___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTENTION NETWORK TEST (ANT) - Child Version ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. (katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software, LLC Date: 02-25-2013 last updated: 09-30-2024 by K. Borchert (katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software, LLC Script Copyright © 09-30-2024 Millisecond Software ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND INFO ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This script implements a child friendly version of the Attention Network Test (ANT), a behavioral measure of alerting, orienting and executive attention. The implemented procedure is based on: Rueda, M. R., Fan, J., McCandlis, B. D., Halparin, J. D., Gruber, D. B., Pappert Lercari, L., & Posner, M.I (2004). Development of attentional networks in childhood. Neuropsychologia, 42, 1029–1040. The original ANT for adults was published in: Fan, J., McCandliss, B. D., Sommer, T., Raz, A., & Posner, M. I. (2002). Testing the efficiency and independence of attentional networks. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, 340–347. The original ANT for adults and the child ANT as well as all stimuli used are generously shared by the original authors/Sackler Institute at: http://www.sacklerinstitute.org/cornell/assays_and_tools/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participants are presented a fish either directly above or below a fixation cross. The fish may be flanked by other fish (3 flanker conditions). Participants have to decide whether the central fish's mouth points right or left. Several cue conditions (4) (may) alert the participants that the fish is about to come on screen and potentially where on the screen (above or below the fixation cross). Differences in mean reaction times in the different cue/flanker conditions are used to calculate the following three attentional network effects: * Alert Effect: Effect of achieving and maintaining alertness * Orienting Effect: Effect of orienting attention towards a specific location of information * Conflict Effect: Effect of resolving conflict between several possible responses ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DURATION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the default set-up of the script takes appr. 20 minutes to complete ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATA OUTPUT DICTIONARY ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The fields in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'childant_raw*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) build: The specific Inquisit version used (the 'build') that was run computer.platform: the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android) date, time: date and time script was run subject, group: with the current subject/groupnumber session: with the current session id blockCount: counts the number of experimental blocks run blockCode: the name and number of the current block trialCount: counts the number of trials run (resets after practice) trialCode: the name and number of the currently recorded trial cueCondition: the current cue condition (1 = no cue; 2 = center cue; 3 = double cue; 4 = spatial cue) flankerCondition: the current flanker condition (1 = neutral; 2 = congruent; 3 = incongruent) targetPosition: position of target relative to fixation (1 = above fixation; 2 = below fixation) targetDirection: the direction of the target (1 = right; 2 = left) picture.flanker1.currentItem/ picture.flanker4.currentItem: stores the images presented for targets and flankers Variables that contain y coordinates (vertical coordinates) for cues, targets, flankers: Note: coordinates are provided proportional to the canvas (Top = 0% - Bottom = 100%) targetY: flanker1Y: cueY: response: the response of participant (scancode of response button: 30 = left A; 38 = right L; 57 = spacebar) correct: correctness of response (1 = correct, 0 = error) latency: response latency (in ms); measured from onset of target until response is made or trial times out (2) Summary data file: 'childant_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) inquisit.version: Inquisit version run computer.platform: the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android) startDate: date script was run startTime: time script was started subjectId: assigned subject id number groupId: assigned group id number sessionId: assigned session id number elapsedTime: time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script completed: 0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) trialCount: counts the number of trials run (resets after practice) overallPropCorrect: proportion correct across all testblock trials meanRTCorrect: overall mean RT (of correct responses; in ms) for test trials medianRTCorrect: overall median RT (of correct responses; in ms) for test trials ***************** Main Effects: ***************** propCorrectNoCue: proportion correct across all NoCue test trials meanRTCorrectnoCue: mean RT (of correct responses; in ms) for NoCue test trials medianRTCorrectnoCue: median RT (of correct responses; in ms) for NoCue test trials propCorrectNenterCue: proportion correct across all CenterCue test trials meanRTCorrectCenterCue: mean RT (of correct responses; in ms) for CenterCue test trials medianRTCorrectCenterCue: median RT (of correct responses; in ms) for CenterCue test trials propCorrectDoubleCue: proportion correct across all DoubleCue test trials meanRTCorrectDoubleCue: mean RT (of correct responses; in ms) for DoubleCue test trials medianRTCorrectDoubleCue: median RT (of correct responses; in ms) for DoubleCue test trials propCorrectSpatialCue: proportion correct across all SpatialCue test trials meanRTCorrectSpatialCue: mean RT (of correct responses; in ms) for SpatialCue test trials medianRTCorrectSpatialCue: median RT (of correct responses; in ms) for SpatialCue test trials propCorrectNongruent: proportion correct across all Congruent test trials meanRTCorrectCongruent: mean RT (of correct responses; in ms) for Congruent test trials medianRTCorrectCongruent: median RT (of correct