding and emotional overeating in preschoolers as mediated by emotion regulation. (2023). LN Baker. Master's Thesis .
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Modulating Phonological Working Memory With Anodal High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to the Anterior Portion of the Supplementary Motor Area. (2023). A Berglund-Barraza, S Carey, J Hart, S Vanneste. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
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Inflammation and Intimate Others: How the Body Contributes to Close Relationships via Inflammation. (2023). TA Jolink. Doctoral Dissertation.
Associations Between Retrospective Odd, Concurrent ADHD, Executive Function, and Frontal EEG Activation in College Students. (2023). MLH Allison. Doctoral Dissertation.
Not So Black and Yellow: The Impact of Race and Sexual Identity on Marginalized People's Experiences with Aggression. (2023). S Choi. Doctoral Dissertations.
Cognitive Performance Among Finnish Paratroopers During a 20-Day Winter Military Field Training Course and the Following 10-day Recovery Period. (2023). K Kallinen, T Ojanen. NATO Science and Technology Organization.
Advantages of visiting your home country: how brief reimmersion in their native country impacts migrants' native language access. (2023). A Casado, J Walther, A Wolna, J Szewczyk, A Sorace. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
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Executive Function in Deaf Native Signing Children. (2023). J Kotowicz, B Woll, R Herman. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education.
A true reflection of executive functioning or a representation of task-specific variance? Re-evaluating the unity/diversity framework. (2023). S Sambol, E Suleyman, J Scarfo, M Ball. Acta Psychologica.
Investigating differences in cognitive flexibility, clinical perfectionism, and eating disorder-specific rumination across anorexia nervosa illness states. (2023). S Miles, M Nedeljkovic, A Phillipou. Eating Disorders.
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Law-Abiding versus Criminal Identity and Self-Efficacy: A quantitative approach to unravel psychological factors supporting desistance from crime. (2023). VA Oberlader, R Banse, S Beier, AF Schmidt. Psychology, Crime & Law.
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The Association Between Social Exclusion and the Feeling of Hunger. (2023). M Kaneko, Y Ueda, Y Ozaki. Japanese Psychological Research.
The Relationship Between Perceived Criticism and Trait Victimhood. (2023). ZD Ayar. Doctoral Dissertation.
Implicit attitudes towards gender roles as a factor of subjective career success of women. (2023). DS Emeshkina, LV Mararitsa. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology.
Rating the Honesty of White and Black Children via Implicit and Explicit Measures: Implications for Child Victims in the Criminal Justice System. (2023). AM O'Connor, W Hall, KL Campbell. Child Maltreatment.
Can You Tell Who Scores? An Assessment of the Recognition of Affective States Based on the Nonverbal Behavior of Amateur Tennis Players in Competitive Matches. (2023). J Fritsch, K Seiler, M Wagner, C Englert, D Jekauc. Journal of Sport and Exercise.
The Relationship Between Perceived Criticism and Trait Victimhood. (2023). Z Demirsen Ayar. Master's Thesis.
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Reciprocal relations between past behavior, implicit beliefs, and habits: A cross-lagged panel design. (2023). K Hamilton, DJ Phipps, NJ Loxton, KL Modecki. Journal of Health Psychology.
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Exploring the Relationship between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Executive Functioning in Adults with ADHD. (2023). M Ogrodnik, S Karsan, V Cirone, JJ Heisz. Brain Sciences.
Testing the Consciousness Causes Collapse Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Using Subliminal Primes Derived from Random Fluctuations in Radioactive Decay. (2023). RJ Lucido. Research Report.
Moving Experimental Psychology Online: How to Maintain Data Quality When We Can't See Our Participants. (2023). JM Rodd. Research Report.
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The Influence of Neuroendocrine and Genetic Markers of Stress on Cognitive Processing and Intrusive Symptoms. (2023). H Gutmann. Doctoral Dissertation.
Anxiety Is Linked to Impaired Inhibitory Control in Women Taking Anti-Androgenic Oral Contraceptives. (2023). M Kowalczyk, M Kornacka, Z Kostrzewa, I Krejtz. Research Report.
