Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP)

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Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm

An implementation of the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm as used in Cherek et al (1997)
Duration: 30 minutes
(Requires Inquisit Lab)
(Run with Inquisit Web)
Last Updated
Jul 1, 2024, 2:26PM


Google ScholarSearch Google Scholar for peer-reviewed, published research using the Inquisit Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP).

Cherek, D.R., Moeller, F.G., Schnapp, W., Dougherty, D.M. (1997). Studies of Violent and Nonviolent Male Parolees: I. Laboratory and Psychometric Measurements of Aggression. Biological Psychiatry, 41, 514-522.

Moeller, F.G., Dougherty, D.M., Lane, S.D., Steinberg, J.L., Cherek, D.R. (1998). Antisocial Personality Disorder and Alcohol-Induced Aggression. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22, 1898-1902.

Cherek, D.R. & Lane, S.D. (1999). Laboratory and Psychometric Measurements of Impulsivity among Violent and Nonviolent Female Parolees. Biological Psychiatry, 46, 273-280.

Cherek, D.R., Lane, S.D., Dougherty, D.M., Moeller, F.G., & White, S. (2000). Laboratory and Questionnaire Measures of Aggression Among Female Parolees With Violent or Nonviolent Histories. Aggressive Behavior, 26, 291-307.

Golomb, B.A., Cortez-Perez, M., Jaworski, B.A., Mednick, S., & Dimsdale, J. (2007). Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm: Validity of a Brief Schedule of Use. Violence and Victims, 22, 95-103.

Carré, J.M., Gilchrist, J.D., Morrissey, M.D., McCormick, C.M. (2010). Motivational and situational factors and the relationship between testosterone dynamics and human aggression during competition. Biological Psychology, 84, 346-353.