___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BOMB RISK ELICITATION TASK (dynamic version) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. (katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software, LLC Date: 06-27-2017 last updated: 02-17-2022 by K. Borchert (katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software, LLC Script Copyright © 02-17-2022 Millisecond Software ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND INFO ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This script implements the dynamic (computerized) Bomb Risk Elicitation Task, a measure for risk propensity and risk aversion, as described in: Crosetto, P., Filippin, A. (2013). The bomb risk elicitation task. J. Risk Uncertain. 47 (1), 31–65. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participants see a grid of 100 (25) parcels and are told that one of these parcels hides a time bomb. The parcels are automatically removed, one-by-one (starting with the upper left parcel) until the participant stops the collection process. The participant earns a predetermined amount of money for each parcel removed. However, they can only keep the money if the time bomb is revealed to be located in one of the uncollected parcels. Several parameter settings are possible (see section Editable Parameters): 1) the time bomb location can be determined by computer (default) or it can be manually determined by experimenter/participant (Note: key "I" advances to a trial that accepts manual input of a number) 2) the time bomb can go off immediately once the location has been collected or the location is determined after the participant stops the collection process (default) 3) participants can start with a "start capital" or without (start capital is immediately 'lost' when participants decide to play the game -> lost aversion setting) 4) number of parcels: choose btw. 25 or 100 parcels (default) 5) amount of money won per parcel: $0.1 (default) 6) collectionRate: the rate at which the parcels get collected (default: 1000ms per parcel) 7) number of rounds played: 1 (default; Note: the BRET was originally designed to be a 1-choice task) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DURATION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the default set-up of the script takes appr. 2-3 minutes to complete ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATA FILE INFORMATION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The default data stored in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'bombriskelicitationtask_raw*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)* build: The specific Inquisit version used (the 'build') that was run computer.platform: the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android) date, time: date and time script was run subject, group, with the current subject/groupnumber session: with the current session id blockcode, blocknum: the name and number of the current block (built-in Inquisit variable) trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (built-in Inquisit variable) Note: trialnum is a built-in Inquisit variable; it counts all trials run; even those that do not store data to the data file such as feedback trials. Thus, trialnum may not reflect the number of main trials run per block. bombLocationDrawingMode: computer: the bomb location is randomly determined by the computer (-> list.parcels) (script default) manual: the bomb location is manually determined by experimenter explosionMode: delayed: the bomb location reveal is delayed until after the collection process is stopped (default) immediate: the bomb location is revealed immediately when the bomb has been collected !Note: for (manually) predetermined sequences used for 'immediate' explosions: go to section Editable Lists list.manualBombLocations nrRounds: the number of rounds played (default: 1) !Note: the BRET was originally designed to be a 1-choice task collectionRate: the rate at which the parcels get collected (default: 1000ms per parcel) winAmount: the potential win amount per collected parcel (default: 0.1) startCapital: stores the amount of money provided as start capital (-> 'loss aversion' treatment). The start capital is lost immediately if participants decide to play the game. (default: 0 -> participant starts at 0) nrParcels: the number of parcels in the grid (100 vs. 25) bomb: stores the location (1-100 or 1-25) of the bomb parcelsCollected: counts the number of parcels selected roundTotal: stores the amount of money 'won' for the current round total: stores the total amount of money won from all rounds explosion: 1 = yes => time bomb goes off (parcel collected); 2 = No => time bomb does NOT go off response: the participant's response correct: accuracy of response: 1 = correct response; 0 = otherwise latency: the response latency (in ms); measured from: onset of trial (2) Summary data file: 'bombriskelicitationtask_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)* inquisit.version: Inquisit version run computer.platform: the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android) startDate: date script was run startTime: time script was started subjectid: assigned subject id number groupid: assigned group id number sessionid: assigned session id number elapsedTime: time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script completed: 0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) bombLocationDrawingMode: computer: the bomb location is randomly determined by the computer (-> list.parcels) (script default) manual: the bomb location is manually determined by experimenter explosionMode: delayed: the bomb location reveal is delayed until after the collection process is stopped (default) immediate: the bomb location is revealed immediately when the bomb has been collected !Note: for (manually) predetermined sequences used for 'immediate' explosions: go to section Editable Lists list.manualBombLocations nrRounds: the number of rounds played (default: 1) !Note: the BRET was originally designed to be a 1-choice task collectionRate: the rate at which the parcels get collected (default: 1000ms per parcel) winAmount: the potential win amount per collected parcel (default: 0.1) startCapital: stores the amount of money provided as start capital (-> 'loss aversion' treatment). The start capital is lost immediately if participants decide to play the game. (default: 0 -> participant starts at 0) nrParcels: the number of parcels in the grid (100 vs. 25) dependent measures: riskBehavior: if the number of collected parcels (in the case of multiple rounds: mean number of collected parcels) is less than parcelcount/2, the participant is classified as 'risk averse'; if it is 'parcelcount/2', the participant is classified as 'risk neutral'; if it is more than 'parcelcount/2', the participant is classified as 'risk seeker'. (Crosetto & Filippin, 2013, p.9) total: stores the total amount of money won from all rounds meanExplosions: proportion of explosions across rounds meanParcelsCollected: the mean number of parcels collected across rounds bombLocations: stores the bomb locations of all rounds (in sequence) * separate data files: to change to one data file for all participants (on Inquisit Lab only), go to section "DATA" and follow further instructions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Demo: 1 round with no bomb location reveal 2. Testround(s) - by default only 1 round is run initial presentation of the matrix (press Start) -> a parcel is removed from the screen at 1parcel/second until Stop is pressed (optional: if explosionmode is 'immediate', bombs goes off once the target parcel is collected) -> bomb reveal ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STIMULI ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ a 10x10 (5x5) matrix of blue parcels, the setup is based on the ones by Crosetto & Filippin (2013) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ provided by Millisecond Software. The instructions are based on the ones provided by Crosetto & Filippin (2013) and are presented in this script in the form of html pages. The html files can be edited directly with simple text editors such as Notepad (windows) or TextEdit (Mac). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDITABLE CODE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. The parameters you can change are: /bombLocationDrawingMode: computer: the bomb location is randomly determined by the computer (-> list.parcels) (script default) manual: the bomb location is manually determined by experimenter !!!Note: key "I" advances to a trial that accepts manual input of a number once experimenter is alerted by participant /explosionMode: delayed: the bomb location reveal is delayed until after the collection process is stopped (default) immediate: the bomb location is revealed immediately when the bomb has been collected !!!Note: for (manually) predetermined sequences used for 'immediate' explosions: go to section Editable Lists list.manualBombLocations /startCapital: stores the amount of money provided as start capital (-> 'loss aversion' treatment). The start capital is lost immediately if participants decide to play the game. (default: 0 -> participant starts at 0) /winAmount: the potential win amount per collected parcel (default: 0.1) /collectionRate: the rate at which the parcels get collected (default: 1000ms per parcel) /nrRounds: the number of rounds played (default: 1) !Note: the BRET was originally designed to be a 1-choice task /nrParcels: the number of parcels in the grid (100 vs. 25) (default: 25)