Implementation of a multiverse approach in developmental research: The longitudinal relation between s elf‐esteem and peer victimization. (2023). HK Peetz, TAM Lansu, YHM van den Berg. Infant and Child Development.
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The Role of Women's and Men's Body Shapes in Explicit and Implicit Fat Stigma. (2023). JA Krems, JE Bock. Obesities.
The influence of instructions on generalised valence – conditional stimulus instructions after evaluative conditioning update the explicit and implicit evaluations of generalisation stimuli. (2023). RR Patterson, OV Lipp, CC Luck. Cognition and Emotion.
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Gender Stereotypes Selectively Affect the Remembering of Highly Valued Professions. (2023). A Sebastián-Tirado, S Félix-Esbrí, C Forn. Sex Roles.
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Conscientiousness, Students' Goal Orientation, and Reasoning Ability: Significance for Educational Standards. (2023). S Weiss, M Böhnisch. Research Report.
The Effect of Ten vs. Twenty Minutes of Mindfulness Meditation on State Mindfulness and Affect. (2023). R Palmer, C Roos, N Vafaie, H Kober. Research Report.
Effects of chest movements while sitting on Navon task performance and stress levels. (2023). Y Arima. Research Report.
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Phenotypic differences in taste hedonics: the effects of sweet liking. (2023). RM Armitage, V Iatridi, CT Vi, MR Yeomans. Food Quality and Preference.
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Biomathematical modeling for the prediction of sleep behavior and comparison against cognitive performance in firefighters. (2023). JK Devine, MG Nichols, LP Schwartz, J Choynowski. Safety Science.
Comparing the effects of inhibitory control training and evaluative conditioning for unhealthy food behaviours. (2023). S Masterton, A Jones. Appetite.
Reliability of and associations between cognitive bias measures and response inhibition in smoking. (2023). CE Wittekind, T Schiebel, S Kühn. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psych.
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Addressing racial misinformation at school: a psycho-social intervention aimed at reducing ethnic moral disengagement in adolescents. (2023). F D'Errico, PG Cicirelli, G Corbelli, M Paciello. Social Psychology of Education.
# SayHer (Young) Name: The Relationship Between Dehumanization and Perceptions of Police Violence Against Black Girls. (2022). RB Sykes. Doctoral Dissertation.
Comparing habit-behaviour relationships for sport versus leisure time physical activity. (2023). B Cheval, K Newman, C Forestier, Z Zenko, B Gardner. Research Report.
Reassessing Civilian Perceptions of Military Veterans: An IAT Validation Study. (2023). K Keeran. Doctoral Dissertation.
The Development of Working Memory: Sex Differences in Accuracy and Reaction Times. (2023). P Ibbotson, E Roque-Gutierrez. Journal of Cognition and Development.
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Automatic approach-avoidance tendency toward physical activity, sedentary, and neutral stimuli as a function of age, explicit affective attitude, and intention to be active. (2023). A Farajzadeh, M Goubran, A Beehler, MW Miller. Peer Community Journal.
Linking the Momentary Processing of Injustice to Intraindividual Change in Dispositional Victim Sensitivity. (2023). A Baumert, S Maltese, T Lischetzke. European Journal of Personality.
No substitute for acceptance: investigating the effects of respect vs permission based tolerance on minority self-efficacy, affect, and future expectations.. (2023). B Williams. Doctoral Dissertation.
Measuring Verbal Working Memory Online in Research: Feasibility, Reliability, and Validity of two Implementations. (2023). FM González, J Marrujo, M Martínez, JP Barreyro. Research Report.
Paranormal believers show reduced resting EEG beta band oscillations and inhibitory control than skeptics. (2023). A Narmashiri, J Hatami, R Khosrowabadi, A Sohrabi. Scientific Reports.
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High CO2 Exposure Due to Facemask Wear Does Not Impair Students' Cognition. (2023). F Rachel, MA Belyamani, S Djamasbi, GB Somasse. Research Report.
Effects of Training Body-Related Interpretations on Panic-Related Cognitions and Symptoms. (2023). F Würtz, S Steinman, SE Blackwell, FH Wilhelm, A Reinecke, D Adolph, J Margraf, ML Woud. Research Report.
