SR Research EyeLink Eye Tracking Samples
FREE for use with an Inquisit Lab or Inquisit Web license.Available Test Forms
Eye Cursor Example
This script shows how to use gaze point data to position a cursor on the screen.
Parafoveal Priming Using Eye Tracking
This shows a parafoveal priming task that present a prime stimulus when the participant fixates on the fixation point.
Preferential Looking Task Using Eye Tracking
A preferential looking task that measures which of two stimuli captures the participant's gaze.
Preferential Looking Task with Custom Image Calibration Targets
This shows a preferential looking task that uses an attention-grabbing image for calibration targets.
Preferential Looking Task with Custom Video Calibration Targets
This shows a preferential looking task that uses an attention-grabbing video for calibration targets.
Pupil Size Example
This shows decreasing pupil size as a function of screen brightness.
Yoni Test with Eye Tracking
This script enables gaze point analysis during performance of the Yoni Test of perspective taking.