responses; in ms) for Congruent test trials propCorrectIncongruent: proportion correct across all Incongruent test trials meanRTCorrectIncongruent: mean RT (of correct responses; in ms) for Incongruent test trials medianRTCorrectIncongruent: median RT (of correct responses; in ms) for Incongruent test trials propCorrectNeutral: proportion correct across all Neutral(=only the middle fish presented) test trials meanRTCorrectNeutral: mean RT (of correct responses; in ms) for Neutral(=only the middle fish presented) test trials medianRTCorrectNeutral: median RT (of correct responses; in ms) for Neutral(=only the middle fish presented) test trials ***************** interactions: ***************** propCorrectCongruentNC: proportion correct responses in trials with target-congruent flankers in No Cue Condition meanRTCorrectCongruentNC: mean response time (in ms) of correct responses in trials with target-congruent flankers in No Cue Condition medianRTCorrectCongruentNC: median response time (in ms) of correct responses in trials with target-congruent flankers in No Cue Condition propCorrectIncongruentNC: proportion correct responses in trials with target-incongruent flankers in No Cue Condition meanRTCorrectIncongruentNC: mean response time (in ms) of correct responses in trials with target-incongruent flankers in No Cue Condition medianRTCorrectIncongruentNC: median response time (in ms) of correct responses in trials with target-incongruent flankers in No Cue Condition propCorrectNeutralNC: proportion correct responses in neutral trials in No Cue Condition meanRTCorrectNeutralNC: mean response time (in ms) of correct responses in in neutral trials in No Cue Condition medianRTCorrectNeutralNC: median response time (in ms) of correct responses in in neutral trials in No Cue Condition (same for CC= center condition; DC = double cue condition; SC = spatial condition) Expressions that use above expressions and calculate the 3 attentional network effects based on means OR median RTs (Rueda et al, 2004) of correct responses alertingEffectMeanBased: Mean CorrRT nocue - Mean CorrRT doublecue orientingEffectMeanBased: Mean CorrRT centercue - Mean CorrRT spatialcue conflictEffectMeanBased: Mean CorrRT incongruent - Mean CorrRT congruent alertingEffectMedianBased: Median CorrRT nocue - Median CorrRT doublecue orientingEffectMedianBased: Median CorrRT centercue - Median CorrRT spatialcue conflictEffectMedianBased: Median CorrRT incongruent - Median CorrRT congruent __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 cue conditions (no cue, center cue, double cue, spatial cue) x 3 flanker conditions (neutral, congruent, incongruent) within-subjects design A) 1 Block of 24 Practice trial sequences with feedback, B) 3 Blocks of 48 trial sequences each - feedback optional (default: with feedback, Editable Values -> parameters.experimentalfeedback) EXPERIMENTAL BLOCKS: 48 trial sequences: 1 (repetition) x 4 (cue conditions) x 3 (flanker conditions) x 2 (target positions) x 2 (target directions) - order randomly determined TRIAL SEQUENCES (one sequence for each cue condition) fixation (randomly chosen presentation time) -> cue (150ms) -> fixation (450ms) -> target (1700ms)-> intertrialinterval (1000ms) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STIMULI ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The original fish can be downloaded from: http://www.sacklerinstitute.org/cornell/assays_and_tools/ This script runs with a different set of fish (Note: the fish in this script are also used in the childFlanker.iqjs). * Stimuli can easily be edited under section EDITABLE STIMULI * This script uses a yellow star as the cue Size of Stimuli: Rueda et al (2004) give specific dimensions of the size and distance of targets/flankers (p.1031) for the adult version => distance participant/screen: about 53cm => single fish: each fish covered 1.6◦ of visual angle => flanker/target distance: adjacent fish were separated by 0.21◦ => distance target/fixation: target fish was presented about 1◦ above or below + This script does NOT attempt to replicate these dimensions as different monitors require different fontsizes etc. Fine-tune sizes of stimuli, distance of flanker to target, and position of target above and below fixation cross under section EDITABLE values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions are provided by Millisecond Software. They adapt to touchscreens via including helper scripts: "keyboardinstruction_images.iqjs" or "touchscreeninstruction_images.iqjs" The provided instructions are not original. The original instructions are published at: http://www.sacklerinstitute.org/cornell/assays_and_tools/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDITABLE CODE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. The parameters you can change are: Stimuli Dimension/Placement: /fontSizeFixation: regulates the size of the fixation cross, canvas height % (default: 5%) /cueSize: regulates the size of the cue, canvas height % (default: 5%) /fishImageWidth: regulates the size of the fish, canvas width % (default: 7%) /flankerDistance: the relative screen distance between fish, canvas width % (default: 8%) /topY: the y-coordinate of the target above the fixation cross, canvas height % (default: 40%) /bottomY: the y-coordinate of the target below the fixation cross, canvas height % (default: 60%) /ratioHeightToWidthImage: the height to width ratio of the actual fish image (currently: 720px/1052px) Trial Durations: /cueDuration: sets the duration (in ms) of the cue presentation (default: 150ms) /fixation2Duration: sets the duration (in ms) of the fixation cross after cue presentation (default: 450ms) /targetDuration: sets the duration (in ms) of the target presentation (default: 1700ms) /feedbackDuration: sets the duration (in ms) of the feedback trial (default: 2000ms) /itiPractice: sets the duration (in ms) of trial.iti (default: 1000ms) Response Keys: /responseKeyLeft: the left response key (default: "A") /responseKeyRight: the right response key (default: "L") /experimentalFeedback: 1 = feedback only during practice; 2 = feedback for experimental trials also (default)