Lighting color temperature impacts effort-related cardiovascular response to an auditory short-term memory task. (2023). R Lasauskaite, M Richter, C Cajochen. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Implicit and Explicit Evaluations of Chinese Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy: Experimental Evidence from Attitudes of the Rural Poor in Western China. (2023). S Wang, J Dong, E Zhang, J Wang, A Dong. Frontier Research in Behavioral Public Administrat.
From Managing Memory to Multitasking: Exploring the Role of Cognitive Control. (2023). AN Hoskin. Doctoral Dissertation.
Effects of Training Body-Related Interpretations on Panic-Related Cognitions and Symptoms. (2023). F Würtz, S Steinman, SE Blackwell, FH Wilhelm. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Executive Functioning and Acute Stress Responses: The Role of Cognitive Appraisals, Repetitive Thinking, and Emotion Regulation. (2023). E Grimm, S Agrigoroaei. Research Report.
Acute exercise and children's cognitive functioning: What is the optimal dose of cognitive challenge?. (2023). S Anzeneder, C Zehnder, AL Martin-Niedecken. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
A Rehabilitation-Through-Photographing Support System for Muscular Dystrophy Patients. (2023). Y Sato, Y Kambayashi. Intelligent Human Systems Integration.
Humanity at first sight: Exploring the relationship between others' pupil size and ascriptions of humanity. (2023). N Delgado, S Mattavelli, M Brambilla. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Risk Decision Making and Executive Function among Adolescents and Young Adults. (2023). F Marquez-Ramos, D Alarcon, JG Amian. Behavioral Sciences.
An investigation of SMART Recovery: protocol for a longitudinal cohort study of individuals making a new recovery attempt from alcohol use disorder. (2023). JF Kelly, SA Levy, BB Hoeppner. BMJ Open.
General knowledge norms: Updated and expanded for German. (2023). AG Wertgen, T Richter. Plos one.
Does speed-reading training work, and if so, why? Effects of speed-reading training and metacognitive training on reading speed, comprehension and eye movements. (2023). M Klimovich, SP Tiffin‐Richards, T Richter. Journal of Research in Reading.
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Racial Embodiment in Virtual Environments for Facilitating Students' Understanding of Racism. (2023). J Tawa, AK Montoya. Technology, Mind, and Behavior.
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Facing Enemies. Modulation of Revenge Interactions based on Opponent State Indicators of Suffering. (2023). V Mitschke. Doctoral Dissertation.
Understanding Electability: The Effects of Implicit and Explicit Sexism on Candidate Perceptions. (2023). K Britzman, J Mehić-Parker. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy.
Two different brain networks underlying picture naming with familiar pre-existing native words and new vocabulary. (2023). MÁ Palomar-García, E Villar-Rodríguez. Brain and Language.
Predicting language use in Catalonia (Spain): the role of implicit and explicit language attitudes. (2023). MA Ianos, U Hinostroza-Castillo, F Senar, C Petreñas. International Journal of Multilingualism.
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Rich Intercultural Music Engagement Enhances Cultural Understanding: The Impact of Learning a Musical Instrument Outside of One's Lived Experience. (2023). MG Li, KN Olsen, JW Davidson, WF Thompson. International Journal of Environmental Research an.
Psychosocial Resources Predicting Maternal and Paternal Positive Parenting and Lower Child Abuse Risk. (2023). S Gonzalez, CM Rodriguez. Prevention Science.
An analysis of neurocognitive and psychiatric symptoms following infection with COVID-19: Evidence from laboratory and population studies. (2023). PA Hall, H Ayaz, G Meng, A Hudson, MN Sakib. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity.
The classroom social environment in mixed secondary school classes: The role of ethnic classroom composition and classmates’ explicitly and implicitly measured ethnic attitudes. (2023). L van Vemde, J Thijs, L Hornstra. Social Psychology of Education.
Rich Intercultural Music Engagement Enhances Cultural Understanding: The Impact of Learning a Musical Instrument Outside of One's Lived Experience. (2023). MG Li, KN Olsen, JW Davidson, WF Thompson. International Journal of Environmental Research an.
