Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
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Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) designed by the World Health Organization for detecting alcohol abuse issues.

Babor, T., & World Health Organization. Department of Mental Health Substance Dependence. (2001). AUDIT, the alcohol use disorders identification test : Guidelines for use in primary care (2nd ed.). Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, Dept. of Mental Health and Substance Dependence.
Reinert, D., & Allen, J. (2007). The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: An Update of Research Findings. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 31(2), 185-199.
Sung, Lee, & Song. (2011). Heritabilities of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores and alcohol biomarkers in Koreans: The KoGES (Korean Genome Epi Study) and Healthy Twin Study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 113(2), 104-109.
Neumann, Linnen, Kip, Grittner, Weiβ-Gerlach, Kleinwächter, . . . Spies. (2012). Does the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test–Consumption identify the same patient population as the full 10-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 43(1), 80-85.
Celio, Vetter-O’hagen, Lisman, Johansen, & Spear. (2011). Integrating field methodology and web-based data collection to assess the reliability of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 119(1-2), 142-144.
Kim, Jeong‐Hyun, Park, Byung‐Lae, Cheong, Hyun Sub, Bae, Joon Seol, Kim, Lyoung Hyo, Kim, Jee Wook, . . . Shin, Hyoung Doo. (2014). Association Between HTR7 Genetic Polymorphisms and Alcohol Dependence, Using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38(9), 2354-2361.