Approach Avoidance Task (AAT)

FREE for use with an Inquisit Lab or Inquisit Web license.

Available Test Forms

Approach Avoidance Task (joystick version)

The approach avoidance task as a measure of implicit attitude towards alcohol as described in Wiers et al 2009
Duration: 6 minutes
(Requires Inquisit Lab)
(Run with Inquisit Web)
Last Updated

Approach Avoidance Task (keyboard version)

The approach avoidance task as described in Wiers et al 2009 using the keyboard
Duration: 6 minutes
(Requires Inquisit Lab)
(Run with Inquisit Web)
Last Updated
Jul 1, 2024, 2:19PM

Approach Avoidance Task (mouse version)

The approach avoidance task as described in Wiers et al 2009 using the mouse
Duration: 6 minutes
(Requires Inquisit Lab)
(Run with Inquisit Web)
Last Updated


Google ScholarSearch Google Scholar for peer-reviewed, published research using the Inquisit Approach Avoidance Task (AAT).

Chen, M., & Bargh, J. A. (1999). Consequences of automatic evaluation: Immediate behavioral predispositions to approach or avoid the stimulus. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 215-224.

Marsh, A. A., Kleck, R., E., & Ambady, N. (2005. The effects of fear and anger facial expressions on approach- and avoidance-related behaviors. Emotion, 5, 119-124.

Wiers R. W., Rinck M., Dictus M., & van den Wildenberg E.(2009) Relatively strong automatic appetitive action-tendencies in male carriers of the OPRM1 G-allele. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 8, 101-106.

Wiers, R. W., Rinck, M., Kordts, R., Houben, K., & Strack, F. (2010). Re-training automatic action-tendencies to approach alcohol in hazardous drinkers. Addiction, 105, 279–287.