Boys’ Advantage in Solving Algebra Word Problems is Mediated by Spatial Abilities and Mathematics Anxiety. (2023). DC Geary, MK Hoard, L Nugent. Developmental Psychology.
Sex Differences and Similarities in Relations Between Mathematics Achievement, Attitudes, and Anxiety: A 7th-to-9th Grade Longitudinal Study. (2023). DC Geary, MK Hoard, L Nugent, ZE Ünal, NR Greene. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Supporting School Readiness by Bolstering Parents' Perceived Social Norms. (2023). F Aladé, MR Aley, N Rhodes, DR Ewoldsen. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
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Prolonged Processing Time for Manual and Vocal Responses in Parkinson Disease: A Psychological Refractory Period Paradigm Study. (2023). AE Reif, DK Summers, J A. Whitfield, AM Goberman. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
Influence of smartphone-based physical activity intervention on executive functions and cardiometabolic disease risk in obese young adults: a pilot randomised controlled trial. (2023). SV Domal, B Chandrasekaran, HP Palanisamy. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders.
The Accumulated Clues Task (ACT): Development of a German Semantic Problem-Solving Paradigm. (2023). CS Löffler, S Topolinski. Journal of Cognition.
Discrepancies in Objective and Subjective Cognition in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Does Personality Matter?. (2023). AN Costa, LM Nowakowski, CS McCrae, N Cowan. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine.
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Perceptions of Black and White individuals sentenced for violent and nonviolent crimes. (2023). A Bass, J Choi, CL Dickter. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Evidence That Event Boundaries Are Access Points for Memory Retrieval. (2023). S Michelmann, U Hasson, KA Norman. Psychological Science.
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Examining the Effects of Gender Transfer in Virtual Reality on Implicit Gender Bias. (2022). L Wu, KB Chen. Human Factors.
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Tobacco product use and cultural connectedness among Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Asian American, and Filipino American young adults in Hawai’i. (2022). DL Johnson, SK Okamoto, MH Rosario, P Pokhrel. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance.
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Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Training in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial Examining Drinking Outcome and Working Mechanisms. (2022). M Stein, LM Soravia, RM Tschuemperlin. Addiction.
Understanding Why Interpersonal Interactions between Police Officers and Civilians Can Go Poorly. (2022). KC Burke. Doctoral Dissertation.
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Binaural Temporal Coding and the Middle Ear Muscle Reflex in Audiometrically Normal Young Adults. (2022). AM Shehabi, G Prendergast, H Guest, CJ Plack. Hearing Research.
Examining the Treatment Relevance of the Approach-Avoidance Motivation Model for Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder in Women and Non-Binary Individuals. (2022). F Jabs, LA Brotto. The Journal of Sex Research.
Exploring the relationships between working memory capacity, academic reading, and academic achievement in online distance e-learning first-year students. (2022). JC Harvey. Doctoral Dissertation.
The Effect of Alcohol and Sexual Arousal on Explicit and Implicit Condom Attitudes and Intentions to Use a Condom. (2022). K Wolfs, AER Bos, FEF Mevissen, JJDM van Lankveld. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
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The effect of imagery rescripting on core beliefs and eating disorder symptoms in a subclinical population. (2023). F Kadriu, L Claes, C Witteman, M Woelk, J Krans. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psych.
Source credibility and plausibility are considered in the validation of textual information: evidence from a social media context. (2022). AG Wertgen, T Richter. Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
Impaired decision-making and skin conductance responses are associated with reward and punishment sensitivity in individuals with severe alcohol use disorder. (2022). W Logge, K Morley, PS Haber, AJ Baillie. Research Report.
Difficulties in retrieving specific details of autobiographical memories and imagining positive future events in individuals with acute but not remitted anorexia nervosa. (2022). JL Keeler, G Peters-Gill, J Treasure, H Himmerich. Journal of Eating Disorders.
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Elucidating Visual Search Behavior and Resulting Performance in Low Prevalence Dynamic Search. (2022). K Diaz, M Wise, S Guillory, J Bolkhovsky, C Peltier. Research Report.
