Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST)
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Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) Revised
The revised Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) with 22 YES/NO as originally developed by Selzer (1971).
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
The original Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) with 25 YES/NO questions as developed by Selzer (1971).
Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (SMAST)
The Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (SMAST) with 13 YES/NO questions as developed by Crews & Sher (1992).

Selzer, M.L. (1971). The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test: The quest for a new diagnostic instrument.
Selzer, M. L., Gomberg, E. S., & Nordhoff, J. A. (January 01, 1979). Men and women's responses to the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 40, 5, 502-4.
Lall, R., & Schandler, S. L. (June 01, 1991). Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) Scores and Academic Performance in College Students. College Student Journal, 25, 2, 245-251.
Crews, T.M., & Sher, K.J. (1992). Using adapted short MASTs for assessing parental alcoholism: Reliability and validity. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 16, 576-584.
Saltstone, R., Halliwell, S., & Hayslip, M. A. (January 01, 1994). A multivariate evaluation of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test and the Drug Abuse Screening Test in a female offender population. Addictive Behaviors, 19, 5.)
Alexander, D., & Mangelsdorff, A. D. (January 01, 1994). Screening alcohol abuse potential among Army reservists with the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. Military Medicine, 159, 9, 595-600.
Storgaard, H., Nielsen, S. D., & Gluud, C. (January 01, 1994). The validity of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST). Alcohol and Alcoholism (oxford, Oxfordshire), 29, 5, 493-502.
Laux, J. M., Mewman, I., & Brown, R. (January 01, 2004). The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST): A Statistical Validation Analysis. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling & Development (american Counseling Association), 36, 4.)