User Manual: Inquisit Color Word Stroop with Keyboard Responding


								*STROOP TASK - with keyboard input*
								Romanian version

last updated:  08-16-2022 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Script Copyright © 08-16-2022 Millisecond Software

Millisecond expresses its gratitude to Corina Ionescu for providing the Romanian translation.

This script implements a version of the classic Stroop Task with keyboard input.
The classic Stroop paradigm demonstrates the interference of word meaning on the naming of the color in which 
the words are written as measured by reaction time/accuracy  differences to color-meaning congruent and 
color-meaning incongruent combinations. 

Stroop, J, R. (1935). Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions. 
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18, 643-662.

Participants are given color words written in color and are asked to indicate the color of the word 
(not its meaning) by key press as fast as they can without making too many errors.
Congruent trials: color word and the color it is presented in are the same
Incongruent trials: color word and the color it is presented in are not the same
Control trials: colored rectangles

the default set-up of the script takes appr. 2 minutes to complete

The default data stored in the data files are:

(1) Raw data file: 'stroopwithcontrolkeyboard_raw*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

build:							The specific Inquisit version used (the 'build') that was run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
date, time: 					date and time script was run 
subject, group: 				with the current subject/groupnumber
session:						with the current session id

blockcode, blocknum:			the name and number of the current block (built-in Inquisit variable)
trialcode, trialnum: 			the name and number of the currently recorded trial (built-in Inquisit variable)
									Note: trialnum is a built-in Inquisit variable; it counts all trials run; even those
									that do not store data to the data file such as feedback trials. Thus, trialnum 
									may not reflect the number of main trials run per block.
congruency:						1 = congruent  (color of word and meaning of word are the same); 
								2 = incongruent (color of word and meaning of word are different); 
								3 = control (rectangles)
stimulusitem:					the presented words

response:						the participant's response (scancode of response button)
								32 = D (red)
								33 = F (green)
								36 = J (blue)
								37 = K (black)
responseCategory:				the interpreted key response:

correct:						the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect)
latency: 						the response latency (in ms); measured from onset of word

congruentcorrect:				number of correct congruent responses
incongruentcorrect:				number of correct incongruent responses

(2) Summary data file: 'stroopwithcontrolkeyboard_romanian_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

inquisit.version:				Inquisit version run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
startDate:						date script was run
startTime:						time script was started
subjectid:						assigned subject id number
groupid:						assigned group id number
sessionid:						assigned session id number
elapsedTime:					time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script
completed:						0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 
								1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

propcorrect:					overall proportion correct of all trials
meanRT:							overall mean latency (in ms) of all correct trials

propcorrect_congruent:			proportion correct of congruent trials
propcorrect_incongruent:		proportion correct of all incongruent trials
propcorrect_control:			proportion correct of all control trials

meanRTcorr_congruent:			mean latency of all correct congruent trials (in ms)
meanRTcorr_incongruent:			mean latency of all correct incongruent trials (in ms)
meanRTcorr_control:				mean latency of all correct control trials (in ms)


1 Testblock with:
* 4 colors (red, green, blue, black) x 3 color-stim congruency (congruent, incongruent, control) x 7 repetitions = 84 trials
* trials are randomly sampled

Trial Timing:
- stimuli stay on screen until response (latencies are measured from onset of stimuli)
- intertrial interval of 200ms
- error feedback of 400ms

congruent/incongruent: color words
control: rectangle shapes

see section Editable Stimuli


Instructions are not original to the task. They are provided by Millisecond Software
as htm/html pages and can be edited by changing the provided htm/html files.
To edit htm/html-files: open the respective documents in simple Text Editors such as TextEdit (Mac)
or Notepad (Windows).
Remaining instructions, see section Editable Instructions

check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. 
Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code 
to further customize your experiment.

The parameters you can change are:

/keyred:							the red response button (default: 32 -> d)
/keygreen:							the green response button (default: 33 -> f)
/keyblue:							the blue response button (default: 36 -> j)
/keyblack:							the black response button (default: 37 -> k)