Are trait self-control and self-control resources mediators of relations between executive functions and health behaviors?. (2022). C Forestier, M de Chanaleilles, R Bartoletti, B Cheval. Research Report.
Neuroimaging and Reward Processing in Major Depressive Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. (2022). AK Ceniti. Doctoral Dissertation.
Examining The Influence of The Self-referential Bias on Aberrant Salience and Jumping to Conclusions Bias in Individuals with Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders. (2022). SS Jagtap. Master's Thesis.
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Clarifying the link between anxiety and conspiracy beliefs: A cross-sectional study on the role of coping with stressors. (2023). J Krüppel, D Yoon, A Mokros. Personality and Individual Differences.
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Conducting surveys and experiments on the Internet. (2022). C Stern, JR Axt. Research Report.
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A brief mindfulness intervention reduces the tendency to endorse negative Black stereotypes. (2022). K Ingold, A Lueke. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
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The Relationship Between Trauma Survivors and Attentional Deficits. (2022). J Roth. Doctoral Dissertation.
The Many Facets of Metacognition: Comparing Multiple Measures of Metacognition in Healthy Individuals. (2022). A Terneusen, CWEM Quaedflieg, C van Heugten. Research Report.
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Craving and Cognitive Biases for Alcohol Cues in Social Drinkers Matt Field, Karin Mogg, and Brendan P. Bradley Alcohol Alcoholism, Nov 2005; 40: 504 - 510.
A Latent State-Trait Analysis of Implicit and Explicit Personality Measures. By Schmukle, Stefan C.; Egloff, Boris European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 21(2), 2005, 100-107.
Challenging implicit and explicit alcohol-related cognitions in young heavy drinkers. Reinout W. Wiers, Jade van de Luitgaarden, Esther van den Wildenberg & Fren T. Y. Smulders Addiction. 100(6), June 2005, 806
Testing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Soldier Performance Under Increasing Task Demand. K.A. Burke, J. Szalma, T. Oron-Gilad, A. Duley, and P.A. Hancock Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting, 2005.
Gender picture priming: It works with denotative and connotative primes. Kristi M. Lemm, Marilyn Dabady, Mahzarin R. Banaji Social Cognition. 2005, vol. 23, n3, pp. 218-241.
Measuring Task-Switching Ability in the Implicit Association Test. By Back, Mitja D.; Schmukle, Stefan C.; Egloff, Boris Experimental Psychology. 52(3), 2005, 167-179.
The Consequences of Race for Police Officers' Responses to Criminal Suspects E. Ashby Plant and B. Michelle Peruche Psychological Science, Volume 16 Page 180, March 2005.
American = White? By Devos, Thierry; Banaji, Mahzarin R. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 88(3), Mar 2005, 447-466.
White Selves: Conceptualizing and Measuring a Dominant-Group Identity. By Knowles, Eric D.; Peng, Kaiping Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 89(2), Aug 2005, 223-241.
Mood-Congruent Attentional Bias in Dysphoria: Maintained Attention to and Impaired Disengagement From Negative Information. By Koster, Ernst H. W.; De Raedt, Rudi; Goeleven, Ellen; Franck, Erik; Crombez, Geert Emotion. 5(4), Dec 2005, 446-455.
Craving and cognitive biases for alcohol cues in social drinkers. Field, Matt; Mogg, Karin; Bradley, Brendan P Alcohol and alcoholism, 2005, 40(6), 504-510.
Individual Differences in Absolute and Relative Metacomprehension Accuracy. By Maki, Ruth H.; Shields, Micheal; Wheeler, Amanda Easton; Zacchilli, Tammy Lowery Journal of Educational Psychology. 97(4), Nov 2005, 723-731.
Differential activity in left inferior frontal gyrus for pseudowords and real words: An event-related fMRI study on auditory lexical decision. Zhuangwei Xiao, John X. Zhang, Xiaoyi Wang, Renhua Wu, Xiaoping Hu, Xuchu Weng, Li Hai Tan Human Brain Mapping. Volume 25, Issue 2 , Pages 212 - 221.
