User Manual: Inquisit Token Test


										TOKEN TEST - computerized adaptation*
										(Spanish Version)

Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Date: 10-15-2015
last updated:  04-16-2024 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC

Script Copyright © 04-16-2024 Millisecond Software

Millisecond Software thanks José Félix Mozo del Castillo for generously sharing his translation!
This script implements a computerized adaptation of the original Token Test for Aphasia as described in:

DeRenzi, E. & Vignolo, L.A. (1962). The Token Test: A Sensitive Test to detect Receptive disturbances
in Aphasiacs, Brain, 85, 665-678.

Participants are presented rows of rectangles and circles in different colors and are given visual instructions 
of what to do with these rectangles and circles (Example: "Click on the red rectangle").
The test has 5 phases (10 trials each) that are getting progressively more difficult.

Note: verbal instructions are provided with the built-in Inquisit voiceover feature. 
They are turned off for the Spanish version.
the default set-up of the script takes appr. 5 minutes to complete

The default data stored in the data files are:

(1) Raw data file: 'tokentest_spanish_raw.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

build:							The specific Inquisit version used (the 'build') that was run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
date, time: 					date and time script was run 
subject, group: 				with the current subject/groupnumber
session:						with the current session id

blockcode, blocknum:			the name and number of the current block (built-in Inquisit variable)
trialcode, trialnum: 			the name and number of the currently recorded trial (built-in Inquisit variable)
									Note: trialnum is a built-in Inquisit variable; it counts all trials run; even those
									that do not store data to the data file such as feedback trials. Thus, trialnum 
									may not reflect the number of main trials run per block.										
trialcount_phase:				number of trials run per phase
itemnumber:						the number of the currently selected item 
instructions:					stores the currently selected instructions
attempts:						stores the number of attempts per trial (Max 2)

response:						the participant's response
								lS_red = large square red; 
								sS_red = small square red; 
								lC_red = large circle red; 
								sC_red = small circle red (etc.)
								R2C1 = empty cell of row 2 column 1 - R2C5 (empty cells below squares) - used in phase 5 only
								R2C1 = below red square; 
								R2C2 = below blue square; 
								R2C3 = below green square; 
								R2C4 = below yellow square; 
								R2C5 = below purple square
								R4C1 = empty cell of row 4 column 1 - R4C5 (empty cells below circles) - used in phase 5 only
								R4C1 = below blue circle; 
								R4C2 = below purple circle; 
								R4C3 = below red circle; 
								R4C4 = below yellow circle; 
								R4C5 = below green circle
								background = participant clicked the canvas and not any of the shapes 
								0 = noresponse
correct:						the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect)
latency: 						the response latency (in ms) of the data-recording trial
points:							stores the points for the current trial (0-2)
phasepoints:					stores the accumulated points for the current phase
totalpoints:					stores the accumulated points across phases
repeat:							0 = the trial will not be repeated; 
								1 = the trial will be repeated

(2) Summary data file: 'tokentest_spanish_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

inquisit.version:				Inquisit version run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
startDate:						date script was run
startTime:						time script was started
subjectid:						assigned subject id number
groupid:						assigned group id number
sessionid:						assigned session id number
elapsedTime:					time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script
completed:						0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 
								1 = script was completed (all conditions run)	

points_phase5:					stores the accumulated points separately for each of the 5 phases (Max for each phase: 20)

totalpoints:					stores the accumulated points across phases (Max: 100)


The test runs 5 phases: each phase is getting progressively more difficult

Phase 1: 
a row of large squares (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow) 
a row of large circles (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow)
10 simple instructions such as "Click on the yellow square" - randomized order for each participant
Each task has a predetermined time limit (see Editable Parameters) and can be repeated once

a row of large squares (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow) 
a row of small squares (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow) 
a row of large circles (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow)
a row of large circles (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow)
10 simple instructions such as "Click on the large yellow square" - randomized order for each participant
Each task has a predetermined time limit (see Editable Parameters) and can be repeated once

Phase 3: 
a row of large squares (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow) 
a row of large circles (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow)
10 instructions such as "Click on the yellow square and the blue circle" - randomized order for each participant
Each task has a predetermined time limit (see Editable Parameters) and can be repeated once

a row of large squares (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow) 
a row of small squares (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow) 
a row of large circles (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow)
a row of large circles (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow)
10 audio instructions such as "Click on the large yellow square and the small blue circle" - randomized order for each participant
Each task has a predetermined time limit (see Editable Parameters) and can be repeated once

a row of large squares (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow) 
(empty row)
a row of large circles (random order of colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow)
(empty row)
10 idiosyncratic audio instructions such as "Drop the yellow circle on the red square"* - order is the same for each participant
Each task has a predetermined time limit (see Editable Parameters) and can be repeated once

* the original DeRenzi & Vignolo (1962) study uses 20 instructions; not all of these 20 instructions can be easily
translated from a 3D-world onto a 2-D computer screen. 

Scoring in this script:
Participants get 2 chances per trial.
First Run: if correct 2 points
Second Run: if correct 1 point

Maximum Number of Points: 5 phases x 10 trials x 2 = 100 points

see section Editable Instructions.
By default, the instructions are presented visually (but can be easily exchanged with auditory ones).

check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. 
Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code 
to further customize your experiment.

The parameters you can change are:

/run_phase1:				true = phase1 is run; false = phase1 is skipped (default: true)
/run_phase2:				true = phase1 is run; false = phase2 is skipped (default: true)
/run_phase3:				true = phase1 is run; false = phase3 is skipped (default: true)
/run_phase4:				true = phase1 is run; false = phase4 is skipped (default: true)
/run_phase5:				true = phase1 is run; false = phase5 is skipped (default: true)

/instructionsduration:	the time in ms for instruction trials (default: 5000)
/phase1_timelimit:			the time in ms for phase 1 task (default: 10000)
/phase2_timelimit:			the time in ms for phase 2 task (default: 12000)
/phase3_timelimit:			the time in ms for phase 3 task (default: 15000)
/phase4_timelimit:			the time in ms for phase 4 task (default: 18000)
/phase5_timelimit:			the time in ms for phase 1 task (default: 20000)
/iti:						the time in ms for the trials in between tasks (either next or repeat message) (default: 2000)

/largesize:					the size of the large items in canvas height percentage (default: 20%)
/smallsize:					the size of the small items in canvas height percentage (default: 10%)