Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ)

Alternate Names: Pathological Internet Use Questionnaire, Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire-Short Form-6 (PIUQ-SF-6)

FREE for use with an Inquisit Lab or Inquisit Web license.

Available Test Forms

Demetrovics et al (2016)

A short form of the questionnaire consisting of 6 5-point Likert questions measureing internet addition.
Duration: 1 minutes
(Requires Inquisit Lab)
(Run with Inquisit Web)
Last Updated
Sep 30, 2024, 9:30PM

Demetrovics, Szeredi, & Rózsa (2008)

A questionnaire consisting of 18 5-point Likert questions measuring internet addiction.
Duration: 1.5 minutes
(Requires Inquisit Lab)
(Run with Inquisit Web)
Last Updated
Sep 30, 2024, 9:30PM


Google ScholarSearch Google Scholar for peer-reviewed, published research using the Inquisit Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ).

Demetrovics, Z., Szeredi, B., & Rózsa, S. (2008). The three-factor model of Internet addiction: The development of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire. Behavior Research Methods, 40, 563-574.

Demetrovics, Zsolt, Király, Orsolya, Koronczai, Beatrix, Griffiths, Mark D, Nagygyörgy, Katalin, Elekes, Zsuzsanna, . . . Urbán, Róbert. (2016). Psychometric Properties of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire Short-Form (PIUQ-SF-6) in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents. PloS One, 11(8), E0159409.

Li, Wen, Diez, Stephanie L, & Zhao, Qianwei. (2019). Exploring problematic internet use among non-latinx black and latinx youth using the problematic internet use questionnaire-short form (PIUQ-SF). Psychiatry Research, 274, 322-329.