Behavioural responding to concealed information: Examining the role of relevance orienting By Verschuere, Bruno; Crombez, Geert; Koster, Ernst H.W.; Van Baelen, Peggy Psychologica Belgica, 45(3), 2005, pp. 207-216(10)
Negative Priming with Masked Distractor-Only Prime Trials: Awareness Moderates Negative Priming. By Frings, Christian; Wentura, Dirk Experimental Psychology. 52(2), 2005, 131-139.
Temporal Stability of the Implicit Association Test-Anxiety By Boris Egloff, Andreas Schwerdtfeger, Stefan C. Schmukle Journal of Personality Assessment, 84(1), 2005, 82-88.
Implicit alcohol-related cognitions in a clinical sample of heavy drinkers. De Houwer J, Crombez G, Koster EH, De Beul N. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 2004 Dec;35(4):275-86.
Signals for threat modulate attentional capture and holding: Fear - conditioning and extinction during the exogenous cueing task. By Ernst H. W. Koster , Geert Crombez , Stefaan Van Damme , Bruno Verschuere , Jan De Houwer Cognition & Emotion, 19(5), August 2005, 771 - 780
Influences of Age on Emotional Reactivity During Picture Processing Darin P. Smith, Charles H. Hillman, and Aaron R. Duley The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, Jan 2005; 60: P49 - P56.
The pattern of memory and perceptual dysfunctions in recreational ecstasy users. Brown, John Anthony Doctoral Thesis, School of Psychology, Australian National University, 2005.
Mitchell, C.J. (2004). Mere acceptance produces apparent attitude in the Implicit Association Test. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40, 366-373.
Cherbuin, N., Brinkman, C.(2004). Field, M., Mogg, K., Bradley, B.P. (2004). Cognitive bias and drug craving in recreational cannabis users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 74, 105-111.
Cognition is cool: Can hemispheric activation be assessed by tympanic membrane thermometry? Brain and Cognition, 54, 228-231.
Experimental and Psychotherapeutic Demand Characteristics and the Cognitive Therapy Rationale: An Analogue Study. Jonathan W. Kanter , Robert J. Kohlenberg, and Elizabeth F. Loftus Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28(2), April, 2004, 229-239.
Is left inferior frontal gyrus a general mechanism for selection? John X. Zhang, Ching-Mei Feng, Peter T. Fox, Jia-Hong Gao, and Li Hai Tan NeuroImage. 23, 2004, 596–603.
An empirical comparison of transparency on one and two layer displays. Wael Aboelsaadat, Ravin Balakrishnan Proceedings of HCI, 2004.
Does Imminent Threat Capture and Hold Attention? By Koster, Ernst H. W.; Crombez, Geert; Van Damme, Stefaan; Verschuere, Bruno; De Houwer, Jan Emotion. 4(3), Sep 2004, 312-317.
Emotional Responses to Pictures of Oneself in Healthy College Age Females. By Sarah M. Buck, Charles H. Hillman , Ellen M. Evans and Christopher M. Janelle Motivation and Emotion, 28(3), September 2004, 279-295.
Implicit Bias and Contact: The Role of Interethnic Friendships. Christopher L. Aberson, Carl Shoemaker, Christina Tomolillo The Journal of Social Psychology, 2004, 144(3), 335–347.
Predictive Validity of the Implicit Association Test in Studies of Brands, Consumer Attitudes, and Behavior. Dominika Maison, Anthony G. Greenwald, Ralph H. Bruin Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2004, Vol. 14, No. 4, Pages 405-415.
Menu Design Considerations for Rapid Decision-Making Simulations. William Y. Pike, Jessica Helmick-Rich, Kristy A. Bradley, Adams Greenwood-Ericksen, Kelly Burke The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference, 2004.
Encoding Under Trust and Distrust: The Spontaneous Activation of Incongruent Cognitions. By Schul, Yaacov; Mayo, Ruth; Burnstein, Eugene Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 86(5), May 2004, 668-679.
Emotion and motivated behavior: posturaladjustments to affective picture viewing. By Charles H. Hillman, Karl S. Rosengren, Darin P. Smith Biological Psychology 66 (2004) 51–62.
