Social Evaluation Learning Task
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Social Evaluation Learning Task
A task by Button et al (2015) in which participants determine whether a computer persona "likes" them by guessing which traits the persona associates with them.
Social Evaluation Learning Task (mouse input)
A task by Button et al (2015) in which participants determine whether a computer persona "likes" them by guessing which traits the persona associates with them.

Button KS, Browning M, Munafo MR, Lewis G (2012) Social inference and social anxiety: evidence of a fear-congruent self-referential learning bias. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 43: 1082–1087. doi: 10. 1016/j.jbtep.2012.05.004 PMID: 22699043
Button, K.S., Kounali, D., Stapinski, L., Rapee, R.M, Lewis, G., & Munafò, M.R.M (2015). Fear of Negative Evaluation Biases Social Evaluation Inference: Evidence from a Probabilistic Learning Task. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0119456
Katherine Button, Marcus Munafo, & Daphne Kounali; Lucy Karwatowska; Angela Attwood. (2016). Acute anxiety and social inference: An experimental manipulation with 7.5% carbon dioxide inhalation.