List Learning Task
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List Learning Task
A visual list learning task inspired by the similar task included in the Repeatable Battery for Neuropsychological Status (RBANS).

Ivnik, R., Malec, J., Tangalos, E., Petersen, R., Kokmen, E., Kurland, L., & Kazdin, Alan E. (1990). The Auditory–Verbal Learning Test (AVLT): Norms for Ages 55 Years and Older. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2(3), 304-312.
Basso, M., Bornstein, R., & Cermak, Laird S. (1999). Relative Memory Deficits in Recurrent Versus First-Episode Major Depression on a Word-List Learning Task. Neuropsychology, 13(4), 557-563.
Yuspeh, R., Koltai, D., & Welsh-Bohmer, K. (1999). Learning over trials: Normative data for an index of verbal learning for the CERAD Word List Learning Task. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 14(8), 670.
Dierckx, E., Engelborghs, S., De Raedt, R., De Deyn, P., D’haenens, E., Verté, D., & Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, I. (2011). The 10-word learning task in the differential diagnosis of early Alzheimer's disease and elderly depression: A cross-sectional pilot study. Aging & Mental Health, 15(1), 113-121.
Rahimi-Golkhandan, Maruff, Darby, & Wilson. (2012). Barriers to Repeated Assessment of Verbal Learning and Memory: A Comparison of International Shopping List Task and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test on Build-Up of Proactive Interference. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 27(7), 790-795.
Alexandra, Myott, Modesto, Raffo, Peñate, Melo, . . . Loewenstein. (2016). A-29Proactive Semantic Interference (PSI) Deficits, and the Inability to Recover from PSI on a Novel List-Learning Task Demonstrate Increased Sensitivity in Identifying Elderly Persons at Risk of Developing Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 31(6), 594.