The effects of subpixel addressing on users' performance and preferences during reading-related tasks. Leo Gugerty, Richard A. Tyrrell, Thomas R. Aten, K. Andy Edmonds ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Volume 1 , Issue 2 (October 2004), 81 - 101
Levels of Processing Effects on Implicit and Explicit Memory Tasks: Using Question Position to Investigate the Lexical-Processing Hypothesis. By Newell, Ben R.; Andrews, Sally Experimental Psychology. 51(2), 2004, 132-144.
The anticipation of pain modulates spatial attention: evidence for pain-specificity in high-pain catastrophizers. By Van Damme S, Crombez G, Eccleston C. Pain. 111(3), 2004 Oct, 392-9.
Performance in Auditory and Visual Emotional Stroop Tasks: A Comparison of Older and Younger Adults. By Wurm, Lee H.; Labouvie-Vief, Gisela; Aycock, Joanna; Rebucal, Kristine A.; Koch, Heather E. Psychology and Aging. 19(3), Sep 2004, 523-535.
How to Change Implicit Drug Use-Related Cognitions in Prevention: A Transdisciplinary Integration of Findings from Experimental Psychopathology, Social Cognition, Memory, and Experimental Learning Psychology. Reinout W. Wiers, Peter J. de Jong, Remco Havermans, Marko Jelicic Substance Use & Misuse. Volume 39, Numbers 10-12, 2004, 1625 - 1684.
Reactions to Counterstereotypic Behavior: The Role of Backlash in Cultural Stereotype Maintenance. By Rudman, Laurie A.; Fairchild, Kimberly Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 87(2), Aug 2004, 157-176.
Does the Implicit Association Test for assessing anxiety measure trait and state variance? By Stefan C. Schmukle, Boris Egloff European Journal of Personality, 18(6) , 2004, 483 - 494.
From Thin Air. The Effect of Emotion on Automatic Intergroup Attitudes David DeSteno, Nilanjana Dasgupta, Monica Y. Bartlett, Aida Cajdric Psychological Science, Vol. 15, Issue 5, Page 319: May 2004
Orienting to guilty knowledge By Bruno Verschuere, Geert Crombez, Ernst H. W. Koster Cognition & Emotion, 18(2), February 2004, 265 - 279.
Selective attention to threat in the dot probe paradigm:differentiating vigilance and difficulty to disengage By Ernst H.W. Koster, Geert Crombez, Bruno Verschuere, Jan De Houwer Behaviour Research and Therapy 42 (2004) 1183–1192
Synaptic Augmentation Contributes to Environment-Driven Regulation of the Aplysia Siphon-Withdrawal Reflex. Robert J. Calin-Jageman and Thomas M. Fischer The Journal of Neuroscience, December 17, 2003, 23(37):11611-11620.
An Experimental Investigation of Skill, Rule, and Knowledge-based Performance Under Noise Conditions. J. L. Weaver, K. A. Bradley, K. A. Burke, J. A. Helmick, A. Greenwood-Ericksen, & P. A. Hancock Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting, 2003.
Implicit Romantic Fantasies and Women's Interest in Personal Power: A Glass Slipper Effect? Laurie A. Rudman and Jessica B. Heppen Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Nov 2003; 29: 1357 - 1370.
Does social desirability moderate the relationship between implicit and explicit anxiety measures? By Egloff, Boris; Schmukle, Stefan C. Personality and individual differences, 35(7), 2003, 1697-1706
Moderating factors in visual search: The role of ecological-validity. Derek D. Diaz, Valerie K. Sims, Peter A. Hancock, Hana S. Smith, Linda Upham Ellis, Bryan Clark, & David Sushi Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting, 2003.
On doing two things at once: III. Confirmation of perfect timesharing when simultaneous tasks are ideomotor compatible. By Greenwald, Anthony G. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 29(5), Oct 2003, 859-868.
Semantic effects in lexical access: Evidence from single-word naming. Lee H. Wurm, Douglas A. Vakoch, Joanna Aycock, Robyn R. Childers Cognition & Emotion. Volume 17, Number 4, July 2003.
Implicit-Explicit Differences in Self-Enhancement for Americans and Japanese Chihiro Kobayashi and Anthony G. Greenwald Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Sep 2003; 34: 522 - 541.
