___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *REMOTE ASSOCIATES TEST - Survey Style* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. (katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software, LLC Date: 01-17-2017 last updated: 02-28-2022 by K. Borchert (katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software, LLC Script Copyright © 02-28-2022 Millisecond Software ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND INFO ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This script implements a variant of the Remote Associates Test, a test of creativity, based on: Mednick, S. A. (1962). The associative basis of the creative process. Psychological Review, 69, 220-232. Mednick, S. A. (1968). Remote Associates Test. Journal of Creative Behavior, 2, 213-214. Bowden, E.M., & Jung-Beeman, M. (2003). Normative data for 144 compound remote associate problems. Behavioral Research Methods, Instrumentation, and Computers, 35, 634-639. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participants are presented 30 triads consisting of 3 remotely associated words of the kind (paint/doll/cat) and are asked to come up with a fourth item that is associated with all three (here: "house"). The 30 triads are presented on 3 different surveypages with 10 triads per page. Participants can go back and forth between pages. A default time limit of 30 minutes is enforced for the entire test. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DURATION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the default set-up of the script takes max. 30 minutes to complete ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATA FILE INFORMATION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The default data stored in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'remoteassociatestest_survey.iqdat' date, time: date and time script was run with the current group/subjectnumber subject, group, session: with the current subject/groupnumber/session id build: the Inquisit build q*_response: response given (in assigned values) q*_latency: how much time (in ms) the participant spent on the surveypage with this particular question (the last time this particular surveypage was visited) (2) Summary data file: 'remoteassociatestest_survey_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)* inquisit.version: Inquisit version run computer.platform: the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android) startDate: date script was run startTime: time script was started subjectid: assigned subject id number groupid: assigned group id number sessionid: assigned session id number elapsedTime: time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script completed: 0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) (parameter) nr_Triads: the number of triads presented (default: 30) (parameter) maxTestDuration: the maximum time (in ms) allowed for the RAT in this script numberCorrect: number of correctly solved triads propSolved: proportion correctly solved triads list.accuracy.itemCount: the number of items numberCorrect_easy: number of correctly solved 'easy' triads propSolved_easy: proportion correctly solved 'easy' triads list.accuracy_easy.itemCount: the number of Easy items numberCorrect_medium: number of correctly solved 'medium' triads propSolved_medium: proportion correctly solved 'medium' triads list.accuracy_medium.itemCount: the number of Medium items numberCorrect_fard: number of correctly solved 'hard' triads propSolved_hard: proportion correctly solved 'hard' triads list.accuracy_hard.itemCount: the number of Hard items survey.remoteassociatestest_survey.elapsedTime: time (in ms) spent on the survey question1-question30: stores the triads in presented order solution1-solution30: stores the triad solutions in presented order response1-response30: stores the responses to question1-30 correct1-correct30: 1 = triad was solved correctly; 0 = otherwise for all 30 presented triad questions * separate data files: to change to one data file for all participants (on Inquisit Lab only), go to section "DATA" and follow further instructions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - 30 triads are presented on 3 surveypages (10 triads per page) - participants can go back and forth - 10 triads are categorized as "easy", 10 triads are categorized as "medium", 10 triads are categorized as "hard" Categorization (Bowden & Jung-Beeman, 2003 - Appendix): easy: proportion of participants solving triad (at 15s) > 0.75 medium: 0.45 < proportion of participants solving triad (at 15s) < 0.55 hard: proportion of participant solving triad (at 15s) < 0.25 - the order of the triads is determined randomly for each participant (by default - can be edited under section Editable Lists) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STIMULI ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - triads are selected from Bowden & Jung-Beeman (2003), Appendix - triads can be replaced under section "Editable Stimuli" ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions are not original to the task. They are provided by Millisecond Software as htm/html pages and can be edited by changing the provided htm/html files. To edit htm/html-files: open the respective documents in simple Text Editors such as TextEdit (Mac) or Notepad (Windows). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDITABLE CODE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. The parameters you can change are: /maxTestDuration: the maximum time (in ms) allowed for the RAT in this script /nr_triads: the number of triads presented (default: 30) !!!Note: to increase the number of triads further changes have to be made: - values (section VALUES) - expressions (section EXPRESSIONS) - summarydata (section DATA) - surveypage questions (section STIMULI) - list.itemnumbers (section Editable Lists) - surveypages (section TRIALS) - survey (section BLOCKS) - block.summary (section BLOCKS)