Who is watching Big Brother? TV consumption predicted by masked affective priming. Christian Frings, Dirk Wentura European Journal of Social Psychology, Volume 33, Issue 6, 2003, 779 - 791.
Fear of the Dark: Interactive Effects of Beliefs about Danger and Ambient Darkness on Ethnic Stereotypes Mark Schaller, Justin H. Park, and Annette Mueller Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, May 2003; 29: 637 - 649.
Long-term semantic memory versus contextual memory in unconscious number processing. By Greenwald, Anthony G.; Abrams, Richard L.; Naccache, Lionel; Dehaene, Stanislas Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 29(2), Mar 2003, 235-247.
Automatic processing in spider phobia: Implicit fear associations over the course of treatment. By Teachman, Bethany A.; Woody, Sheila R. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 112(1), Feb 2003, 100-109.
A simple and sensitive method to measure timing accuracy. By De Clercq A.; Crombez G.; Buysse A.; Roeyers H. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 35(1), February 2003, 109-115
The extrinsic affective Simon task. By De Houwer, Jan Experimental Psychology. 50(2), 2003, 77-85.
Contextual variations in implicit evaluation. By Mitchell, Jason P.; Nosek, Brian A.; Banaji, Mahzarin R. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 132(3), Sep 2003, 455-469.
Temporal and spatial aspects of an environmental stimulus influence the dynamics of behavioral regulation of the Aplysia siphon-withdrawal response. By Calin-Jageman, Robert J.; Fischer, Thomas M. Behavioral Neuroscience. 117(3), Jun 2003, 555-565.
Implicit and Explicit Alcohol-Related Cognitions in Heavy and Light Drinkers. Reinout W. Wiers, Nieske van Woerden, Fren T. Y. Smulders, and Peter J. de Jong Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2002, Vol. 111, No. 4, 648–658.
Using the implicit association test to measure age differences in implicit social cognitions. By Hummert, Mary Lee; Garstka, Teri A.; O'Brien, Laurie T.; Greenwald, Anthony G.; Mellott, Deborah S. Psychology and Aging. 17(3), Sep 2002, 482-495.
Tiempos de reacción y discriminación de caras con contenido emocional. Ana Maria Martínez, Odalis Salas, Monica Torres, Patricia Zea Universitas Psychologica, Julio-diciembre, 2(002), 151-168.
Putting the brakes on prejudice: On the development and operation of cues for control. By Monteith, Margo J.; Ashburn-Nardo, Leslie; Voils, Corrine I.; Czopp, Alexander M. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 83(5), Nov 2002, 1029-1050.
The regulation of explicit and implicit race bias: The role of motivations to respond without prejudice. By Devine, Patricia G.; Plant, E. Ashby; Amodio, David M.; Harmon-Jones, Eddie; Vance, Stephanie L. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 82(5), May 2002, 835-848.
The Implicit Association Test as a measure of implicit consumer attitudes. Dominika Maison, Anthony G. Greenwald, Ralph Bruin Polish Psychological Bulletin, 2001, 32(1).
Conditional Root Uniqueness Points: Psychological validity and perceptual consequences. Wurm, Lee H.; Ross, Shannon E. Journal of Memory and Language. 2001, 45(1), 39-57.
On the malleability of automatic attitudes: Combating automatic prejudice with images of admired and disliked individuals. By Dasgupta, Nilanjana; Greenwald, Anthony G. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 81(5), Nov 2001, 800-814.
Implicit associations for fear-relevant stimuli among individuals with snake and spider fears. By Teachman, Bethany A.; Gregg, Aiden P.; Woody, Sheila R. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 110(2), May 2001, 226-235.
Implicit Word Cues Facilitate Impaired Naming Performance: Evidence from a Case of Anomia. Avila C, Lambon Ralph MA, Parcet MA, Geffner D, Gonzalez-Darder JM Brain and Language, 79, 2001, 185–200.
Automatic Preference for White Americans: Eliminating the Familiarity Explanation. Nilanjana Dasgupta, Debbie E. McGhee, Anthony G. Greenwald, Mahzarin R. Banaji Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 36, 316–328 (2000).